Friday Night HAM Radio NET

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wasnt able to attend tonight the DMR bridge was down

I dont do echolink...
Same here - Tried to check in via DMR, but no joy...


Rank V

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Prairieville, LA
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Sorry I missed it, guys! My daughter flew in from Salt Lake yesterday morning after 10 months to FINALLY get her car out of my garage and we spent all day and half the night with the extended family in and out of the house so they could see her. Social distancing be damned, lol. She's got to be back for work Monday morning, so it was just a quick here and now gone again. The shortness of the visit pissed her mom off royally, BUT on the bright side, I get half the garage back so I have a place to park the Off Grid trailer I haven't bought yet!


Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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Happy Friday everyone (or Sat depending on where you are). This is the first of the month (already ) so that means it's the new hams net tonight!

We welcome any and all new hams to join us for our net at 8:30p EDT and 5:30p PDT on Echolink conference server *USA-GNG* the USA Grits n Gravy Server Echolink #591550.
You can also join in on DMR using talkgroup 1137550 or Allstar 41130.

We love to answer any and all questions from new hams (or any others for that matter). Always a lively net! Looking forward to seeing you then!



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To whomever was asking about YSF -> DMR on a Pi-Spot, in the dashboard this is where you want to go. I have not messed with the settings because I have a dedicated DMR radio but I know it will cross.



Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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Notes from Overland Bound Friday Night Net May1, 2020

Net Contrrol: WD6TED - Ted - San Diego CA - OB# 13782

Topic: New Hams Net 1st Friday of Every Month

Net Started: 8:30p EDT, 5:30p PDT

  1. W7BR - Brent - Olympia WA - We are still looking for additional net controllers just leave a message here in this forum if you are interested. I really is a lot of fun! ALSO if you have any topics you would like discussed on the net please just post them here and we will add it to the topics list we maintain. After that I messed up and fat fingered Brent's call sign into the call list as W7BRO to which, of course, I no response and moved on. That's the 2nd net in a row that I've skipped over Brent. Hopefully he doesn't take it personally.
  2. K7XPO - Brien - Tuscon - The Overland Bound App is still in Beta testing but looks like it will be made generally available this upcoming week. If you already have the app installed then it should automatically update whenever your other apps are updated. Also mentioned that Overland Expo West, which has been canceled for May and moved to July, will be holding virtual expo / preview on the original date of the event on Saturday May 16, 2020. Here is the link: Virtual West — Overland Expo®
  3. KT4OZ - Terry - Covington VA - Everyone well and working at home. Will be starting on building out a new radio shack in the house and then move radio equipment from bedroom to the new shack.Making progress on the rear locker on the Xterra. Went back to LT tires and the truck - a welcome change!
  4. KO4BDT - Mike -- Roanoke VA - Putting sliders on his vehicle
  5. KE8AYE - Jason - See info in posting above re MMDVM cross mode on a pi star (question from Robert VK2DY)
  6. KI5BEE/VE3 - CALVIN - Ontario Canada (Normally from El Paso TX) - Thinking about upgrading from tech to general.
  7. KJ7DUE - Kim - Montana Feels like he is in a tech rut and ready to consider moving to general.Staying in the house. Worked on his compressor.
  8. VA2EEK - Don - Gatineau Quebec - Studying for Advanced Qualification (amateur extra in Canada). Been doing old Heathkit experiments not sure if components are too old. Then transistor blew before 2nd round of check-ins.
  9. KJ7KPP - Colton - Pocatello ID - Been playing on the radio a lot. Interested in SOTA and POTA considering purchasing Yaesu FT-891. We discussed at lot about SOTA. All info for SOTA can be found here: Summits on the Air There are a number of sota websites; the main one, there is one for placing planned activations and also shows current active activations. Highly recommended you take advantage of these resources. I forgot mention the new SOTA Goat app I have on my iOS devices. It's and older app that has been completely redone as of 2020. Great for spots, alerts, maps, navigating on an activation etc. Don't know if there is an android version. POTA: must have 10 contacts and can work from your car if you like. SOTA must have 4 contacts and cannot work directly from you car. Colton also asked about batteries and I came back like Bioenno batteries a lot: Bioenno Power Colton also asked about inexpensive solar panels. Will (W8ILL) suggested shopping Menards for solar panels.
  10. AA1PR - Mike - Rutland VT - checked in but nothing heard afterwards.
  11. N7PHY - Ed Edmonds WA - Been very busy at work recently. Said HF has been good/bad kinda weird this week (I agreed). Might work on programming his DMR radio this weekend. Has had issues with memory overflows (?) when attempting to program from the computer. Has a B-Tech DMR-6X2: BTECH DMR-6X2 DMR Radio
  12. VK7VWK - Randall - Tasmania AUS - been sunny, cold, and very windy.
  13. KI5FUG - Mark - Kenner LA - Was heard but no notes.
  14. W8ILL - Will - Taylor MI - Noted in other areas here points he brought up. Otherwise also encouraged all techs to upgrade to their general.
  15. VK2DY - Robert - Kellyville Ridge, New South Wales AUS - 17 deg C tin Sidney going to 5 deg C. Very cold for them. Playing a lot on D-Star and DMR. Wanted info on cross mode hotspots. I mentioned the Openspot 2 and Openspot 3. The Openspot 3 does allow cross mode i.e. D-Star radio on DMR network etc. Here is the link:SharkRF – High quality wireless communications equipment . As noted earlier Jason KE8AYE has a PiSpot solution for doing MMDVM and can be found in this forum post: Friday Night HAM Radio NET .
  16. K5LFE - Carl - Chino Hills CA - working with zoomspot a lot. Believe he said price points around $140-150 with a case. It is MMDVM. Carl has been a member of Overland Bound now for 2 years. He is currently studying for his general license.
  17. N8JOY - Joel - Lincoln Park MI - just enjoys listening to the net.
  18. KM6GWU - Daniel - Fountain Valley CA - checked in then nothing heard.
  19. KM4PJN - Jimmy - Vinton VA - was never able to make audio contact. We could hear his PTT, but no voice. Was going to work with Mike KO4BDT after the net to iron out the issues.

