So I guess it's my turn then? Lol
Well, my name is NightRunner and I'm relatively new to the Overland lifestyle. I say that because whereas I've never really been involved with it, I've always enjoyed the idea and wanted to try it out myself. Sadly, all of my vehicles are 2WD and to have the eligible ones swapped over to a SAS setup would be very costly. I might be brave, but I'm not "off-roading in a 2WD brave" :P
That being said, our local Craigslist ad page is always buzzing with new and interesting vehicles to play with. I'm partial to Chevrolets/GMCs myself, so I would love to find an S10/Blazer 4WD variant for a decent price but with my latest move I have to put a pause on my extracurricular activities to boost my "play" money account back up. My mind is always buzzing with fun ideas on things to do to vehicles so that account tends to get a little skimpy from time to time.
Nonetheless, I'm excited to see what opportunities I can get involved with on this forum and I'm happy to have accidentally stumbled across this group from Google Images. :)