Friday Night HAM Radio NET

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OB Friday Night Net notes 2/28/20
TOPIC: Out the door in 20 minutes or less

K7XPO - Brien in AZ - used to do the 3 bin method until about 1 1/2 yr ago. 3 Plano bins and would just throw them into the Jeep. Now have a trailer that is stocked and ready to go. Water tank stays about half full at all times. Fully stocked pantry in the Jeep at all times. Just basics in case we don’t do any meal planning. Mostly canned food and dry goods. Bedding and stuff is always packed. Just hook up the trailer and go. Rd2 - Lots of good ideas. Nothing else to add. Will try to bring an Instapot with us this weekend and try that.

K7ZOO - Kurt in AZ - Can’t say I’m a serious overlander, more a ham that likes to camp. Uses $1 plastic bins from HD and they are labeled on each end with the contents. Rd2 nothing heard.

VK7VWK - Randall in Tasmania - Fairly bad at being ready. Always something different. Keep the basics in the vehicle: fridge, gas stove. If I really have to go, I can get by with the basics if I need to. Rd2 - Not too bad as far as getting out. As far as the virus, we’re pretty safe and where I am is one of the best places.

KI7RAM - Bill in NV - Probably like most folks. Have a short run setup and long run in the Earthcruiser. Can take most of a day depending on which vehicle we take. Did finish a box in the 4R with all my recovery gear.

N7PHY - Ed in WA - Run similar to others. Essential gear is packed in totes. Use painters tape on the ends to label contents. I don’t pack, but Brien has me piqued; no food. Have water all the time, but that’s it. If I have to leave in 20 minutes, it wouldn’t be great! Got notice at work today that all corporate travel has been canceled due to Corona virus. Rd2 - Great topic: mentally adjusting program a bit. Also think about radios:, HT, mobile, etc. Need to cover that in a separate topic.

KB6JJR - Randy in CA - Brand new to overland community. Just joined OB last week. Did have to evacuate last year due to wildfire. Keep the bare essentials: computer backup, clothing, important documents. Rd2 - nothing to add

KJ7KPP - Colton in ID - Can finally put in a little on this. Keep basic stuff in Jeep, snacks, blankets, water. Most of the camping gear can just be placed in the jeep when we go. Rd2. Nothing else to add. Radios definitely something to keep in mind as well as keeping them charged.

K7IEX - Tyler in AZ - We’re definitely not ready to go quickly, but can get out in a few hours at most if needed. Ended up getting an app on Ipad (Packing Pro) defines containers and the items within as a quick reference and checklist. Syncs between different devices from a master list. Rd2 - Only thing I’m working on to get faster is giving everything a home, knowing where it is and looking to add more permanent storage to the truck for recovery gear and stuff that will need on every trip.

VA2EEK - Don in Quebec - Would be a bit of a challenge. Would likely bring too much and its stored in the garage. Use bins for most stuff and can take a while to set up and break down. Keep water at home and can also fill up 5 gal containers if needed. Need to look into working up a quick leave kit. Search and Rescue is out the door in 10 minutes. Takes some planning for your kit and good ideas to keep in mind. Rd2 - Second mention on lightweight gear ie: backpacking stuff. Good idea to maybe to have handy.

W6AAX - Al in CA - nothing heard. Rd2 - nothing heard.

W8ILL - Will in MI - Have a cabinet built that has stove, radio and food in it. Can also throw other stuff in as needed. Can be out in 20 minutes or so if I need to. Rd2 - Just remember the small things: fire starting stuff, radios, transistor radio for commercial info. Just be as prepared as you can.

AA1PR - Mike in VT - Survival bag with 7 days of freeze fried food, water, gear for weather, tool box and spare parts, recovery kit. Keep map and compass as well as backups. Sligshot, ice fishing sticks, so can also hunt and fish if needed. Lots of ultralight camping gear as well. Rd2 - nothing on round 2

NB9D -Neal in ME - Just mirroring everyone else, bugout bag or totes if needing to throw something together. SHTF, use the bugout bag and make sure to take the dogs! Can never be too prepared. Rd2 - most important is the radio and the dogs!

