Who carrys a firearm with them while camping?

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The Roach ...

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Would probably be better than a stick.
in addition to the stick.. and a kabar. lol. and a few frag grenades. I got followed by wolves at yellow stone a few years back... all I thought about was that fricken movie. lol. I had an ar with me... but couldn't justify the 'at risk of life' standard needed to shoot one. I hiked, they followed... they made it known they were there. I moved out of their area. then switched to overlanding. climb on top of my truck and into my RTT.. sh#t gets serious fast. lol
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The Roach ...

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Followed by wolves! Frag grenades are good but a few claymores would slow them down too:grinning:
I tend to carry more than just one 40 rd mag.. lol. that day, I would have called in an airstrike if I could have. one guy, alone... not best scenario but needed to flush out my head. was week after my cancer diagnosis. debated chemo or no.. chemo would have been death sentence. went no.. and now am clear 25 months. you have to go a full year before you start counting clear. this week is also my 6 year anniversary of my stroke!


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I tend to carry more than just one 40 rd mag.. lol. that day, I would have called in an airstrike if I could have. one guy, alone... not best scenario but needed to flush out my head. was week after my cancer diagnosis. debated chemo or no.. chemo would have been death sentence. went no.. and now am clear 25 months. you have to go a full year before you start counting clear. this week is also my 6 year anniversary of my stroke!
Sounds like an omen or some sort of sign. Glad to here you beat it. Times like those give emphasis on life's meaning.

Lost Viking

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Nice to have options. Ours are limited and getting smaller. We carry bear spray too but have never had to use it. They must know we have it. As for 2 legged intruders, that's never been a problem.
Does bear spray work for two legged critters?....


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Generally I’m almost always in areas where there are predators (mostly 4-legged but lately???) and I’ve completed my paperwork so I cross into Canada with my revolver all the time without issue or incident. While it’s not on display, it is readily available and when I get to my location it’s usually on me.


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Generally I’m almost always in areas where there are predators (mostly 4-legged but lately???) and I’ve completed my paperwork so I cross into Canada with my revolver all the time without issue or incident. While it’s not on display, it is readily available and when I get to my location it’s usually on me.
I had no idea you could take a revolver into Canada. Can you carry it, or does it have to stay packed away and locked up separate from ammo?


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Generally I’m almost always in areas where there are predators (mostly 4-legged but lately???) and I’ve completed my paperwork so I cross into Canada with my revolver all the time without issue or incident. While it’s not on display, it is readily available and when I get to my location it’s usually on me.
I must have missed the permission to carry a pistol into Canada, I know I can take a long gun, sans AR but pistols, Christopher a link please. Thanks in advance.


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Bear spray will work on 2 legged critters. In some places it is illegal to use on humans, but if it means I can walk away, I would use it.

I know because on an Alaskan trip, my sister wanted to know how to use it. We walked down wind about 50 yards from the camp site, I did the wet finger test to be sure wind was blowing away from the camp site. It was about a 1/2 second spray, just really quick and about 30 minutes later it came back and was between us and the outhouse, which was up wind and east of the camp site. Eyes burned and a lot of coughing, would hate to see how bad it would be with a direct contact spray.

With that said, in states that I can, I carry a sig 357 glock and bear spray if out in the woods. Heck, starting this month I will do the same walking the dog early in the morning or late at night, I live in the mountains.


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By a accidental self test, I am telling you it will. My eyes burned for a couple hours and I coughed for 30 mins from an indirect contact, 30 mins after the initial spray.

let me edit this to say, from my experience, I would not wanted to be sprayed with bear spray
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Angel Rivera

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Do your research. Read the label. Bear spray will not incapacitate a person-use pepper spray. Wasp spray is a poison-also illegal. research this carefully. You freedom and assets will depend on it.
PS: while I carry both bear spray and pepper spray, I am usually well armed as well. I’ve never had an incident with people, but have gone to safety off for wildlife.
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Cañon City, Colorado, USA
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Bear spray will work on 2 legged critters. In some places it is illegal to use on humans, but if it means I can walk away, I would use it.

I know because on an Alaskan trip, my sister wanted to know how to use it. We walked down wind about 50 yards from the camp site, I did the wet finger test to be sure wind was blowing away from the camp site. It was about a 1/2 second spray, just really quick and about 30 minutes later it came back and was between us and the outhouse, which was up wind and east of the camp site. Eyes burned and a lot of coughing, would hate to see how bad it would be with a direct contact spray.

