Friday Night HAM Radio NET

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M Rose

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Better late than never, but I wasn't able to get in either with EL. The only way was through DMR using my hotspot. I threw out a call, but got no response. Must be something with GNG, because everything on Brandmeister was working. Maybe everyone being home right now is breaking the interweb....:mask:
Could be... my local nightly net was having problems with EchoLink and Wires-X dropping people a couple hours later
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Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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Friday Night Overland Bound Net coming up tomorrow night (or the next day in Australia) at 5:30p PDT, 8:30p EDT, and 00:30z on Echolink conference server 591550 the *USA-GNG* - USA Grits n' Gravy. Never used Echolink? Just download the app onto your portable device or computer (Windows or Mac - though you might need to open a port on your router - mobile devices are a lot easier), put in your ham callsign, connect, and look in the list of Conference Servers usually right at the top. You can also join through DMR talk group 1137550 or Allstar 41130.

This weeks topic: It's the first Friday of the month so that means it's The New Hams Net! :smiley: Always a popular net, this is a great time for any new hams to jump on in and get radio active! Get any and all of your questions answered or just check-in and say "Hi". Most of us are sequestered at home so break up the monotony and come join us! I'll be your net control.

If you can't get out and go overlanding right now, and you're getting restless, this might be a great time to consider looking into the HF side of amateur radio. Technicians do have some areas in the HF bands they can use. So if anyone has questions about how to get on HF we would be happy to offer suggestions. All it takes is a low power radio and a couple long wires to get started.

In any case all ham questions are fair game.

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night!!!


WJ - Firefly

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Casey County, Kentucky
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Still trying to get DMR working. New radio (DJ-MD5). I have never tried DMR before. Got into D-Star just a month ago. Not connecting properly to the
TG. I am not sure if it is the radio setup or my hotspot setup.

I will try to get it sorted out by next Friday. Monitoring on the WEB.

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Brentwood, CA, USA
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Shoot totally missed my first OB Net as a licensed ham.
I heard the end of it, if no one talked about it (which I doubt) : there is a club in Alaska doing testing,. Their schedule is way out there now but that is how I got it done this week

I contacted them right at the start of this mess and it took about 3 weeks to get it worked out. They rock. Be patient. They do all levels from what I could tell.


Rank VI
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Shoot totally missed my first OB Net as a licensed ham.
I heard the end of it, if no one talked about it (which I doubt) : there is a club in Alaska doing testing,. Their schedule is way out there now but that is how I got it done this week

I contacted them right at the start of this mess and it took about 3 weeks to get it worked out. They rock. Be patient. They do all levels from what I could tell.
You rock man. Thanks for the link!


Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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Overland Bound Net Friday April 3, 2020

Net Control: WD6TED Ted Thompson OB# 13782

Topic: New Hams Net!

19 check-ins including NCS

1) KT4OZ - Terry - Covington VA - OB# 3710: He is homebound and working on his differentials and bent rear axle. Terry contributed to other subjects during the course of net.

2) K7XPO - Brien - Tuscon AZ - OB# 2553: Not much time with Ham Radio lately and has been stuck at home as well. He is thinking it would be a good time to start working on his digital transceiver kit that does FT-8 and other protocols. He is also working on the wiring harness in his rig.

3) KE8AYE - Jason - Fairfield OH - OB# 17839 - wanted info on where to find on-line ham exam sessions. Ed posted the following link: USA conducts first all-online ham radio exam | Southgate Amateur Radio News

4) NB9D - Neil - Somewhere off-grid in Maine - Minimal effect from the virus outbreak as they are in place at home riding out the winter and mud season.

5) K7KEG - David - Foothills outside of Tuscon - He is a full-time RVer and 4x4. Listening in on the Arizona repeater.