Net closed at 17:34 PDT, 20:34 EDT

Thanks to everyone who participated. We look forward to seeing all of you again! Be safe and well! de WD6TED Ted
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Edmonds WA
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Hello Folks,
I hope you are all healthy and safe. I'll be your net control this week for the Overland Bound amateur radio net. Our topic this week is "Hunting and Fishing + Overlanding". Let's start with do you hunt or fish and if so, what do you do with your rig to carry all the gear? If that topic isn't interesting, stop by anyway and let us know how you are doing.

A GREAT how-to article on getting started with Echolink can be found HERE.

Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Day: Friday (U.S.)
Time : 17:30 hours PT/2030 hours ET
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

As always, if anyone would like to assist as net controller, please reach out to @ru108, @12poundtest , @TerryD , @Brentc17, @rtexpeditions, or @MTN RNR and we'll get you set up. We could use a few extra hands running the net on Friday nights and would be happy to get you up to speed and into the rotation.

Hope to catch you on the net tomorrow!

Ed - N7PHY


Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Notes from Overland Bound Friday Night Net May 15, 2020

Net Contrrol: N7PHY - Ed - Edmonds, WA - OB# 15391

Topic: Hunting and Fishing + Overlanding

KD9CVD - Jack - WI - Mobile check-in

KJ7EXK - Dana - Wydaho - mobile. not fisher or hunter. Have whitewater kayak and pickup, chuck in back. In jeep had racks on roof. Rod vaults on roof racks seen on guide vehicles. Other topics: like to camp near trailhead to mountain bike. Been working on wiring of second battery, fuse panel, and accessories.

VA2EEK - Don - Quebec - Rainy day. Also not much fishing since pre-teen. Canoe on xtera roof rack. Likes to get out and drive; 2 day thunderbay drive nice. Sit in camp chair is nice. Topics: risk assessments - what's the thought process going into factors so new folks will understand how to approach a problem. Is your rig ready for challenges on trail.