KF3DX - Jared in PA - Been cold and snowy but not too bad. Windy though. Not really prepared due to money and living situation. Working on catching up and would like to get something started with small solar panels and later batteries for power for house energy needs. Bugout bag is on the list. First time on this net (WELCOME!) Rd2 - nothing heard.

K5TIN - Shane in LA - Net control - Lots of good ideas and things to think about and possibly rework. Currently have four Plano boxes labeled for dry goods, kitchen, general gear and computer/electronics. Tent, cots, sleeping bags, stove, fridge, 5 gal water cans, etc. are stacked in one corner of the garage or on shelves and ready to be loaded into the 4R. For a basic short trip, I can be loaded out in 20-30 minutes, but will still need to stop and fill the fridge on the way out. Longer trips can take a bit more planning for load out and stowage depending on where we’re going and for how long. Recovery gear, fire extinguisher and a case of water are always kept in the truck.

Sixteen check-ins including net control. Lots of great info and ideas were discussed. Thanks to everyone who checked in and/or was listening.

73 de K5TIN
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Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Happy Friday Everyone,
I'll be your net control this evening. Once each month we host a 'new' HAM net topic. This is the opportunity to allow new hams (and old hams) to ask questions and get answers from the old timers. Anything ham radio related is up for discussion.
To start, I purchased an Elk 2m/70cm portable antenna but havn't gotten out to use it yet. Anybody use one of these on your adventures? Do you run it hand-held or mount to a mast?

Net Details:
Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 17:30 hours PT/2030 hours ET
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

If anyone would like to join the elite core of net controllers, please reach out to myself, @ru108, @TerryD , @Brentc17 or @MTN RNR and we'll get you set up. We are in need of primary and backup controllers to round out the group.

Hope you can make it. 73!

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Edmonds WA
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Hello Everyone,
We had a great net last night with 13 check-ins. I'm going to skip transcribing the detailed notes this week but have included a few highlights.

KD9CVD - Jack (WI) - Check out the FT-65R for a quality, inexpensive HT.
NB9D - Neil (ME) - Checking in from the Maine mountain.
KB6JJR - Randy (CA) - Good day in San Diego
KJ7KPP - Colton (ID) - Studying for General test (3/14) and lot's of interest in HF operation. Will be having a NVIS topic net soon. (Good luck on the test next week Colton!)
K7IEX - Tyler (AZ) - Enjoying new Kenwood D710 installed in rig
W8ILL - Will (MI) - Back home and feeling better after recent surgery.
K5TIN - Shane (LA) - Passing on HF net info from Brent: "3.945 at 0700, 1700 and 1900 Pacific. This is a group there in the PNW that gets together every day. They are also monitoring 14.340 at 1400 Pacific. He said can also try 7.233.50 during the afternoon."
VK7VKW - Randall (Tasmania) - At a Scout camp this weekend in Snug Tasmania. Also interested in NVIS topic.
K7XPO - Brien (AZ) - Working in shop tonight.
KT4OZ - Terry (VA) - Working on radio this evening.
KC8FQV - Mark (OH) -
K7KYP - Dave (AZ) -
KM4LMG mobile - Gary (VA) - First time check in and would like to join our net.

