Friday Night HAM Radio NET

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Gonna work on the Echolink access..... but....why no D-Star net?


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Gonna work on the Echolink access..... but....why no D-Star net?
We wanted a way for every Amateur to access the net in the beginning. Echolink fit the bill since there was no equipment to purchase to participate. 99% of folks have a cell phone and that's all it takes to be involved in the net on Echolink. There are many who have D-Star but also many who do not and would not without a significant investment in equipment. It just didn't seem to fit the spirit of the net.

New Hams who have not yet purchased ANYTHING can even participate. It helps everyone get over the "radio shy" feeling in the beginning and become familiar with how a directed net operates should they ever find themselves involved in one.

As it stands, we've had several local repeaters linked into the system for the weekly net and it would be possible to add more if permission could be secured to use the repeaters during the net and there was someone on-hand to connect and disconnect them. If I am available, I connect our local linked system each week so those local to myself can participate. Although, since the net week-before-last it's become apparent that we'll need more practice to run the net from multiple linked repeaters with the extended drop time needed between transmissions. But that's a learning curve that we'll get straight with practice I'm sure. We have some great net controllers involved in the net!

As to why another net hasn't been started, we're trying to focus the attention to one area to keep the net alive. With folks spread out over multiple nets, each net will have decreased numbers and it's more likely that none would last very long. We've been doing this for almost a year now and we've had good turn out for the net each Friday night. But recommendations are always welcome for improvements.

As always, if anyone would like to assist as net controller, please reach out to myself, @12poundtest , @ru108 , @Brentc17 or @MTN RNR and we'll get you set up. We could use a few extra hands running the net on Friday nights.



Rank V

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Prairieville, LA
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Reminder about the weekly OB Echolink net tomorrow night. Since it'll be the first Friday of the month, that means its NEW HAM Q&A so new licensees, feel free to bring your questions, comments, ideas or anything else you feel like rag chewing about. As usual, pretty much anything else goes as well.

If you're not sure about how to use Echolink, a GREAT how-to article on getting started can be found HERE to get you up and running!

Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 17:30 hours PT/2030 hours ET
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

As always, if anyone would like to assist as net controller, please reach out to myself, @12poundtest , @TerryD , @Brentc17 or @MTN RNR and we'll get you set up. We could use a few extra hands running the net on Friday nights and would be happy to get you up to speed and into the rotation.

Until then...73!

Shane, K5TIN
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Rank V

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Friday Night OB EchoLink net notes 12/6/19
TOPIC - New ham Q&A​

W7BR (Brent in WA) - No announcements, but please let us know if you have any suggestions for topics or improvements we can make to the net. Just found out that a friend bought a Tram 1480 VHF/UHF antenna at Home Depot of all places and he’s using it at his QTH. Price was right around $50. They also have the Tram 1481 which comes with a mast for an extra $20.

KD8JLV (Steve in OH) - Have been licensed for a while and mainly active on 2M. New to this net. Studying for my General and my two teenage sons and teenage daughter are studying for their Technician so we can make ham radio a family affair. Question: Have been having issues with being able to see the EchoLink chat box on my iPhone. I’m seeing the message numbers, but no text. Answer by WD6TED (Ted) and I - If using it in night mode, that is likely the issue since the display is essentially reversed with that phone setting. Ted initially had the same issue at first on his phone and iPad. Steve changed his display to day mode and this resolved the issue.

N7PHY(Ed in WA) - Glad to be here tonight and welcome to the new folks. Recently purchased some 10 foot sections of fence post and am planning to build a mast that will be set in the ground so I can get my antenna up higher as well as make it easier to put up and take down quickly in order to be as stealthy as possible. Reading that this weekend is the FT8 Roundup, so may play around with that some if I have time.

WD6TED (Ted in CA) - Have been using a 53 foot random wire with a 53 foot counterpoise on HF using CW. Got all 6 continents in about a 12 hours period recently during the recent CW contest. (Nice work, Ted!). Also bought an SDR as an early Christmas present (sorry I missed the name Ted. If you want to update the tread with it, that’d be great). Also mentioned WebSDR as an HF listening aid. Note: I use this site as a check for my AirSpy + and it has proven useful when digging out signals when my local noise floor is high.

