Any subie owners here who tow off-road?
I'm looking to fab my own trailer (it's by far the cheapest option for me - and the most fun)!

It'll do double duty as an overland trailer and utility trailer, since I do a lot of river cleanups and community gardening stuff. Just wondering on what axle weights I should go with: Is 2000 lb sufficient, or should I just run with a 3500 lb axle? I don't expect to tow more than 500-1500lbs on the regular, but from everything I've read, the Forester can safely tow up to 4409lbs (2000kg) so long as the trailer is braked and you keep your speed low (this is a UK rating, where lower towing speeds are legally mandated). To my knowledge the UK and Canadian Foresters are the same, except the UK have a transmission cooler and possibly higher spring rate in the rear (both things I plan on adding).
So basically, does it make sense to build a trailer that could tow 3500lbs, even if I do that very rarely, or is that just a bad idea with the Canadian version of the Forester XT, and thus it makes no sense over-building it?