I hope you can join us next week.
Take care!
Ed - N7PHY
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Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
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OB Net March 13 2020
Here's the summary of what we talked about last Friday
The subject of the net was camping setups.
VK7VWK Randall (AU, TAS) Net Control
NB9D Neil (ME)
KJ7KPP Coulton (ID)
KJ6JRR Randy (CA)
K7IEX Tyler (AZ)
W8ILL Will (MI)
K5TIN Shane (LA)
KI7RAM Bill (NV)
KN4UJJ Damon (FL)
K7XPO Brien (AZ)
KT4OZ Carrey (VA)
VA2EEK Don (CA, Quebec
KC8FQV Mark (OH)
KD2TQO Kenny (NJ)
KM4LMG Gary (VA)
VK2DY Robert (AU, NSW)
KJ7EXK Dana (WY)
Round 1
NB9D Neil - Takes oven and sink
KJ7KPP Coulton - Tent camping
KJ6JRR Randy - "Hammock camper, Biolite stove/USB charger"
K7IEX Tyler - Tacoma with AT Overland Habitat
W8ILL Will - "Just received a "new" Icom 746 receiver"
N7PHY Ed - Basic camping setup
K5TIN Shane - Forerunner with Napier SUV tent
KI7RAM Bill - "Hardshell RTT on Forerunner, also has an Earthcruiser."
KN4UJJ Damon - 4 person Marmot tent. Box trailer. Talked about his cooking system and fridge. Now takes no refrigeration meals.
K7XPO Brien - Has an expedition trailer. Likes using hammock or ground cot.
KT4OZ Carrey - "Uses Coleman 10 man tent, Working on a trailer. Uses Coleman stoves. Said hammocks are cold to sleep on without insulation."
VA2EEK Don - Uses an old tent
KM4LMG Gary - Uses mummy pod insulation for his hammock. Has just received Opus offroad trailer.
KJ7EXK Dana - "Has used tarp, ground tent RTT and trailer. New Alucab hardtop RTT"
Round 2
NB9D Neil - Thought the Biolite was a good idea
KJ7KPP Coulton - Hoping to get a hammock
KJ6JRR Randy - Likes Biolite idea. Uses under quilt for the hammock.
K7IEX Tyler - Talked about Thermarest mat and fridge
W8ILL Will - Seems to end up with 2 of everything for camping
K7XPO Brien - Explained how he used different under quilts for different temperatures
KT4OZ Carrey - Talked about his collapsible kitchen drainer and his water setup and his self-inflating mat with R11 rating
VA2EEK Don - "Talked about "moving up" to an RTT for more comfort"
KD2TQO Kenny - Talked about how useful his Dometic fridge was
Lots of useful information.


Rank VI
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Covington, Virginia, USA
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Good morning everyone!

Join me tomorrow evening on the Grits 'n Gravy for another hour or so of the fun time on the "air" known as The Overland Bound Net!

Topic is not decided as of yet, but we should have a good time chewing the rag just the same.

For those who aren't licensed, feel free to listen in via Broadcastify (link in first post) and we look forward to hearing from you once you are!

Sorry for the lack luster post, I'm on my phone.


Rank VI
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Covington, Virginia, USA
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OB Echolink Net
Control: Terry KT4OZ
Topic: Rig Storage Solutions

1: KE8AYE Jason OH
Likes to keep things compartmentalized. Have comms backpack to keep close with adapters and antennas in one place. Easy to pack and be ready to go. For larger items being organized is an issue. Has plano boxes to keep on roof rack that are water tight. Use bags and packs for interior storage, packs for fly fishing and keeping things separated.

Hoping to do some fishing while nation is on hiatus. Looking to mount something to keep fly rods on outside of truck but safe. Has lockable poly tube case and was considering to mount it to the rack with hose clamps. VK7VWK: Sounds like idea is similar to electrician for holding conduit or possibly tent poles. Use piece of pumbling pipe with screw on ends with clamps to clamp to walls and beams. Link from Ed: Shop Towing Accessories: Trailer Hitches, Tow Bars & More
KO4BDT: Bazuka cases for surf rods and latch it to roof rack next to the kayak.

Keeps plastic tub and cooler in vehicle. Bags for other gear. Pretty simple setup.

Don’t have much to add on rod case. Likes Pelican cases since they are water proof.

3: KD9CVD JACK 6487 WI
Use pelican case for HF radios (ft-450D) with foam insert to protect the radio. Use pelican cases for most storage. Cables are in old laptop bag. Seems to keep everything organized and can just grab one bag and laptop and be ready.