K7XPO (Brien in AZ) - Just completed a group buy for QSP Digital transceiver kit at Covers 40M/30M/20M FT8 and is $40. Note to Brien: Well played with the CW ID during check-in. It figured out who it was about the time you keyed again and SPOKE your call sign. You've re-enforced exactly how RUSTY my Morse is, so I guess I need to add re-learning CW to my to-do list. Going to wait until AFTER I upgrade to Extra, though…

VK7VWK (Randall down under in Tasmania) - Not a lot going on at the moment radio wise. Got a spectrum analyzer to play with, but mostly have just been working. The analyzer is a hand-me-down that was used for marine radio around the island. Planning to use it to check how much splatter I have in my signal and clean it up if need be. Found out EchoLink wasn’t very good to use on a phone for YOTA. Instead used an Android device that with a PTT that looks like an HT. Note: I didn’t catch the name, but a Google search pulled up a device made by Radio-tone that is for sale on Flea Bay for U.S. $285.00. Looks like a pretty slick device.

K4TXN (Ryan in TX) - First time on this net. (Welcome, Ryan!) Currently at a campsite at Huntsville State Park in front of a fire using my phone and a hot spot. Have gotten lots of good info from OB and look forward to learning more on the site and finding new places to explore.

W8Ill (Will in MI)- Doing OK. Glad to hear everyone tonight. Had my antenna collapse on me the other night. Think the glue that was holding the PVC supports together got brittle due to the cold and cracked up in the tree. Think I got it fixed and it seems to be working pretty good. Also bought an antenna analyzer (MFJ 296) last week and am looking forward to trying it out.

KD9DFV (Michael in IL) - It is Get Kids on the Air Month, so have been working on that. Had a group in here earlier this evening introducing them to EchoLink and radio in general. Feel it is important to get the kids involved when you can to peek interest and keep the hobby going. Currently getting working on setting up for a group of Girl Scouts that are coming in tomorrow.

K5TIN (Shane in LA) net control - Thanks to those who were able to check in with us tonight and once again, WELCOME to the new folks!

Not sure if everyone noticed what was going on in the chat box (aside from the poking fun at me in the beginning, lol), but I wanted to take a second to point out that, as of 12/21/19, the OB Friday Night Net will hit it’s 1st birthday! On behalf of YOUR Net Control Stations (myself, @12poundtest, @TerryD, @MTN RNR) and our Coordinator and sometimes Net Control @Brentc17, I’d like to thank everyone who has checked in with us each week and helped us keep this going. We couldn’t do it without you! It has been a fun time for sure and I’m looking forward to what the future holds. With that being said, please don’t be shy about challenging yourself by getting involved with us as a Control Station. Once you get the hang of it, its actually really fun! The five of us would be more than happy to get you set up and get you some practice before you go LIVE and LARGE, so please consider helping us out! You’ll be hooked in no time!

10 check-ins including net control. The above is, of course, a synopsis of the discussion and I left out a lot of details, but a ton of good info was passed, questions asked and questions answered.

Catch everyone next week! 73!

K5TIN (Shane)
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Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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Greetings all, I will be the net control station this week for the Friday Night Net.

Main Topic for this week: Suspensions - what you have / have not done with the suspension on your vehicle why or why not?

Secondary Topic (on second round if suspension discussion seems done): Differentials - gearing, snorkels, etc.

Looking forward to hearing everyone this week!



Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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Friday Night Overland Bound Echolink Net Notes
Friday December 13, 2019
Primary Topic: Suspensions, & Straight Axle vs Independent
Secondary Topics: Differential Gearing and Misc Ham Radio

Net Control: WD6TED -Ted - San Diego - CA
Total Checkins: 11 including net control.

1) N8XFC - Bob - Alderson, WVa - Runs a stock suspension currently as it meets his needs for the roads he drives.

2) KT4OZ - Terry - Covington - VA- OB# 3710 - At first started small with his Xterra then later on jumped in suspension upgrades. Currently uses 9 leaf packs 2 1/2" lift. Radflo coil over shocks for 650lb. Wanted something that could handle the load of the winch and the steel front bumper. Radflo shocks in the rear. They are sufficiently heavy duty to handle the factory rear bumper. He does pull trailers but not overlanding. Has Timber Bump stops and he says the really help a lot. Terry things a solid rear axle and an independent front is best for overlanding. Has concerns that independent rear can cause camber issues with the wheels. Prefers leaf springs to coils because they are more stable.