6) KI5BEE/VE3 - Calvin - Ontario Canada. Looking for suggestions for entry level radios for SOTA. Brien recommended QRP Labs QCX 5W CW transceiver kit. The Yaesu FT-857 is a very popular radio in the $500 - $1000 space. Welcome to The Elecraft KX-2 and KX-3 are also very popular but are pricey KX-Line.
It wasn't brought up in the net, but the LNR Moutain Topper is also a very popular radio with SOTA people: The subject of antennas for SOTA was also brought up. The Par EndFez trail-friendly 10-20-40 is a very popular antenna Par EndFedz® EFT-10/20/40 Trail Friendly Sotabeams in the UK make a terrific 20-30-40 dipole that is very light and easy to setup and can be purchased through dxengineering Parts and Accessories
Additionally just two wires connected binding posts work just fine too.

7) W7BR - Brent - Olympia WA - OB# 2616 - uses a lot of portable antennas and really like the Scorpion antenna on his rig Scorpion Antennas . More info on that just contact him here on the forum.

8) VA2EEK - Don - Gatineau QC - Been working on DMR and feels he's got it down and is getting good at programing them. Uses an Anyone 868 (w/o bluetooth and APRS) and for SAR work uses the 578.
AnyTone Radios

9) KJ7KPP - Colton - Pocatello IN - was looking for suggestions on HF antennas for 160 - 10m. This of course lead to a lot of discussion. Brent likes the Maxconus off center fed dipole Terry really like the fan dipole that he built himself. I use a 71' "random" wire antenna with a Palomar-Engineers 9:1 UNUN I use the 71' version with a 52' and 2 12' counterpoise wires. The 53' was my own addition and runs directly under the main antenna. I use it for 80 - 10 meters and got out on 160m with it the other day (though it's not rated for that). An antenna tuner is a must with this sort of antenna. Will also mentioned getting the antenna app that runs on Android phones. He believes the best antenna for a new ham is one you built yourself. Ed found this link during the net and posted it:

N8MXG - Ron - Riverview MI - Nothing heard

KM4MAR - Chris - Stephens City VA - Just joined the net because he was on the Virginia repeater. Just enjoying listening in.

W8ILL - Bill - Taylor MI - see comments he made above.

KI5ING - Andrew - Pfugerville TX - Nothing heard

N7PHY - ED - Edmonds WA - Been ver busy with work so haven't done a lot of radio activity. He recently purchased the ICOM IC-9700 VHF/UHF and 1200MHz He also got new QSL cards (good for you Ed!).

KI7RAM - Bill - Reno NV - Nothing heard

VK7VWK - Randall - Tasmania Australia - Not a lot happening in radio recently. Just listening in.

KN4QMN - Jason - Blacksburg VA - Trying to study for his general license. Thinking of getting an Icom 7300 He is also interested in getting into SOTA.

KC8FQV - Mark - Aurora OH - nothing heard

The net concluded at 19:03 PDT.

Thanks everyone for joining in this evening. It was a fun net!
Be well, stay safe, and BE HAPPY!

73 de WD6TED - Ted


Rank V

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Prairieville, LA
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Reminder about the weekly OB Echolink net tonight. This will be an open topic and general how's everybody doing net, so just check in and tell us what's going on with you, what's on your mind (keep it rated PG please :grinning:) and how you've been keeping your sanity during all this craziness. Don't have anything to say? Just check in and say hi!

If you're not sure about how to use Echolink, a GREAT how-to article on getting started can be found HERE to get you up and running!

Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 17:30 hours PT/2030 hours ET
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

As always, if anyone would like to assist as net controller, please reach out to myself, @12poundtest , @TerryD , @Brentc17 or @MTN RNR and we'll get you set up. We could use a few extra hands running the net on Friday nights and would be happy to get you up to speed and into the rotation.

Until then...73 de K5TIN

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Prairieville, LA
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OB net notes 4/10/20​
Open topic

W7BR - Thanks for joining. Still looking for topics. Please let one of the controllers know, as well as backups. Want to remind everyone that we are welcome to use DMR TG Venture Overland (31655) hosted by AA1PR (Mike) when it isn’t net nights.