Not ham related storage: Has custom flat bed on Tacoma ( ) that uses Rhino Rack system. Can use spring-nuts for unistrut to mount things. Spring project is setting up truck with pelican cases and propane tank setup. Has a Moto-ped (cross between mountain bike and dirt bike) Trying to fit it back there with other gear. Looking to mount an aluminum box in a removable configuration. VK7VWK: Not sure how much space he has but welded up piece of angle steel and attach a series of toggle latches to lock the box in place. Might use up to 8 on the frame. 2x per side.
Box is like a pelican case but aluminum. Might be able to use the cantilever latches.

Uses series of totes and pelican cases and bags. Loadout is changed day by day due to work requirements. Pretty simple setup.

Truck seat has place for small radios. Keeps 40 gallon tote behind the cab with radio gear and equipment there. Plenty of room for food and other things in the bed. Traded radios recently. IC-746 with 2m-160m. Not very big but has a handle to carry it. Would probably take it to do portable HF with a extendable pole. Virus is interrupting the country right now.

Just cleaning and trying to keep virus at bay. Could use eye-bolts to secure the boxes.

Keeps stuff in a DEEZEE case in bed of truck and have 4 plano cases. Has Pelican cases for work but not off-road. Use small one for recovery gear. Easy to load in 6ft bed. Constantly evolving! Who knows what he’ll have next year.

Considering building a drawer system for the truck for work. Decided plastic bins were better since truck is used for work.

Nothing heard 1st round.

Nothing heard 2nd round.

Nothing heard 1st round.

Nothing heard 2nd round.

Still use tote system. For things you unpack at camp or store in the garage. Not convienent for tools and things that stay in vehicle. Looking for solution for pickup. Job box type thing that won’t interefer with fishing or kayaking stuff.

Scrambling over the internet looking up the products mentioned in the net.

10: WD6TED TED CA 13782
All kitchen and cooking in one plano box, all dry goods in another. Will get through 3-4 nights of general use or more if backpacking style. Loves Plano because the stack and have tie out rings on the box. They don’t move. Large duffle with sleeping pad and sleeping mattress and hiking sticks. Keeps Gazelle 3man tent. Recovery gear is in a water proof bag and tools are in another bag. Likes to keep things off the roof for wind drag issues. Apache boxes from HF for radio gear. Need to remember to vent them on big altitude changes. KX2 is in daypack for SOTA work.

Track and field has come to abrupt end. Sad for Seniors. Did a 1 day trip last weekend. Good thing to do during current situation. Just be safe when you pump gas! Question for KN6DKV: Are you the guy I met at gas station? KN6DKV: No but did meet on previous run.

11: KF5UZW MARK TX 11087
Nothing heard 1st round

Nothing heard 2nd round.

Moving toward using selection of duffle bags. With family in vehicle storage is tight but they are flexible to pack into given space. Found good bag made from nice canvas and will probably be used for tools. Seems to be made well. Brands will be different in Taz but will be made in same spots.

Was interesting hearing about the storage box type arrangements and reminded of project that I’ve been wanting to do. Cargo box for bulky things like chairs. Made of plastic and reasonable light and water proof similar to a tool box. 1.4m x .2m in size. Could add solar panel to it. Not very expensive alternative.

Just throw things in the vehicle. Tire chains. Have bug-out bag and duffles depending on where he’s goin. Use Rubbermaid totes occasionally.

14: KC8FQV
Just got off the freeway. Just got to Duff valley OH. 5 mile stretch with no exits or shoulders. Not sure what they are planning for the area. Uses computer cases but don’t have portable radio equipment. Might have pelican at work in TV production. Not bad weather. Road is under construcion, being reguilt. Another year to go.

29* in Oshkosh, Wi. Cool and windy but not too bad overall. Likes to get on here and talk to Will.

Not much to comment on. Does anyone know Bob K6UDA? WD6TED: Don’t know him personally but have seen his videos.


Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Hello Everyone,
I hope you are safe and healthy.
This Friday I will be your net control for the Overland Bound Amateur Radio Net.

This weeks net topic is 'over-landing / quarantine crossover preparedness'. Has any of your preparations for over-landing contributed to 'shelter in place' preparedness? Or conversely, has the current situation made you rethink the over-landing kit?
My apologies for the serious subject this week. I know many of us look forward to the Friday net to get our minds off the everyday grind and pressures. In this case, your insight and comments may contribute to someone else's well being and I sincerely look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Net Details:
Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 00:30 UTC (17:30 pacific / 20:30 eastern)
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Echolink requires an amateur radio license however, anyone may listen in here:

If you find value in this weekly gathering and would like to contribute to its continuation, please consider joining as a net controller.
For more information please reach out to @Brentc17, @ru108, @TerryD, @MTN RNR, @12poundtest, or @rtexpeditions and we'll get you set up.




Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Hello again everyone,
It's about 45 minutes until net time but wouldn't you know it, the Grits n Gravy conference server is offline. If it is still offline at 00:30 UTC feel free to try connecting directly to my user node. N7PHY
I don't know how many people I can host at once, probably not the whole group. My thought is we can still run a quick check in / check out net to keep our record of uninterrupted nets going.

That's all I have. Hope to catch you tonight one way or the other.
Ed - N7PHY
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Dana Ramos

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Influencer I

Alta, WY
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Hey Ed, is your node actually different from your call sign or is that a typo?

Liana Lehua

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Southern California, CA, USA
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Hello again everyone,
It's about 45 minutes until net time but wouldn't you know it, the Grits n Gravy conference server is offline. If it is still offline at 00:30 UTC feel free to try connecting directly to my user node. N7HPY
I don't know how many people I can host at once, probably not the whole group. My thought is we can still run a quick check in / check out net to keep our record of uninterrupted nets going.

That's all I have. Hope to catch you tonight one way or the other.
Ed - N7PHY
Thanks for hosting the net. I tried connecting to your node but error'd out ("Connect Failed - Cannot connect to N7PHY - Timed out"). I'll catch everyone on the next one.


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Connecting via DMR works to the GnG node/room but the Echolink connection is still down. Guessing the server is still off.
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Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Thanks for hosting the net. I tried connecting to your node but error'd out ("Connect Failed - Cannot connect to N7PHY - Timed out"). I'll catch everyone on the next one.
Well I'm sorry you could not connect. I thought I could host multiple simultaneous connections but maybe not. Anyway, I've got you down as a 'forum thread' check in.
Hope to catch you next week!
Ed - N7PHY
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Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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Well I'm sorry you could not connect. I thought I could host multiple simultaneous connections but maybe not. Anyway, I've got you down as a 'forum thread' check in.
Hope to catch you next week!
Ed - N7PHY
I'm no expert on this, but to have multiple connections wouldn't that mean you need to be a conference server? Maybe we should just do it Zoom even though that's not amateur radio...


Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Thanks for trying everyone. I'm logging anyone that connects via Echolink or reports trying to connect here in the forum thread. Hopefully we'll be back in business next week.
Thank you everyone for your patience. I hope you are all healthy, happy, and safe.
Ed - N7PHY


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Edmonds WA
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Well folks. I'm going to call it a night. Thank you everyone who tried to connect to my echolink node. I've been reading up on hosting a conference server and may have a weekend project.

Here is my virtual net check-in list. If I missed anyone please let me know.

Hobart Tasmania​
Echolink Check in​
Echolink Check in​
Forum Check in​
Forum Check in​
Forum Check in​
Forum Check in​
Forum Check in​
Ontario, CAN​
Forum Check in
Forum Check in
Forum Check in
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Prairieville, LA
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Better late than never, but I wasn't able to get in either with EL. The only way was through DMR using my hotspot. I threw out a call, but got no response. Must be something with GNG, because everything on Brandmeister was working. Maybe everyone being home right now is breaking the interweb....:mask:
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