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  1. The Roach ...

    New company building full size overlanding rigs.

    no problem. I'll do that when we get past the prototype and testing stage and actually move something to market past these first few chassis. I was hoping not to break any rules... and maybe meet anyone else that has a product or product idea from the community that we can put into reality...
  2. The Roach ...

    New company building full size overlanding rigs.

    Thank you so very much. I wanted to start my son off in a company that he was doing things he loved. so here we are.
  3. The Roach ...

    New company building full size overlanding rigs.

    well, I have established fleet accounts, and have financing options for complete builds.. and have worked out the warranty issues with FORD and RAM. SO the plan is to build turn key to order on the 3/4 ton and 1 ton chassis. everyone is doing Toyotas, and I love my 99 Land Cruiser that is...
  4. The Roach ...

    Who carrys a firearm with them while camping?

    in addition to the stick.. and a kabar. lol. and a few frag grenades. I got followed by wolves at yellow stone a few years back... all I thought about was that fricken movie. lol. I had an ar with me... but couldn't justify the 'at risk of life' standard needed to shoot one. I hiked...
  5. The Roach ...

    Military Decal?

    semper fi I have a USMC (medallion for lack of a better word) next to my overland bound medallion.
  6. The Roach ...

    New company building full size overlanding rigs.

    My son and I had a great time in our full size f250 and shared pics with a ton of business associates and friends. well, after five requests for trucks, and with a kid finishing fabrication school... we decided to start a new company building full size overlanders turn key. I'll try to post...
  7. The Roach ...

    Who carrys a firearm with them while camping?

    Which is why I advocate ar's and 5 30 rd mags for all passengers. lol
  8. The Roach ...


    come on over we can figure out some runs to take!!!
  9. The Roach ...


    a 405...GEV.
  10. The Roach ...

    OB Approved 10 Tips For Sleeping Warm In Camp

    one size fit all mummy bags... a pain in the ass. after years in the Corps and dealing without bags at any level. I want to bring to the group the Poncho liner.. two poncho liners a Poncho and a sheet of plastic is a god send 90% of the time. in a rtt, I use the square bag, a poncho liner in...
  11. The Roach ...


    its finding a trainer in the era of covid that's a pain in the ass
  12. The Roach ...


    what channels and frequencies are you guys running??
  13. The Roach ...


    What are you guys running as far as radios? I'm running a president Andy and switch from a fire stick 48 inch and a 102 in whip. looking at putting in VHF radios, and a sat com system in the future.
  14. The Roach ...

    What f350 suspension system?

    agreed on the changing of the ball joints.. the factory balljoints are weaker than the available after markets and at the cost of the full system.. go ahead and spend the extra 700.00 on the heavy duty rebuildable.
  15. The Roach ...

    Who carrys a firearm with them while camping?

    they only bother me when they circle you and do the low stalk. or we wouldn't have put a shot out. I prefer NOT to bother wildlife and try everything NOT to kill one if it can be avoided. sometimes.. that doesn't work out. now that comment does not include feral hogs.... those have a...
  16. The Roach ...

    Fridge and power help please!

    came in late on the thread. I can HIGHLY recommend Snowmaster refrig / freezer units. draws 66w once cold... we build a battery bank using 8 LIPo 4 motorcycle batteries in a Home Depot tool box and wired it to a battery isolator switch to the fords main system. charges great .. runs the 65...
  17. The Roach ...

    Who carrys a firearm with them while camping?

    blackout suppressed or non? I have a 11in integral that's a hoot to shoot (pistol). I'm looking at the Tavor for a truck gun.
  18. The Roach ...

    What f350 suspension system?

    Carli. hands down. I have the full set up on my 2018 f250. just came back from the trans cont. trail run. I'm putting in better ball joints than OEM... not a glitch on anything we saw... running 35's on 20 inch wheels since I tow a bit. next rig will go 37's on 18 inch Rims and a Full...
  19. The Roach ...

    Gaia Tablet Options

    we used two new galaxy tabs synced to cellphone hot spot and when lost cell used a sat datalink (hotspot) on our trip... we were totally mapped out. I still prefer paper maps. they don't run out of battery power. lol
  20. The Roach ...

    Who carrys a firearm with them while camping?

    Just came back from 800 plus miles up the Continental divide trail (road). yes to carry. pistol and truck gun (ar 15). one night we didn't have issues with bears.. we had issues with a pack of coyotes! I used my nigh vision setting on a camera I had and used a laser on the rifle to make...