Friday Night HAM Radio NET

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M Rose

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You will have their repeater tied-up for about a hour, they may or may not want their repeater linked up that long so it is always good to ask first.
I was still planning to ask, we have several repeaters in the area. And I would probably be having someone help me get set up anyway.


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I'll be your net control for the next friday night net on 1/24/2020.

Topic for this week: Water Crossings (axle high or higher)

1) Bring some stories of experiences you have had or seen - both good and not so good. Share your experiences.

2) How should you prepare your vehicle for a water crossing?

3) What about water currents? When do you go when do you play it safe?

4) Do's and don's (probably comes from discussing 1) above.

Hope to see y'all tomorrow night!

73 de WD6TED
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I was still planning to ask, we have several repeaters in the area. And I would probably be having someone help me get set up anyway.
Randall, don't think we have met. Glad to hear you might be joining us on the NET. I have a cabin up Blue Canyon off the Eagle Creek. Go thru LaGrande all the time. Beautiful country you live in. Brent W7BR
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I'll be your net control for the next friday night net on 1/24/2020.

Topic for this week: Water Crossings (axle high or higher)

1) Bring some stories of experiences you have had or seen - both good and not so good. Share your experiences.

2) How should you prepare your vehicle for a water crossing?

3) What about water currents? When do you go when do you play it safe?

4) Do's and don's (probably comes from discussing 1) above.

Hope to see y'all tomorrow night!

73 de WD6TED
Thanks Ted for the great info on the net tonight. This was my first time on the air as a new echolink user and amateur radio user. I look forward to next Fridays topic.


M Rose

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Randall, don't think we have met. Glad to hear you might be joining us on the NET. I have a cabin up Blue Canyon off the Eagle Creek. Go thru LaGrande all the time. Beautiful country you live in. Brent W7BR
Nice to Meet you Randall. I love Eagle Creek. I make at least two trips a year up there. I take my exams next week, so hopefully I will be getting on the air soon.


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Notes from Overland Bound Amateur Radio Net Friday 1/24/2020

Net Control: Ted WD6TED

Check-ins: 16 (incl NCS)

Topic: Water Crossings

Brent W7BR was in Quartzite AZ this for the week long ham radio gathering. On Feb 14th he is will be net control and will cover was he learned at Quartzfest.

Notes from the topic of water crossings:

W7BR - Brent - Olympia WA - OB# 13782 - not a lot of experience in water crossing. Did white rim trail. Its not swift or deep, but got shorts on and waded in to mark some of the deeper crossing. 28" at the deepest area. Other recommendation: don't do it in a swift current situation. Do it slow and steady. Check the differential afterwards for water invasion. If you are by yourself, check for possible winchoff points before you go in.

K7XPO - Brien - Tuscon Az - OB# 3553 not a lot of opportunities for water crossings except for wintertime. Suggests look and walk it if possible. Pick up a rock and lob it into the water and listen for it to hit the bottom to judge depth regardless of still or running water.

W7GIN - Jac - Tucson AZ - 1st time on the net (Welcome!) K7ASQ is her husband. Just got hooked up with Overland Bound through Brien. Not much to add to the topic.

K7ASQ - Andrew - Tuscon AZ - Did them in the army Looking forward to checking into the next net.

KI5BQG - John - Galveston TX - Don't have any 1st hand experience to contribute. Saw a video from land rover user group. Ease into the water and create a bow wave and drive at a speed to stay in trough behind the bow wave. If you can throw a blanket over the grill that can help keep debris out of the radiator too.

KG7YTR - Anthony - Tuscon AZ - just got a new off-road vehicle so nothing to contribute ed note: yet.

K5FCO Francisco - Houston TX - not much experience but throws a stick into mud holes and see how deep it goes. Lives in Houston so lots of water experience during hurricanes with streets flooding. Important to know hight of vehicle. More important to know the streets or terrain. Don't follow the previous car. Wait for the car to complete the crossing. As an anecdote did St James river crossing in Texas hill country. They had scouted it, but the level was lower. But someone in the group had left the line of the group and lost his muffler on a rock.

