Explorer I
Explorer I
Explorer I
Expedition Master II
There are a lot more options that are open now for on-line testing. Check out the Greater Los Angeles Area Amateur Radio Group. They have been doing extensive on-line testing. Here is the link to their site: Greater Los Angeles Area Amateur Radio GroupWill be nice to get on a radio again. I was a Special Forces radio operator when I was much much younger. Last time I checked into license before heading to New Mexico for a month they were on the fence about testing with Covid.
Member III
Expedition Master II
Nice set-up Ed! It's always fun - doesn't matter how many contacts. I didn't work the contest but did get 3 SOTA activations in on my Arizona trip. Plus found a great camp spot. Here's a pic I took at sunset from there looking out towards Sedona AZ:Last weekend during the CQ VHF contest I operated 2 meter SSB and FT8 from Fox Peak in eastern Washington state. Not as many contacts as I hoped but my 6 meter colleague really did well.
Operators were N7PHY, K7BWH, and KJ4ZTP.
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Explorer I
And thanks for the link. I feel that I am back on course for my license. Signed up at HamStudy.orgLast weekend during the CQ VHF contest I operated 2 meter SSB and FT8 from Fox Peak in eastern Washington state. Not as many contacts as I hoped but my 6 meter colleague really did well.
Operators were N7PHY, K7BWH, and KJ4ZTP.
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Member III
Overland Bound Amateur Radio Net | ||||
Date: | 7/24/2020 | Net Control: | N7PHY | EchoLink: 591550 |
Open Topic | ||||
Check In | Call Sign | Name | Location | Notes |
1 | KT4OZ | Terry | VA | Camping tonight. May move on before net is over tonight. |
2 | KM6GWU | Dan | S CA | Suggestions for vertical antenna for 40 to 10 m. Ed - DX Commander. 2nd'd by Jason WE8L. |
3 | WE8L | Jason | OH | Hunkered down. Planning future trips. 2nds DX commander, good experience. |
4 | WD6TED | ted | CA | traveling around desert after phoenix trip. Activating sota peaks. Visited turtle back trailers. |
5 | KD2TQO | Kenny | New Jersey | Quarantined. Did have a weekend out camping in bald eagle state forest. |
6 | W8ILL | Will | Mi | Wire antenna shock absorbers. Working on truck engine. Be safe! |
7 | K7USR | Kathryn | WA | Doing more HF than repeater stuff. Suggestions for UHF antenna on a jeep? Looking at dual band antenna. |
8 | WJ6FOX | Josh | OR | Doing relatively well. Good timing with wire antenna advice from Will. Picked up mfj tuner. |
9 | VK7VWK | Randall | Hobart Tasmania | Went for a hike last week. Staying safe and healthy. Taught mobile antennas vehicle location doesn't make too much difference with VHF and up. |
10 | K7XPO | Brien | AZ | Not super warm today (90's?). Working on truck project. |
11 | VA2EEK | Don | Canada | Preparing for SAR training. |
Expedition Master II
Explorer I
K well first off I listened Friday night again thanks for the invite. 2nd got off my backside and back to work on my license. Checked out GLAARG site then HamStudy they had 1 test day listed that didn't work for me but I did find 1. Have taken 3 practice tests and done well on them so I found a test time that works for me. Will be taken my test this week.There are a lot more options that are open now for on-line testing. Check out the Greater Los Angeles Area Amateur Radio Group. They have been doing extensive on-line testing. Here is the link to their site: Greater Los Angeles Area Amateur Radio Group
Expedition Master II
Looking forward to you joining in on the net soon! Good luck!!!K well first off I listened Friday night again thanks for the invite. 2nd got off my backside and back to work on my license. Checked out GLAARG site then HamStudy they had 1 test day listed that didn't work for me but I did find 1. Have taken 3 practice tests and done well on them so I found a test time that works for me. Will be taken my test this week.
Enthusiast III
Expedition Master II
I believe it's Brandmiester. I get in using my Openspot 2.My OpenSpot 3 does not recognize this TG. I wonder if it is DMR Mark rather than Brandmiester?
Expedition Master II
What radio are you using Travis?My OpenSpot 3 does not recognize this TG. I wonder if it is DMR Mark rather than Brandmiester?
Enthusiast III
It doesI believe it's Brandmiester. I get in using my Openspot 2.
I believe it's Brandmiester. I get in using my Openspot 2.
Do you manually enter 1137550? I cant find it in the search. When I manually enter it, it shows up red like the openspot has no idea that it exists. lol
Enthusiast III
I can use a dstar radio, c4fm radio and a dmr radio if I want. The OpenSpot 3 does crossmode. In one mode, out the other. Its a great little hotspot.What radio are you using Travis?
Expedition Master II
Yep it's a really nice unit. But not ready to upgrade to the Openspot 3. Just dropped a bunch of money on a new HF amp and tuner.I can use a dstar radio, c4fm radio and a dmr radio if I want. The OpenSpot 3 does crossmode. In one mode, out the other. Its a great little hotspot.
Explorer I
That’s actually pretty normal and a good sign that you recognize it. The test is just your gateway to start really learning. Once you have your license and can get on the air, you’ll start learning and never stop.K need feedback. I am ready to test and have a test date. Why do I feel that I'm ready for the test but at the same thinking I don't know anything about being a Ham radio operator?
Explorer I
Explorer I