3) K7XPO/6 - Brien - Checking in from the Oakland Airport (main QTH is Tuscon AZ)- OB# 3553 - drives a Rubicon and has a galley in the rear + 5 people + Turtleback trailer. Uses AEV DualSport XT 2 1/2" lift. Took coils out and put Old Man EMU coils. Has 33 1/2" Rubicon wheels w/ 275 BFG KO2 tires. With current arrangement the rig is level when the trailer is attached. He also has a steel bumper. On the trailer he uses the custom Icon suspension for the Turtleback. Regarding differentials he is currently running the stock 410 ratio in his jeep but is going to go to 488 gearing in the next couple of months due to the heavy load in/on the Jeep and pulling the Turtleback. As a side note things are in place for his shop to open: Expedition Outfitters.

4) KJ7DUE - Kim - Whitefish - MT - Has a 2016 JK and put an AEV 2" spacer which helped a lot. Wishes he had the AEV 3 1/2" Dual Sport. Run on 33" wheels.

5) VA2EEK - Don - Gatineau - Quebec - Drives a stock Tacoma. Only modification made is an upgrade to the tires.

6) AF5QL - Bubun - Indonesia - Just dropped in on the net as he is a USA-GNG Echolink regular

7) N7PHY - ED - Edmonds - WA - OB# 15391: Has a Chevy Colorado and runs it completely stock. Meets his needs (anything to do with fishing) for the time being.

8) N4QWK - Randy - Springfield - VA: Just joined Overland Bound 3 or 4 days ago (sorry I did not get his OB#). He has had Jeeps since about 1981. Has 3 Jeeps currently: '86 CJ7, '82 Scrambler, '06 Wrangler Limited. He has retirement on the near horizon and will be moving to north Wyoming. He will start building out the '06 Wrangler for the move to Wyoming. Would like to get a 4-Door Limited for his next vehicle. The '86 CJ7 is just fine the way it is for what he currently does on logging roads in W VA. Didn't really need to change anything but did add an extra leaf spring on the front.

9) VK7VWK - Randall - Hobart - Tasmania - Discussed gearing a bit but nothing to add regarding suspensions.

10) W8ILL - Will - Taylor - MI - Fixed and remounted the antenna that was blown off his roof last week.

11) WD6TED - Ted - San Diego - CA: Has 2015 4Runner TRD Pro and runs Icon Stage 7 suspension with secondary front shocks. Has Icon 2 1/2" lift in the front and recently added Icon 3" heavy duty overland springs in the rear due to additional weight of CBI steel rear bumper and swing arms. Also uses Icon hydro bumpers in the rear. Using 33 1/2" wheels with 295 width tires. As the vehicle has become heavier planning on going to 456 differential gearing in the next year.

Net closed at 02:54z 12/14/2019

Thanks to everyone who participated.
The question was raised if we will be running the net over the holiday period - YES we will be running the net each week.

73 to all!


Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Hello Overlanding Hams,
Just a reminder, tomorrow evening is our weekly OB ham radio net on EchoLink. We will be discussing mobile antennas, specifically mounting preferences, specialized hardware, and personal experience with your setup. As a secondary topic it would be great to get some net topic suggestions for 2020.

Net Details:
Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 17:30 hours PT/2030 hours ET
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

If anyone would like to assist as net controller, please reach out to myself, @ru108, @TerryD , @Brentc17 or @MTN RNR and we'll get you set up. We definitely could use the assistance.

Hope to catch you on the net. 73!

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Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Greetings everyone.
We had a great net last night with several first time check-ins. My apologies for the appalling note taking. Feel free to keep the conversation going here in the thread.
If we do not speak before hand I wish everyone a safe and amazing Christmas holiday!

Friday Night Overland Bound Echolink Net Notes
Friday December 20, 2019
Primary Topic: Mobile Antennas: what, how, where, pit falls, and pro-tips
Secondary Topics: Any topic suggestions for 2020?

Net Control: N7PHY – Ed – Edmonds, WA
Total Check-ins: 12 including net control.

KJ7EXK – Dana – ID – Not able to stick around. ( glad you checked in)

K7IEX – Tyler – AZ - Have not installed a radio or antenna yet. New(ish) ham hoping to learn what others have done. Looking at antenna mount beside hood at this point. Future topic suggestion – How to pick the right frequency to start a conversation on VHF/UHF.

KD8YMT – Ed – MI – Running a 40" fold-over diamond antenna. Holds up when running into things and works well. Figuring out mount myself for Chevy Colorado. Future topic suggestion. Storage in the rig. Suggestion for Ed, look at APRS for folks nearby to initiate chat.

K7XPO – Brien – AZ - Bumper mount for primary ant. May post a picture in forum thread. Running a Tram dual band. Like everything else with ham radio there are trade offs. Have another fold-over antenna on back. Would sometimes forget pulling into carport and whack the antenna. Antenna ok but mount would take a beating. Also have magmount 21" dual band dead center hood for GMRS radio.