K7ZOO - Curt - Tuscon AZ - 1st time checking into the net (Welcome!). Not lots of offroad experience. But did watch a water crossing with a 4-Runner at night, fast current and about a foot deep. Their strategy was get through as fast a possible. He got soaked by water being thrown up.

KY0TEQ - David - Durango CO - time of day etc they had a fatality because they didn't consider depth of
river for time of day. Also stay on the track and not veer off.

VK7VWK - Randall - Hobart Tasmania AUS - most off-road tracks the have involve some sort of water crossing. Lots of water in Tasmania. Diesel is deadly on the water intake. Thats why more snorkels. Water is death to diesel engines. Tip regarding electric engine fans: if you come to a deep water crossing, Just sit and let the whole vehicle cool down. Then go through the crossing cold. The fan won't kick in and suck up rocks into the radiator. Went on trip on the Australian mainland near Darwin in the Twin Falls area. There is a river crossing that has concrete blocks. But its waste deep but not going to wade into it to check the bottom because of the crocodiles.

NB9D - Neil - off-grid near Paris ME - has to do water crossings just to make it up to his place. The whole brook frooze up. But waist deep just to make it to the road and couldn't check it out. Just waited it out.

KE8AYE - Jason - Fairfield OH - He tries for avoid them because water gets into the vehicle eventually. Mitigating the actual threat is the best way to avoid it.

N5ADV - David - Cedar Hill TX - he did a crossing on a motorcycle with a group. Took awhile to get all of them across. They noticed that the river was rising pretty quickly. Lesson: note time of day and anticipate what the water is going to do.

KC8FQV - Mark - Aurora CO - Just watch out for water level changes. Note the weather up high elevations too.

WX5SKY - Jonathan - Edmond OK - the older he has become the more cautious he is. He has driven his chevy on 33s through swift water. His father floated his vehicle over to a favorite island spot for camping.

WD6TED - Ted - San Diego CA - OB# 13782 - Came down Silver Canyon from White Mtns to Bishop CA. Very steep and required lots of brake usage. 9 water crossings. Think the hot brakes with cold water caused the rotors to warp a bit. If possible try to let rotors cool before going into water. Also saw a presentation at a meeting recently where there was a deep water crossing to an island. Decided not to continue with crossing but came back a different path from what he used going in. Vehicle sunk into a gravel hole with water over the windows etc. Had to be winched out by several vehicles. Were able to siphon out fuel and replace. Dry other things out and make it back on the road the next day (with only one stall). Lesson: if retracing route, go the exact same way you went in.

Closed the net at 18:53 PST.

Thanks to everyone who participated and look forward to seeing y'all again in future nets!

73 de Ted WD6TED


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Hello Everyone,
Tomorrow evenings net topic is Vehicle Armor. We're talking skid plates, rockers, superman-steel bumpers, and whatever else keeps your rig safe out there. We would like to hear what you have added, if anything, and why.
Any interesting stories?

Of course, any other related chatter is welcome. It's always good to connect with everyone on Friday's.

Net Details:
Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 17:30 hours PT/2030 hours ET
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

If anyone is willing to assist as net controller, please reach out to myself, @ru108, @TerryD , @Brentc17 or @MTN RNR and we'll get you set up. We would very much appreciate the assistance.

That's it. Look forward to chatting tomorrow. 73!



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Thank you everyone who could join the net tonight. We had a great turnout and super interesting conversation. I'll get my notes posted this weekend.
Something else interesting. During our net, a significant piece of tree came down in the wind taking out my fence and HF antenna. Will be busy with with cleanup. I wonder if I can make an insurance claim?
Anyway, thanks again!
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Notes from Overland Bound Amateur Radio Net Friday 1/31/2020

Net Control: Ted WD6TED

Check-ins: 22 (incl NCS)

Topic: Vehicle Armor

Request for help with net control duties. Leave a note in this thread or reach out to one of the net control operators if you would like to join the net control crew.

Notes from the topic of vehicle armor:
KO4BDT Mike VA - Running minimal armor, front skid plate and have ordered rock sliders.

KJ7EXK Dana ID - Currently on Tacoma running front skid plate upgraded from factory. Also ordered rock sliders. Had truck for a year. On jeep had sliders and skids front and back. May look into transfer case skid or other low hanging pieces. Wish everyone good evening.