With that said, in states that I can, I carry a sig 357 glock and bear spray if out in the woods. Heck, starting this month I will do the same walking the dog early in the morning or late at night, I live in the mountains.
Bruce, a “Sig” and a “Glock” are two different gun manufacturers, do you carry two guns or is your “Sig” modeled after a “Glock” being a polyimer type gun?

M Rose

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Bruce, a “Sig” and a “Glock” are two different gun manufacturers, do you carry two guns or is your “Sig” modeled after a “Glock” being a polyimer type gun?
No... actually it’s a GLOCK that fires the .357 sig round...
.357 SIG


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Again. Hi cap magazines have no place either. If you can't take down an animal with 3 shots take up knitting. Anyways. I know there will be lots of crying about people having their black guns taken away. That's not what I'm talking about here. I'm talking about protection from real threats like a bear in your campsite. The 50 cal airgun seems like a dandy choice.
Bear with me please, I havent read the whole thread yet. And I mean the following respectfully. However it struck me ass odd that you started a thread asking who carries a FIREARM and then proceeded to explain that you carry an AIR gun and nobody should ever carry firearm x. Then, still on the first page of the thread, at least 3 times also seeming to make back-handed remarks against those who do have a right and do decide to carry real guns. Then you hop on a soap box about what capacity mag should be allowed any time, anywhere. Calling people butthurt and all...

Obviously you have a right to your opinion. Also, I've seen many of your other posts and usually am in accordance with you, as we present each other here. So by no means is this an attack. Just want to hopefully illustrate why we have the freedoms and mindset we do in the USA.

The US Is a little different. Not perfect by any means, however, our Constitution provides the right to carry. That right is second only to the right to say what one wants and there is a reason it was put there. These concepts might be old hat, or status quo to people today but that was not the case when this land was ruled by the British back in the 16 and 1700's. Without that Second Amendment (and granted, a lot of help from the French), the US wouldn't exist as it is. The purpose of our second amendment is not to allow farmers and trappers to hunt. That was a given back in the day. It's real purpose was to allow people the ability to not only hunt or defend themselves, but to also band together and stand up against an oppressive government that has a well trained standing army.

Therefore, this has been the culture in which we grew up as a nation and as individuals.

Remember, the British government at the time - and even now - expected to make its subjects more docile by disarmament. In some cases, even having any metal was forbidden. To this day you cant carry a locking blade on a Leatherman or locking Swiss Army knife in the UK, without an express reason. Workmen have to remove tools and blades from their belts just to stop in and have a quick unch at a restaurant...

Remember also that it wasn't USA vs the British Empire in 1776. Those people who stood up against the British were actually British subjects in a British colony, conducting illegal acts against their own government. Look up not only the Battle of Lexington and Concord but also Leslie's Retreat, which happened in and around Salem Massachusetts before Lexington and Concord. How long did it take India, Canada, or Scotland to become independent? That just wasn't the way it went on over here.

Anyone who thinks "well, this kind of oppression couldn't happen today" hasn't been paying attention lately.

I live in Massachusetts. In the US, you would be hard pressed to find a state more gun-restructive than this one. Yet I have had my class A License to Carry Firearms here since 1990 with. And i agree with you on various individual points: There is no reason someone should be carrying their AR-15 into a public school or slung over their shoulder at a coffee shop. And I agree with you wherein a hunter doesnt need a 30-round mag to properly hunt deer and so on. However, you absolutely miss the whole reason we have the right, when you say it should only be for hunting and target practice.

It just seems like you were bating people, asking and inviting them to speak about firearms, and then turning around getting on a high horse about your air gun and how nobody should carry this or that firearm.

By the way, despite being licensed, i also dont carry a firearm when I am camping in this state, nor in any state in which I am not licensed. I want to be able to kayak, which may land me in water. And we cannot leave our firearms unattended or even locked in a lockbox in a locked car, so it seems best to leave them locked at home.

Sorry if I havent gotten to some other posts in this thread yet. This just hit me as snide and I wanted to remark and maybe she'd light on what formed our mindset and laws over here.

No offense intended