KM4GHN – Mitch – VA (repeater) – Using magmount on Tacoma and has used also on FJ’s. Working well for Mitch.

N6DWA – Dan – CA – Also driving Chevy Colorado hood mount. (parts for Colorado hard to find) Had a door jam mount up higher that worked better.

KD8JLV – Steve – OH – In former Jeep Cherokee XJ ran cable through window jam to roof mount antenna, worked great. Sold vehicle not run soft-top which has roof rack. The rig barely fits in garage with deflated tires so can’t put antenna on top of rack. Running a lift mount diamond k-something. Works well on repeaters. Still running HT for radio. Not much luck making other contacts on simplex. Likes the lip mount for fit in garage and cable run. Only 30 minutes to install in jeep. Not sure of effectiveness. Plan to explore that, good for local club repeater. Topic suggestion - ham radio wilderness protocol. are we ready to help in an emergency situation?

VK7VWK – Randall – Tasmania – Answer to question; why are Australian rigs running antenna on bull bar? Works for seeing what the antenna is hitting while going through brush. Have mounted antennas on front bull bar in past. Bigger HF antenna mounted on back near spare tire. Has one ant that must be on roof rack because no other point. High up good with fold over base.

JR4HWB – Hiroshi – Japan – First time check in.

JH1VOX – Tadaaki – Japan – Also first time check in.

N7PHY (Net Control) – Ed – WA – Running the Comet CA-2x4SRNMO antenna (sorry, mis-remembered and thought I had the Diamond) with spring option. wide bandwidth with swr meter. Mounted on driver side hood with gutter bracket. Works well but wonder how much better it would be on roof. Fold over feature works well. For super sturdy mobile antenna mount hardware check out


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As discussed last night. Here is my installation for the 2m/70cm antenna. I'm not sure it's the most RF efficient but works well so far and is mostly immune to severe damage by brush and branches. It's the Comet model CA-2X4 which can fold over.


Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Greetings everyone,
I hope you had a pleasant Christmas holiday and have a chance to put your feet up for a bit.
It's time again for our weekly Ham radio net and I'll be your net control again. We will have 'open topic' night, which means you are encouraged to bring any questions to the group or just check in and let us know what you are looking forward to doing off-road in 2020.

Net Details:
Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 17:30 hours PT/2030 hours ET
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

If anyone would like to assist as net controller, please reach out to myself, @ru108, @TerryD , @Brentc17 or @MTN RNR and we'll get you set up. We definitely could use the assistance.

Hope to catch you on the net. 73!



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A few of my topic ideas I had tonight:

  • - Mobile HAM Radio with significant others and/or passengers that get annoyed by the HAM Radio static?
  • - Wilderness Protocol as mentioned by KD8JLV specifically:
    • how to make emergency contact when you need help
      • what frequencies to use?
      • tips and tricks for terminology when asking for help
    • how to actively be monitoring for people that are requesting help
      • what frequencies to monitor?
  • Talking with the International Space Station, Moon bouncing, and other interesting communication topics
  • How do you meet other overlanders to go on future trips with?
  • How to learn more about net controller responsibilities and any type of mentorship opportunities that may be happening among us


Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Another great net this evening. Thank you everyone who could make it tonight!
We had 16 amateur radio operators check-in and one pirate station. Very exciting night.

We ran with an open topic, primarily discussing our overland accomplishments for 2019 and what we hope to do in 2020. Also put out the request for net topic ideas and received some really great suggestions.

This net concludes our first full year of running the Overland Bound amateur radio net. It's been an amazing experience and I appreciate all of you for participating and making it what it is.
Happy New Year wishes to you and your family!
Ed - N7PHY

Friday Night Overland Bound Echolink Net Notes
Friday December 27, 2019
Primary Topic: Open topic, overland plans for 2020?
Secondary Topics: Topic suggestions for 2020?

K5AOS Shawn TX - First time on Echolink and first time joining the net. Got together with a neighbor who is also an OB member to join the net tonight. Planning first trip for 2020 over New Years day. Made great trips to Utah, CA, and Colorado in 2019 and hope to do the same in 2020.

KI5BQG John TX - Only made one major outing in 2019. 2020 goal is to get out much more often.

KJ7EXK Dana Wydaho - Mobile in WY on way home to ID. Snowing out which is good. In 2019 was out quite a bit. Camped in N. AZ for a month. Great time. Lots of Mt biking and trucked on fun trails. Back to work at ski resort.

