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  1. The Roach ...

    Any thoughts on the Bilstein 5100 Shocks or Icon stage 1?

    Im running too open country at3's. great tire. did pretty well in the mud and in my opinion better that the mud tire for everything else except the kind of mud you look at and wonder how far you go before you HAVE to winch. I am running at3's on my f250 overlanding / towing truck. Toyo...
  2. The Roach ...

    Any thoughts on the Bilstein 5100 Shocks or Icon stage 1?

    you can rebuild the 5160's but not the 5100's, Bilstein has a rebuild service but the cost makes replacement make more sense.. 5160's are remote res. and you can rebuild them. if you've never rebuilt a shock.. its not all that hard.. but not all that fun either.
  3. The Roach ...

    Any thoughts on the Bilstein 5100 Shocks or Icon stage 1?

    Ive ran 5100's on my 99 land cruiser for years. last change was 5 years ago.. I think. owned it since 99, three sets of shocks. (factory changed at 20k to 5100's, then 125k / 5100) 187,000 total miles. OME suspension .. 2.5 lift. 25 inch tires (toyo) mud set and all terrain set. mud on...
  4. The Roach ...

    Any thoughts on the Bilstein 5100 Shocks or Icon stage 1?

    using 5160's on 2018 ford f250 with a Carli 2.5 system. love them. can't see a reason to go to 2.5 kings really. not for overlanding at least.
  5. The Roach ...

    Engel questions

    its not an engel. but I can HIGHLY recommend Snomaster. the draw is lower, the case is stainless steel, you can get split units (freezer /fridge). I have the LP61 .. and its' amazing!!! we built a lithium iron phosphate battery bank out of 8 small motorcycle batteries in series. they...
  6. The Roach ...

    What f350 suspension system?

    How are the Icon's working for you? I'm running Bilstein 5160 that seems to work fine for this application. but am looking at all the other options.
  7. The Roach ...

    What is it with axes?

    Tomahawk is a better combat weapon... but there are a few combo axes marketed as tomahawks. but a modern hawk should be out of d2 tool steel or better. I had a handle shatter once on one that wasn't... be careful
  8. The Roach ...

    USA to Africa

    exactly.... and are you looking for a tour buddy?
  9. The Roach ...

    EXCURSIONS AND F-250's sound off!!

    You can get wiring harnesses for the 7.3 from a company out of Houston Texas, specializes in 7.3s.
  10. The Roach ...

    What is it with axes?

    I use truckers gloves that I buy one size too small. that I soak in water then put them on and stretch them to fit... and then work them so they dry. after that... they stick to anything.
  11. The Roach ...

    What is it with axes?

    I go both ways when it comes to gloves. and my hands are like stones. lol. but I do prefer to wear truckers gloves when I work a shovel or pull brush.
  12. The Roach ...

    What is it with axes?

    Axe, vintage "Jeep" shovel, both with oak handles over 60 years old... bring a wedge, and a 5lbs mini-sledge. I've used the axe to chop trees, roots, break up soil etc.. the Jeep shovel moves more dirt than a D9 Doser in the right hands. the wedge and mini are for splitting wood. these...
  13. The Roach ...

    US Southwest Recurring - North Central Texas Meet & Greet

    Im often impersonated... so.. lol
  14. The Roach ...

    US Southwest Recurring - North Central Texas Meet & Greet

    I as there???? funny I was in two places at one time. lol
  15. The Roach ...

    Dfw/frisco meetup???

    anyone interested in planning a reoccurring meet up in the Frisco / Plano area of DFW?? let's get the North Texas guys together .
  16. The Roach ...

    US Southwest Recurring - North Central Texas Meet & Greet

    newby from the Frisco area... any info??? I might be able to make it at least to say HI...
  17. The Roach ...

    New company building full size overlanding rigs.

    ordered new 3d printers today.. and we test fitted our first roof top tent rack for the diamond back that allows you to open the doors on the cover. have the cad drawings of the new bed slide with the dual 45 degree switch outs for the "split kitchen' concept". on the computer it fits under...
  18. The Roach ...

    EXCURSIONS AND F-250's sound off!!

    2018 Ford F250. crewcab diesel. put on a 2.5 in Carli lift, torsion sway bar, currently running Bilstein 5160's. Toyo open country at3's (amazing tires) upgraded upper and lower steering dampers / control arms. steel braided brake lines, calibrated power switchable tunes, s & b air intake...
  19. The Roach ...

    Who carrys a firearm with them while camping?

    I tend to carry more than just one 40 rd mag.. lol. that day, I would have called in an airstrike if I could have. one guy, alone... not best scenario but needed to flush out my head. was week after my cancer diagnosis. debated chemo or no.. chemo would have been death sentence. went...