AF6FB - Michael - Org County CA - Not much into either but have done fishing. Was reminded of fly fish rod called tenkara? Fixed line designed for back packers.

KJ7KPP - Colton - ID - Transport rods - broke down and put in back of jeep. Rig up at destination. Rigged up in back seat for short distance. Ammo can plus pvc.

W8ILL - Will - MI - 4" - 6" pvc with ends glued on. Screw off cap at other end. Clamp to rig. Don't leave without fishing pole and HT radio.

KF5UZW - Mark - North TX - Monitoring wx tonight-storms. Did get fish pole out to rig up. Waiting for parks to open up for overlanding and fishing.

K7XPO - Brien - AZ - Not hunting but used to fly fish. Thinking about getting back into fishing. Have 8" pvc tube on trailer for pole storage. (awning and lawn poles) Fish pole solution; lowes 0 6' 6"-8" pvc with cap and hinged cap. Mount on rack with ubolts.

VK7VWK - Randall - Hobart Tasmania - Carry all packed down over long distance. Have tunnel under rear pass seat for rods in short distance. Want to try fly fishing in springtime.

KM6WBS - Chris - L.A. CA -

W7BR - Brent - Oly WA - New app. Req for net controllers. Adv Overland dig node DMR. Saw custom built trailer for kayaks and motorcycles. Need to put poles in the rig, like to fish. Springers on cowlitz. Asking about you tube channels: Brent and Brien both have channels.

KJ7DUE - Kim - Whitefish MT - Spent day yesterday with jeep looking for fishing opportunities.

Thank you everyone. Hope to catch you again next week. Until then, 73!
Ed - N7PHY
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Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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This Weeks Friday Night Overland Bound Net

Topic: Open discussion

Net Control: WD6TED Ted in San Diego, CA

Let's go with just on open topic session. We will do two rounds, the first overlanding focused and the second more ham radio centric. Tell us what's new, bring any questions, whatever. The format is flexible - let's see what happens.

Hope to see everyone this evening (or morning depending on your location)!



Rank VI
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Covington, Virginia, USA
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A little late but I'm finally getting out posted! Join us for tonight's net, the topic will be APRS. Hope everyone will join in and I'm looking forward to another good net.

A GREAT how-to article on getting started with Echolink can be found HERE.

Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Day: Friday (U.S.)
Time : 17:30 hours PT/2030 hours ET
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

As always, if anyone would like to assist as net controller, please reach out to @ru108, @12poundtest , @TerryD , @Brentc17, @rtexpeditions, or @MTN RNR and we'll get you set up. We could use a few extra hands running the net on Friday nights and would be happy to get you up to speed and into the rotation.
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Rank V
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Hunt County Texas
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I give up. Got dropped again been trying to get back in for 15 minutes with no luck. Ya'll have a good night.



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Off-Road Ranger I

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Checked in via DMR. Worked this time! Unfortunately, I had to run due to some wether around here - hence the 'in and out'... Spotted until almost 0100CDT.
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Rank VI
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Covington, Virginia, USA
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Thanks everyone for joining in last night! I think it was a really informative net!

Net Notes: Friday May 29, 2020
Net Control KT4OZ
Topic: APRS

VA2EEK- Don- Quebec:
APRS: Make sure dual band radio is on correct channel. 2: In Ca and Wa have good coverage but not much coverage in Canada but good cell coverage so use radio-hotspot-phone for SAR use. On digital side, using ranging to send packets to gauge distance between radios and heading. Mentioned Tactical APRS uses mapping and radio logging.

KM4GHN- Mitch- Virginia:
Monitoring, not much to say about APRS. Going to be pretty day here, going riding tomorrow.

AA1PR- Mike- Vermont:
Knows nothing about APRS. Thinking about 868 or 878. Concerened about being tracked by non-hams.

W4BKR- Sean- Virginia:
Diving quite deep into APRS thanks to Terry. Setting in APRS called "position ambiguity" so you can limit the accuracy of the APRS tracking. Trying to bluetooth tablet to TM-D710G. Always something to learn. 2: Has list of stuff to look up. No one mentioned Winlink via APRS over special linked gateways. Still working on getting it working. One more thing on the list.