K7XPO - OB app Beta is live, so if interested in joining, there is a video that Micheal loaded on the the YT channel that has info to join the beta. The more people we can get, the more we can find out what needs to be fixed. Just wanted to say, would like to do what people are doing in your downtime while stuck at home? I’m using the time to try and do all the upgrades I’ve had planned to Jeep for shore power, also have new solar that I need to make a rack for, as well as some more little things. Nothing for round 2, but was reminded I need to do an oil change! Have a great weekend.

VK7VWK - All well here on a Saturday morning. Just weird but giving me time to get work done on campers and such. Just wishing everyone to stay well. Just going to hang around here and watch the weather. Seeing some come in.

N8XYO - Just sitting around with the kids. Have family down where you are, Shane. Must be from the north…you don’t have a LA accent. Only other thing to add. Ordered an antenna and wire from Ebay 9-10 days ago and still haven’t received them. Tracking shows its taking its time. Ordered a Slim Jim from another operator and some RG8. Sellers can’t find them either.

W8ILL - Sorry about the key down. Mouse stuck. Got my antennas up and just trying to make it through the virus lockdown. Trying to sort out my junk stash as well. Big job.

KI7RAM - Trying to stay out of my better half’s way and doing a honey do list. Get a few things done on the 4R as well. Finished a tool box for it and built a cutting board sink cover for the big rig. Working on outside projects as well.

N7PHY - Welcome to any first timers. Been working from home and the load has just exploded. Not complaining, but complaining. Envy the neighbors right now. Nice weather. Cleaning up some fishing equipment and can’t wait to get out. Forgot to mention that Brent is getting good with the videos. Good drone work!

KT4OZ - Hope everyone has been safe. Got the essential paperwork, so nothing has really changed. Work, come home and deal with the kids. Some interesting fights in the evenings, but everybody is dealing with it. Cleaned around the house and the yard is next. Doing some gear trades with friends and got my hands on a few knives recently. Current favorite is an Essy(sp?) RB3 that I like. Not much radio lately. Just trying to keep moving and mind on other things. Rumors going around that VA is crossing the hump and should be dropping soon, so that’s good news. Plans for tomorrow, smoke a pork butt. Snowed today and then immediately warmed up and melted. May also get around to wiring up the rear locker on the Xterra. Also need to replace the axel when it gets in.

KA7OLE - PNW has had some really nice days the last month or so. Been tempting to get out, but respecting the stay at home orders. Planning some trips, though for June and hopefully things will settle down. Also, any HF activity from OB members. No projects going on. NW Overland Rally has been moved to June so hopefully that will happen. Really fun time.

AA1PR - Happy Easter. Just staying home more than I ever has. Everybody wearing mask, so I laugh a bit. Venture Overland DMR TG 31655. Also sign up on the Venture Overland site. We’ll get you approved so you can have access. Trying to grow the group, so check it out.

KJ7KPP - SE ID going good. Been doing a bit of fishing at a local pond and playing around with HF a bit. Put up an 80-10 dipole last week. Made a few contacts and hope to get 20 working good.

K7IEX - Been good in AZ. Both GF and I work from home. Lots of people are probably getting stir crazy, but we’re used to it. Just trying to stay safe and inside. Had a lot of time for reading. Lots of good info on the site.

K8RAP - Like to reach out to buddy Earl. Known him for 30 years. Got hold of each other about 3 weeks ago after not talking for 20 years. Been great. Nice to get close, but staying apart via radio. Glad to talk to old friend. Just received first DMR radio as a b-day present. Didn’t think I’d ever get into digital, but pending a lot of time with it. Side note re: social distancing. Told kids that there will be no dine-in, only take out! Some family got 100 rolls of TP for $100 and thought they got they got a good deal. Turned out it was only good for 2 uses. Quite an experience working from home.

VA2EEK - Doing good in the great white north. Snow melting and trails thawing, but we can’t use them! People still walking them, though. Just closed everything due to worry about congregating in the parking lot. Even people walking the neighborhood not SD. I’m working from home, 3rd string so to speak, but still working. In the IT branch of Fed Gov’t. and have some slack time that I’ve been using for SAR stuff. Training came to a halt, so been using online meetings as a stand in. Did sessions last week on radio procedures. Worked out well video chat due to muting and unmuting your mic is almost PTT. Zinc lozenges for scratchy throat. Processing a video I’m going to post on the training we’ve been doing. Not nearly as exciting as drone stuff, but necessary. Hoping for no floods. Looking like a normal melt so should be ok.

