Pathfinder II
I do, in rural areas it can be the Wild West at a moment notice.
Pathfinder II
Member III
You have the luxury of a good neighbor across your border, we do not.Exactly. To bad America could not get on board and do the same thing. We just banned all ar-15 style crap up here too. No need to have stuff like that. Airguns are fine as you can't really kill anyone in mass quantities with those. I have 6 firearms, 2 30-06, 12 shotguns and 2 .22 cal for hunting. They are safe as they are a tool for gathering food. For shooting target practice and fun, airguns are the deal for that since you can have fun in realitve safety.
Explorer I
Starr County is bad too. A friend that I went to college with had a run in there after starting is wildlife business.Depends where I go, but mostly, yes, both a rifle and a pistol.
Down here in Texas, National Parks have serious cartel issues....and accidentally running into a smuggling group is bad news. At Big Bend NP, they have spotters up in the Chisos Mountains directing smuggling teams. Shots have been known to be fired to send a message to anyone getting too close. When I lived back in Pennsylvania, it was roaming meth labs cooking in the forest.
First time I went to Big Bend, I was way out and met a BP officer in full tactical gear. I rolled down my window to say hi and thanks for being there for all of us. His first question was "what are you doing out here?" second was "you got a gun?" When I said "yes, probably better stuff than you have" , he replied "well, ok then...have a good day" and drove off.
Enthusiast III
Explorer I
LOLOne time I was in New Orleans....a vagrant was very aggressively asking me for money, I refused....
He was a bit bigger than me and he says "what I just took it off you?"...
..."well, can you run?" I asked. He says "Sure, and faster than you".
..."can you run 1500 ft/sec?" I asked... took him a few minutes before he got it. "You have a nice day, sir"
true story.
Member II
Enthusiast III
Explorer I
Member III
I think the cities are much more dangerous. Yes we rural people carry guns all the time to protect us from the citified thugs who roam the rural areas looking for easy pray. We dont have police protection and so we fend for ourselves as necessary. Funny thing is the skum bags know they wont get away with anything out here in the boon dock and so we have very little major crime.I do, in rural areas it can be the Wild West at a moment notice.
Member III
There is no safe place in America any more unless your on top of Mt Baldy, even then carry a weapon of choice. Be prepared as my Boy Scout leader taught me.Starr County is bad too. A friend that I went to college with had a run in there after starting is wildlife business.
Advocate I
Contributor II
Keep your ”regs” to yourselves up north, we have this piece of paper called the US Constitution. Your “holier” than thou attitude sucks.And where do these weapons come from. NOT ALL FROM USA. just last month 4 AR 15s were stolen from a legal gun owner in NS. SO....YES this DOES keep Canadians safer. Sorry AR owners are butthurt. Get pellet versions...they offer the same feel, however the dont go bang.
Member III
What about life and liberty, that is what the constitution allows for. Hunting was never mentioned in the 2nd amendment. All I can say is i'm damn glad to be an American and not a Canadian citizen. This has nothing to do with you my friend and neighbor, it's about governments.Again. Hi cap magazines have no place either. If you can't take down an animal with 3 shots take up knitting. Anyways. I know there will be lots of crying about people having their black guns taken away. That's not what I'm talking about here. I'm talking about protection from real threats like a bear in your campsite. The 50 cal airgun seems like a dandy choice.
Advocate I
Influencer II
Advocate I
Influencer II
that is planned I thought to buy none tactical one, so it can allow me travel a little more save from wild life with family. At least something. I hope never to use, but pass Quebec is all open on own.@phlfly yes at least so far but they are a bit complicated, only 10 rnd magazine. I have only seen the basic carbine for sale, so there may be issues with more "tactical" variants