N6DWA Dan CA - Only made it out a couple times in 2019. Death valley trip was fun. Doing more shorter trips in 2020. Couldn't go to Sierra OB rally due to work but hope to try for that trip again.

KD8JLV Steve OH - Special shout out to Dana KJ7EXK. Msg each other on OB forums and wound up joining the net. Watching over landing continue to grow. First expo participation in 2017 and have since seen things taking off. As far as future net topics; would love to talk about using amateur radio to promote in groups to communicate, resucue, save lives, ie; wilderness protocol. Learn when to call, when to monitor or say monitoring, to make yourself available to someone who may need help.

W8ILL Will MI - Spent day getting antenna back in tree with fishing pole. Reminder to take care of our vehicles and be safe out there. For 2020- hope to have another birthday and build more access points to the conf server.

K7IEX Tyler AZ - Excited for new year. Got into vehicle camping and over landing this year. Put truck together in time to drive to expo east. More camping in 2020 starting with new years. Camping out with small # people at high enough elevation to see fireworks. As far as future net topics; also interested in wilderness protocol net topic. From both sides; someone that may need help and what to do to be available to help others. Also, how to meet other overlanders. Other ideas; how to talk to international space station or moon bounce in ham radio. And, mobile ham radio with significant other who doesn't like static noise? Also, how can I learn more about net controllers and responsibilities.

KT4OZ Terry VA - Few extra days off work for the holidays so getting projects done. I n spring may get out more. Goal is to spend more time outside in 2020. Week and half in Colorado in 2019 was great time.
Also interested in the Wilderness Protocol net topic. Find listening to 146.520 while driving can be interesting to meet people. Wilderness protocol, been on list for awhile. Willing to dig into it for future net. PDF online for wilderness protocol for recommendations as a starting point. Dual watch radio handy for combination of listening freqs. (some initial ideas)

VK7VWK Randall Tasmania - Organizing for trip to Cockle Creek, most southerly road in Aus. Camp on southern tip, 75 mile trip. Bringing fishing poles. Friend has a boat down there.

KD8YMT Ed MI - Hanging around home for holidays, working on truck. Put OB badge on truck. Hope to make expo this coming year.

KF4YLM Josh VA (mobile) - 019 camp trips were very wet. Congratulations for 1 year of OB net. Reminder of January, 3rd weekend VHF sweepstakes. Good time to make contacts on VHF. Likes idea of general theme of emergency communication. Very good net topic. Best practices. Also interesting overlanding and radio sports. Exotic modes of operating while camping.

VA2EEK Don Quebec - First check in with DMR and open spot. (Sounds good) 2020 overlanding plan is to organize and plan to enjoy trips more. Part of search rescue team with repeater system in Canada. Portable J Pole to string up is handy to have. Digital radio has more punch to get out from wilderness based on local testing.

WD6TED Ted CA - Have ocean kayak cabo which is awesome (response to Eds comment). Difficult to plan trip now but hope to get to east side Sierra Nevada mtns. 6 hrs from house. Imogene pass didn't open from last snowfall but will monitor. Looking at 456 gearing into 4-runner in 2020(?). Talking about emergency comms. Radio and overlanding go well together. Ideal trip is over landing, hike, and sota activation. Maybe some way we can organize a filed day activity together. OB ham radio club?

WX5SKY Jon OK - Plenty of back road travel with many points of interest planned. Starting to build trailer for 2020.

KE0YTA Roger KS - Having problems with Echolink output so listening in tonight.


Rank VI
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Covington, Virginia, USA
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Hello everyone!

Join in tonight for another Overland Bound Amateur Radio Net on Echolink!

This is the first net of the NEW YEAR and marks our 2nd year ON THE AIR.

Net Details:
Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 17:30 hours PT/2030 hours ET
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

This evening we will be discussing the "Wilderness Protocol" for making emergency contact on VHF frequencies and above.

73 till then!
Terry KT4OZ


Local Expert, Oklahoma USA
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I thought 1st Friday was New Ham Q&A? :smirk:

Hope you have a good net, will try to make it if I can.


Rank VI
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I thought 1st Friday was New Ham Q&A? :smirk:

Hope you have a good net, will try to make it if I can.
Yeah that's my bad. It usually is but this is a topic I've had on the list since last year and have not covered.

Since this was brought up again by another member and I've been sitting on my hands about it, I'm going to cover it tonight. It's all of 2 sentences in the ARRL ARES Field Resource Manual so it probably won't take much to discuss! :laughing:
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