NB9D Neil ME - Out camping this weekend with other offroaders. Made it to camp with tire chains. No armor and hopes not to damage things, at one time wish had armor. About foot or so snow right now. Main consideration would be getting through snow. Perspective is vehicle is body armor for person.

K7IEX Tyler AZ - Running steel bumpers, winch, swingout, rock sliders with kick outs, skid plates. Important thing is the material. Can be anything aluminum to steel. Can save weight with aluminum. Comment- oil pan, first thing damaged on brand new truck. Noticed plug was bent when changing oil. Be cautious of weight. Comes down to picking the right tool for the job.

KJ7KPP Colton ID - New to overlanding. No armor on vehicle. Jeep 1998 xj Cherokee. What about tires – best way to protect is to air down. (k7xpo)

KN6GNV John CA - Armor. 2014 200 series land cruiser. No upgrades yet. Been looking for rock slider solution. No under armor, not sure if I will. Will evaluate. Insurance topic is interesting.

W8ILL Will MI - Fighting the flu tonight.

VK7VWK Randall Hobart, Tasmania - Hot weather in Tasmania. Pursuing armor for van. Protection under front and sump. Back end have different directions I could go; pieces could protect entire area or go with seperate pieces. Advantage to running two pieces that run entire length of vehicle. Leaning towards individual pieces to fit bigger fuel tank. Insurance experience, generally not covered down here.

K7XPO Brien AZ - Driving Rubicon hard rock edition which came with skid plates. Missing oil pan protection so looking for bash plate. Have steel bumpers and steel sliders which we rely on. Connected through K7UAZ repeater. If anyone knows local repeater interested in connecting to the net, talk to repeater owners. Warranty, related to insurance – bought jeep new. Talked to dealer about warranty. Gotcha with jeep and maybe others. Warranty void if they see dust in eng compartment.(?)

WD6TED Ted CA - Steel bumpers, made skid plates, rock sliders. Like the armor but vehicle is heavy. May protect differentials in summer. What to do first? Can use sliders to pivot and prevent body damage. Suggest oil pan is protected first. 2nd rock sliders. Then go from there. Back to John-fj200. Have fj100 and belong to land cruiser association. Active chapters. Check Ton of information for land cruisers. With respect to tires, highly recommend air down. Helps a lot. Look at spec on sidewall to check plys of protection of sidewall. I don't go in for rock climbing but vehicle still armored. If I end up on terrain I didn’t expect it's good to have protection. Be prepared. Steel bumpers for parking lot protection. Comment – looking for net control help.

KD8YMT Ed MI - No armor at all and had same question, where to start. Thinking to check oil pan as Ted suggested. Who makes good air compressor? Portable? (future topic idea)

VA3GSH Cesar Ontario CANADA- Not an off-roader but curious about insurance coverage. Offroading may require armor if insurance doesn’t cover.

W2JLD John NY - First time check in. Nothing to add to topic. Near buffalo NY.

N6DWA Dan CA - No response. May have had to leave.

K1CJM Charles NV - Early check in. Leaving for an overland trip tonight to Carson River Hot Springs.

VA2EEK Don Ontario Canada - Having echolink and dmr issues tonight but cleared up in time to check in. Protect oil pan and gas tank. Not much rock crawling country in home area nw ontario. Logging debris bigger issue. Salt on roads would cause corrosion with under carriage rust. Less weight, winch and maybe bumpers are advantage.

KC8FQV Mark OH - Back in the day, wanted to get into truck or jeep. Family did some offroading but quit to raise family.

KJ7DJX Thomas AZ - Near Tuscon. Did hear question about insurance. If carrying major company, you will be covered if you have full coverage ins. Had claims in past and was covered.

VK2DY Robert Sidney Australia - 114 deg F. Bush fires still burning. Drove up to botanical gardens, road beyond was unbelievably burnt. Amazing level of devastation.

KF4YLM Josh VA - Toyota Tacoma's and Sequoya are vulnerable to rocks apart from factory skid plate. Would benefit from airing down tires. Have shale rock which is sharp, cuts sidewalls.

