Contributor II
Well spoken, the anti gun lefty, Autism started with it’s holier than thou attitude, when that happens most people naturally respond in kind, if there is a way to block someone here I have not found it and would gladly block it. I will endeavor to just ignore it instead.Man can we keep the politics out this, the US and Canada are 2 vastly different countries. Firearms law in Canada is largely driven by eastern urban dwellers who have never handled any type pf firearm. They have a very misguided opinion thanks a "progressive" press, anti-gun groups and politicians banning guns will stop massacre's and gang violence. (over 90% of firearms issues in Canada by the way). The numbers are incredibly low, 695 in 2018 for the entire country from all causes including suicide. And not one homicide committed by a legal gun owner.
@Autism Family Travels the 3 round limit is for ducking hunting and shotguns, nothing else. And just to clarify a hi-capacity magazine is generally considered anything over 20 rounds, at least from rifle point of view And so you are aware the Canadian Firearms law is so convoluted and contradictory pretty much only firearms' owners understand it and only as it pertains them, as failing to the follow the law can lead to significant jailtime and loss of property.
A perfect example
Centerfire semi-auto rifles are restricted to 5 rounds the Garand was exempted and allowed a full enbloc of 8
Semi auto shotguns are restricted to 5 rounds are common, including magazine fed
Pump shotguns are not limited 5 to 11 rounds are common. (tube and mag fed)
Centerfire bolt action guns are also not restricted you can put a 20 round magazine in your Mauser or Enfield if you so wish
Rim fire .22 cal semi-auto have no magazine restrictions 100 rounds if you want
And one more my shotgun has a 14 inch barrel from the factory perfectly legal
If I change from an 18in factory barrel to a 14 inch or even 12 inch factory barrel also legal
If I cut an 18 barrel to 14 inches it is a prohibited device which can get me 14 years in prison
For the US readers owning a firearm for self defense from people is not legal in Canada, except for police. They have been used for that purpose but the legal bills are staggering, and it has to be very clear cut to avoid prison and even then you may not. Of course gang members do not care about the law.
So please lets keep this on topic, if you prefer not to use firearms that is fine. I however prefer to have my shotgun with me, I have never needed to discharge it but there have been a couple of bear encounter's that could have gone bad. The shotgun gave me an option.
Have a nice day/evening.