W7BR - Welcome new guys. Been repairing things that broke on my last trip to DV and working on my videos on YT. Going to put some more up this weekend. Also just catching up on chores around the house. Essential employees, but get to work from home. Look into OMISS net if you haven’t. Been participating in that a bit. Also a 3.945 in the NW everyday as well if anyone wants to check in there.

NB9D - Good net and glad to hear everyone. Been picking up spring branches and spring cleanup outside. Got over a foot of snow last night that put a stop to it and will probably have to start over.

K1CJM - Taking walks and trying to stay healthy. Want to work on the truck, but can’t really get out there much. Packing right now for a move to AZ. Gonna be an interesting move. Not too much COVID where we’re going, so we’ll see. Just wish we could get out more. Need to pull sway bars off of the Tahoe for more articulation. Need to work on on the back since the front is good. Little more wiring as well. Hardest thing is just to get the motivation to work on it, but need to get done before the move.

KD9CVD - Just posted a link in the chat. Made a goofy overland video and was first one I ever did. Been working on my truck and RTT. Solar panel project as well. Been busy and trying to stay sane. Hope everyone stays safe and healthy. Question: Who do we talk to about being a net control? Answered to check the announcement thread for info to get us.

KE8AYE - Dealing with allergies. Everything shut down here in OH. Worked on the rig and planning a couple of trips. Spent most of my free time reorganizing the shack. Looking for HF equipment to get into that. Doing some shopping. Topic: fridge reviews…looking to buy one.

KD8YMT - Essential health care workers. Not much changed except for more work. Try to squeeze in radio when I can. You find ways to do things to keep busy is about the bet anyone can do. Been playing with QRP a bit as well.

KN4QMN - All my welding classes have been canceled, but still working. Was able to get out and go for a hike yesterday. Going to start working on a go-box soon. Also planing to make an emcom trailer at some point as well.

KN4YAL - Thanks to all the first responders! Not really doing anything due to self quarantine.

KC8FQV - Weather has been funny. Got a bit of snow then back to sun. Done a lot of camping when younger and RV shows. Used to rent some as well. Don’t camp much anymore, but don’t know what we’re going to do this year.

KO4BDT - Not much to do but work. Just finished second 36 hr at the fire station. No time for much else. Gotta go back tomorrow.

N6DWA - Gotten a lot done. Made 2 garden beds in the front yard, moved a shed and now just remounting IC5100 in vehicle as well as some maintenance. Everybody is happy and healthy, so doing well.

VK2DY - Nice day 70F and sunny. Good autumn weather. On lockdown here except for essential stuff. Can go to a park to exercise, but you’d better be local. Could be subjected to fines if you’re not where you’re supposed to be. Even the beaches are closed except to locals. Did some shopping today and will hunker down for the next few days.

K5TIN (net control) - Blessed to still be working, but have been really busy. Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Spending my down time planning upgrades on the 4R and planning trips that, hopefully, will happen in 2021.

26 check-ins including net control. Great net tonight! Thanks for checking in and hope to hear everyone next week.


Rank IV

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Washington, USA
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Great net! My first time on, appreciate hearing from other OB'ers across the country and across the world!

KA7OLE - PNW has had some really nice days the last month or so. Been tempting to get out, but respecting the stay at home orders. Planning some trips, though for June and hopefully things will settle down. Also, any HF activity from OB members. No projects going on. NW Overland Rally has been moved to June so hopefully that will happen. Really fun time.
Just to clarify on the Northwest Overland Rally - it's been moved from June to early September. Maybe I'll meet some of you there?
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Edmonds WA
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Hello Everyone,
I hope you are all healthy and safe. This evening I'll be your net control for the Overland Bound amateur radio net. The featured OB article "Breaking down the tool roll" caught my attention and I thought it might make an interesting net topic. We don't necessarily need to go into each individual tool you carry but I am very interested in what problems you anticipate needing to fix. How much or how little do you carry? What about extra fluids for the vehicle? And how do you store all those tools?