KN4QMN Jason VA - Just getting off work and glad net is still running. Went camping for winter field day. 5W qrp and Alaskan hunting tent on mountain. Cool adventure. 17’ vertical tuned for 40 m. Looking at solar generator for off grid trips.

M Rose

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You will have their repeater tied-up for about a hour, they may or may not want their repeater linked up that long so it is always good to ask first.
Talked to the repeater owner. He has agreed to let me use it, he said hardly anyone actually uses it.


Rank VI
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Covington, Virginia, USA
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Hello Everyone!

I'll be net control for tonight's net. Since its the first net of the month its the night for Ham Q&A. I hope everyone can join us this evening.

Net Details:
Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 17:30 hours PT/2030 hours ET
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

If anyone is willing to assist as net controller, please reach out to myself, @ru108, @12poundtest , @Brentc17 or @MTN RNR and we'll get you set up. We would very much appreciate the assistance.

That's it. Look forward to chatting tomorrow. 73!
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If I get back home in time, I'll try to join via DMR... 1930CST?!
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Net notes for 2/7/2020

Topic: New Ham Q&A

22 Check Ins

W7BR Brent:
Announcements: Been talking with folks (Todd and Mike) about using Venture Overland DMR talkgroup 31655 for general DMR ragchew. They'd like to have more activity on the TG. Be adding to forum and net thread.

2. Didn't mean to hi-jack with DMR. Will be net control next friday for follow-up. If anyone has any topics or wants to help with net control just let us know.

W7GIN Jax:
1. Not much to contribute but here to enjoy the net.

K7ASQ Andrew:
1. With Jax and Brien trying to reassemble a radio they took apart.

K7IEX Tyler:
1. Consider self new to Ham radio but used it some to make contacts and use it on trail rides. First he's heard of Talk Groups and DMR. Does Talk Group have a range?

From W7BR: Not a guru but it's a digital mode (DMR D-STAR FUSION BIG 3) D-Star is ICOM, DMR is open source, Fusion is Yaesu. Have to be in area and have mode available on your radio but can link other nodes. Not just FM but have to operate the modes. Need a hotspot that will cross mode to different talk groups. Have to type in node # to use the TG.

AA1PR: If you want more info about talkgroup go to that will explain what adventure overland is. Have been active a little over a year on that TG. Anyone welcome over there. Good group of guys. Still working on cross modes.

2. Product mentioned: Openspot. Looks like 3 versions available. DMR hotspot works like Echolink? Allows radio to connect to internet for different modes. Openspot connection to internet not same as digital modes?

Answer: W7BR Can answer a little. Openspot 3 is latest version. 2 & 3 do cross mode. 3 has more modes and internal battery. Benefit of that is openspot3 can be used in car with phone as hotspot for internet connection and use radio to talk into openspot. Digital modes connect to server via internet even through repeater. Internet connectivity required for digital to function.

3. Is there an app like Echolink for DMR? Answer: Don't think there is. Uses RF. Using OS3 because fusion isn't local.

KE8NRN DeWayne:
1. Could write a book on questions. Be listening to absorb and hope to join in on later nets.

NB9D Neil:
1. Working on building a hotspot currently. Really interested in allstar and would like to have a tie in to a repeater for himself. Cold in Paris, Maine. Have about 6" of snow and could get down to -8*F. Not looking forward to the cold but looking forward to spring.

2. Blue DB app with reflashed firmware. Bunch of repeaters linked up with Fusion. Using beam to get into the group.

AA1PR Mike:
1. Heard about the net from Brent. Been OB member since Mike first started it and was one of first 100. Chose 325 as number. Also 326 for his trailer. Looking to combine adventure overland nets with OB net.

2. Allstar node died. Not used to having this much traffic. If someone has an allstar-dmr bridge could dv-switch(?). Easier to have a radio than a cellphone or tablet. Hotspots work on Brandmeister.

K7XPO Brien:
1. Very interested in TG info. Thinking about picking up openspot2 to play with now that the OS3 is out and price is dropping.

2. In middle of project. Just listening in.

KA7USA/5 John:
1. Not much to report in OK City. Sitting with a friend who's on OB but just getting into Ham radio. (Hi from Robert)

2. ARRL submitting recommendations for allocation changes to avoid mode interference. Go to ARRL website and look at the bandplans.