W8ILL- Will- Michigan:
Beautiful day. Woke up to hard rain but quit about mid day. Went for a ride to local parks, but too many people out. Good that folks can get out now. Got 746 radio working good. Has waterfall on the radio. Made 75 and 40m contacts. Band conditions are crazy. 2nd: Hard to get back on internet sometimes. Internet is slow. Going back to get stents out Tuesday.

KN6IQS- Sean- California:
Not experience with APRS. Joining in to learn. Fairly new ham.

KA7OLE- Ole- Washington:
Favorite APRS story from trail run: Has 710 and friend with 710. was nice to maintain group size on the ride. Concern about theft/privacy: Data is stored and tracked on APRS.FI but uses commands to limit data transfer through the message. will ignore info sent with proper commands. 2. Has used APRS and 710 to Android head unit with programming cable from serial port on kenwood to the usb on the head unit and run APRSDroid on the head unit. No need for external tnc with 710G. Using Offline Maps version of APRSDroid and now using with online version and phone hotspot.

KJ7KPP- Colton- Idaho:
Not much to add on APRS. Seems useful. Appreicate the tips on it. What do you need to use APRS? VA2EEK: Comment on digital APRS Is a little different on DMR because of digital packets. Can sneak them into the regular digital transmissions during voice operation. Just bought new dmr radio (Anytone 878UV w/ Bluetooth) with digital and analog APRS. Must use digital repeater freq to use digital APRS. Anytone 578 mobile with both Dig/An APRS. 2: Nothing to add but thanks for sharing info.

KM4PJN- Jimmy- Virginia:
Has anytone 878 but haven't used APRS. Will try to use it. For privacy: tracking through cell phones as well, can turn off for that and battery use. 2: Sees a lot of benefit in this and might jump in pretty quick for use for work. Has MFJ TNC2 that might work.

W7BR- Brent- Wyoming:
1 and done: No announcements. Limited access to service.

N7PHY- Ed- Washington:
Not well versed in APRS but was gifted a TNC, Moblinkd.

KK6RBI- Josh- Texas:
Dabbled with APRS since getting license in 2014. $40 trakphone w/o sim card with Baofeng BFF8HP and 1/4w antenna on the fender. Uses setup for storm chasing. Will also use cell phone. So far setup has worked well. Also has UV25X2 with TRRS that will use speaker and PTT. Have not tried with APRSDroid yet.

KF5UZW- Mark- Texas:
Great net, everything covered he was going to mention.

KE3R- -Iowa:

VK7VWK- Randall- Tasmania:
Interested in APRS but not sure how much use it gets in Tasmania/Aus. Haven't dabbled in it much. Thought it was more about location. Will dabble in it eventually. On an APRS mailing list for area and there is some mention of 10m. Nice day there considering it's supposed to be winter. 2. Nothing to add

KJ7EXK- Dana- Wyoming:
Barely started playing with APRS about a year ago. Bought BTECH DMR radio similar to Anytone with digital and analog APRS. Has APRS analog digipeater close. Just started playing with it at beginning of quarantine. Took a drive to play with it to verify it tracking. 2: Nothing to add but lots of great info on the net.

KJ7DUE- Kim- Montana:
Haven't played with aprs much but looked on Has Icom digital radios to track location. With Ole on trail ride and had someone putting out APRS on 146.460. 2:

KK6DWJ- Brian- California:
First time checking in to the net. Been dabbling with APRS for 3-4 months and uses 857d with Moblinkd. Trying to get it working on Winlink. Also have FT3DR HT.

KO4BDT- Mike- Virginia:
Still learning about APRS.

WXBOT: Weather forcast via APRS

SMSGTE: Text messaging bridge for APRS

SARTrack Software Package for Search and Rescue
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Edmonds WA
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Hello Folks,
I'll be your net control this week for the Overland Bound amateur radio net. Our topic this week is "New Ham Q&A" which we host the first Friday of each month. Any radio related questions or topics are welcome.

Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Day: Friday (U.S.)
Time : 17:30 hours PT/2030 hours ET (00:30 UTC)
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

As always, if anyone would like to assist as net controller, please reach out to @ru108, @12poundtest , @TerryD , @Brentc17, @rtexpeditions, or @MTN RNR and we'll get you set up. We could use a few extra hands running the net on Friday nights and would be happy to get you up to speed and into the rotation.

Hope to catch you on the net Friday!

Ed - N7PHY
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Edmonds WA
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We had a great net Friday. Thank you everyone who could join.

Here's a quick summary.
Topic: New HAM Q&A

Check-ins and notes:

WD6TED - Ted - DMR connection - dmr check in. working out well. DMR rig on sota activation this week, worked well. Will swap out old ht for dmr. Should we have dmr topic night? DMR - anytone makes a dmr mobile rig. And very affordable. Have GPS, APRS, and DMR. To answer what we use radios for while traveling. Had group of 18 rigs on Mojave road, pulling up rear. Could setup talk group specific to caravan.

KD7DAW - Tom - checking in from rainy Florida

AF6FB - Michael - Mobile. Happy to help out with DMR topic night. Info good on qrz. Have intro to dmr presentation (zoom?)

KJ7DJX - Tom - Tuscon at Brien's shop. adding custom ladders and other touches. Use ham radio quite a bit in desert. Beacons to allow others to follow right in.

KI5ETE - Mike - Enjoying conversation. 1st time on net.

NB9D - Neal - DMR topic near and dear. Most interesting and most challenging with code plugs. Had uv380 but dropped on ice. Finding a lot of cool digital modes in amateur radio. Congrats to Joe on new house. (living the American dream) Q: recommendations for bed liner kit? From KN4YRX-LineX recommended.

KM6GWU - Dan - Making adjustments to rig preparing for Mojave and death valley trip. Q: how do we use ham radio on road? Note, 146.520 national calling freq.

KO4BDT - Mike - Monitoring this evening.

KJ7KPP - Colton - antenna suggestions for vehicle: tape measure yagi, emergency coax antenna for 2m,

KT4OZ - Terry - Use aprs to send info and messages out. Monitor 146.520, will connect with sota activations and others. Emergency coax antennas also work well of 440mhz. 19.25" length. Ground plane ant mounted on garage again so can listen to radio in garage. Vehicle - added tablet mount, will try tomorrow. Started construction on xtera drawers.

KM4PJN - Jimmy - Would like to know how to use dmr to join the net. Getting ready for tomorrows ride.

AA1PR - Michael - Cordially invite everyone to venture overland dmr channel. Run 54" mast and 100+" whip. Like to play hf on trail. would like to try aprs also.

W8ILL - Will - Monitoring 10 m and CB. Haven't used HT in awhile. Bedliner - purchases bed liner with truck. Back from hospital after operation.

K7XPO - Brien - Busy at the shop but going camping in mountains to escape heat. (112 deg)

KV4UO - Joe - Staying at home nursing injuries. Bought a new house this year.

VK7VWK - Randall - Cool day in Tasmania. Free to travel pretty much anywhere. DMR have any value in a mobile rig? AA1PR finds he doesn't want a dmr mobile rig. Prefers HT and hotspot in rig. Problem when loses cell coverage.

KJ7MUE - Jack - playing with new 7300. Delivered quickly. Setting up 10m antenna. Been out of radio for 30 yrs. Saw a video 4 mo's ago of 7300 and convinced to get back in ham radio. 1st time on net.

KG5FRQ - Gardner - Thinking about current events. Very hot in NM today.

KM6YSL - Michael - Have channel on youtube. Tonight's topic is radio comms on the trail. Encourage folks to get ham license.

KN4YRX - Alejandro - 1st time on net. Rcvd cable to play with aprs.

KJ4UGX - Nick - APRS near and dear, 5 miles from ap trail. Runs digipeater nearby. DMR answer; dmr is encoding vs protocol. If popular, will respond well to other encodings. Echo LIne-X and Rhino Liner as really good liners. 1st time on net.


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Long Island, NY
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Are the Friday night nets still on, or have they been discontinued?