If you're not sure about how to use Echolink, a GREAT how-to article on getting started can be found HERE to get you up and running!

Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 17:30 hours PT/2030 hours ET
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

As always, if anyone would like to assist as net controller, please reach out to @ru108, @12poundtest , @TerryD , @Brentc17 or @MTN RNR and we'll get you set up. We could use a few extra hands running the net on Friday nights and would be happy to get you up to speed and into the rotation.

Hope to catch you on the net tonight!

Ed - N7PHY
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Edmonds WA
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Thank you everyone who participated in our weekly amateur radio net yesterday! We discussed our vehicle tool kits and came up with some really interesting suggestions. I boiled it down to a list which hopefully sparks a little interest in beefing up the tool kit. It sure does for me.
Feel free to add to the list here in the forum thread.

Thanks and 73!
Ed - N7PHY

Overland Bound Amateur Radio Net – Vehicle Took Kit Recommendations

17 APR2020 – Check ins:

KT4OZ Terry VA
VK7VWK Randall Tasmania
N6WH Liana CA
NB9D Neil ME
W7BR Brent WA
Forum Jamie

Carry Case
Tool roll
Water resistant duffel bag
5 gal bucket with canvas bucket tool organizer LINK

Hand Tools
Linesman pliers (use with bailing wire)
Big crescent wrench - reduce need to carry large sockets (1 for convoy)
Sockets, wrenches, screwdrivers, spanners, basic mechanic tools

Bigger Tools
Breaker bar
Halligan bar
3lb Sledge
32 oz ball peen hammer
Beater bar

Electrical tape
Jumper cable – 20ft to reach in front or behind vehicle on the trail
NOCO lithium boost/jumper NOCO - Lithium Jump Starters
Zip ties
Wire nuts

Power Tools
20V lithium impact driver
Elec drill
Elec chainsaw

Spare Parts
Vacuum hoses
Spare door and ignition key
Clamps and clips
Lug nuts
Valve stems/cores
Spark plugs / cables
Alternator belt / Alternator
Antifreeze / Oil
Tie rod ends
Brake line kit
Air filter
CV savers/ CV boots

Various Other Items
Bailing wire
Duct tape
Self-fusing silicon tape Rescue Tape - The World's #1 Self-Fusing Silicone Tape
Welding rods (can weld with multiple batteries in parallel)
Spray lube
Wood block (to get more lift)
Sleeping bag that stays in the rig
Bungee cords
Tie down cords
Good headlamp, flashlight, lantern
Mechanic gloves, spare sweatshirt (to get really dirty), insulated hat, coveralls
Ratchet straps
Tire plug kit
Coms – radio, phone
Tire pressure gauge
Battery terminal wrenches
OBD2 diagnostic device
Spare food / MRE (contains heater)
Bottle opener!

Practice using the tools you are going to carry.
Carry a key fob on carbiner hooked to belt loop. (covered if every out of vehicle and door locks)
Join a forum for the vehicle you drive to get studied on what can get you stranded.
Carry a chilton manual or pdf for your vehicle.
Carry what you think you need for the trip you are taking.
Try to minimize kit. For example, removing sockets that don’t fit your vehicle.
2 is 1, 1 is none.
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Edmonds WA
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Thanks for posting the vid Mike. It's very interesting to hear the net from your end over DMR.
Ed - N7PHY
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Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
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G'Day OB Hams,

This Friday I will be your network operator, from Australia's island state of Tasmania.

For this week the topic is "Where's your next big trip?"

If you haven't been busy planning trips once the current situation has ended, just tell us about a great place you've been overlanding that you would like to go again.

Speak to you at 20:30 hours Eastern, 17:30 hours Pacific , 10:30AM (Saturday) Australian Eastern.

Randall - VK7VWK