1. DMR is super interesting. Been draggin my heels even though DMR gear is on desk. Now that he knows others are getting involved he's gonna get involved. Going to check out the adventure overland TG. During last weeks net was experiencing wind storm that took out HF wire antenna to get back on the air. On a kick to piece together a go kit for HF gear to get away from noisy neighborhood.

2. Having another wind storm and internet is dropping out.

KE3R Allan:
In/Out for net

KB7RQQ Todd:
1. Thanks to Brent for the invite. Didn't know about the net. Wanted to expand on adventureoverland TG. Always open to anyone, throw out your call and join in.

KF5UZW Mark:
1. Not much to add. Met with other OB members today. Little warmer than up north. Hope to see everyone out on the trails this year.

KO4BDT Mike:
1. Second time on the group. Trying to figure it all out.

2. Still listening in. Working on lesson plans and be monitoring.

KJ7EXK Dana:
1. has DMR HT by BTECH (anytone) with DMR repeater in the area. DMR is like openspot in the area. Still pretty new to DMR.

W8ILL Will:
1. In hospital. Glad they got him taken care of. He's doing wonderful and feeling good. Lounging around while they finish some test. Supposed to go home tomorrow.

2. Laying back relaxing. Really enjoying the net.

KJ7KPP Colton:
1. Don't know much about DMR. Possibly use RaspberryPi.

2. FT-60R for Fusion? Does anyone take directional antenna when overlanding?

1. new hams getting into the hobby and overlanding. Not new to vehicle camping. Good Elmer showing them the ropes.

VK7VWK Randall:
1. trying to catch up as joined late. Interested in digital radios but haven't invested in it.

1. On way home. Not into DMR but seems popular in the area. Usually have DMR presentation at local Hamfests. Not looking to get into it right now.

2. Just sit down to eat dinner. Best wishes to Terry and Will. Look into "tape measure yagi" for project. Pretty easy and works good. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

KC8FQV Mark:
1. Local SK did a lot with traffic. Getting lots of snow and can go out with snow mobiles and dog sleds. Been snowing all day. Not sure of accumulation but it's plenty! Wasn't much when he went to get mail.

KC7FYE Dale:
1. 1st time checking into this net. Been on GnG before for ragchewing.

2. Trying to learn as much about digital modes. Local net on 520.


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Looks like it was a good one Friday night, Terry. Sorry I missed it. Got home from work with every intention of getting on, but promptly fell asleep in my recliner and was surprised to wake up there at 0415 yesterday when my alarm went off for work. Never heard the wife come in from her mom's and I'm guessing she didn't try to wake me to go to bed. Even the dog left me alone, lol! Guess I need to add getting up to speed on DMR to my ever lengthening to-do list...

73 de K5TIN
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In case anybody missed it. We are authorized and encourage to use the talk group Venture Overland 31655 if anyone is using digital modes. I will be monitoring in morning and afternoon when I can. Mike AA1PR and Todd KD7RQQ are the owners and also Overland Bound members. The idea is to have a place to go during the day and night to QSO with like minded members. If anybody is curious or wants to know more about cross-moding into digital yet me know. I have a fusion radio going into OpenSpot3 and that cross modes into DMR, DStar, Fusion and others. Works great and can take with me on the road so I can be found and talk on digital without or with repeaters as long as I have cell signal.


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Yea, it came out a couple of months ago. There are several You Tube videos explaining it and thoughts both ways. Brent W7BR


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In case anybody missed it. We are authorized and encourage to use the talk group Venture Overland 31655 if anyone is using digital modes. <snip>
Ok, another TG to program into my codeplug.
I kind of wished I had caught the net last Friday but I was rather engaged. Was early to bed to be up early doing radio net support for the Canadian Ski Marathon. Got to use VHF digital radios which worked rather well once you got a 30' antenna zap-strapped to the side of the truck. And yes, a bit of overlanding was involved as the course was two - 80 km (50 mile) cross-country skiing sections over two days, but driving on the back roads of Quebec to get to the checkpoints was some challenge. Oh, not to mention the -34 degree Celsius (-29F) temps to start the day.
Thanks for taking and posting the notes @TerryD
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