Friday Night HAM Radio NET

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Boppa's Travels

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Corsicana, TX, USA
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I would like to thank everyone who sent links so online testing and encouragement. I really thought I was ready but it was a train wreak...I'm so bumbled. JK I should get my call sign tomorrow. I will be ready to join y'all on the net this Friday but I will listen again online. I am open to type of radio I should get. It will go in my jeep but may do base in my RV (I live full time and have run to put up parament antenna If I choose). Also has anyone dealt with Ham Radio outlet? They are just an hour away from me.
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I would like to thank everyone who sent links so online testing and encouragement. I really thought I was ready but it was a train wreak...I'm so bumbled. JK I should get my call sign tomorrow. I will be ready to join y'all on the net this Friday but I will listen again online. I am open to type of radio I should get. It will go in my jeep but may do base in my RV (I live full time and have run to put up parament antenna If I choose). Also has anyone dealt with Ham Radio outlet? They are just an hour away from me.
HRO is great, have ordered many items from them. Visit the Plano store about once a year when I am in town for my daughter's ice skating competition.
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Sonoran Space Program
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I'll second HRO as well, I've ordered a number of things from them over the years, they typically have VERY fast shipping. They have a number of "brick and mortar" stores as well, so check their site to see if there is one within easy driving distance - their staff is very helpful and knowledgeable.

Boppa's Travels

Rank VI

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Corsicana, TX, USA
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I'll second HRO as well, I've ordered a number of things from them over the years, they typically have VERY fast shipping. They have a number of "brick and mortar" stores as well, so check their site to see if there is one within easy driving distance - their staff is very helpful and knowledgeable.
Yes I have one 1 or so away depending on the traffic. That is why I asked. Not interested in driving in the DFW just to be disappointed with the store. But look like 2 positives so I will make the journey.


Local Expert, Oklahoma USA
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Yes I have one 1 or so away depending on the traffic. That is why I asked. Not interested in driving in the DFW just to be disappointed with the store. But look like 2 positives so I will make the journey.
They do have a wall of radios hooked up to antennas on the roof that they may help you get on, though given the current pandemic you might call ahead and see if they are even allowing customers in the store or curb side only.
Hard to look around and play with things if you can't get in.

Boppa's Travels

Rank VI

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Corsicana, TX, USA
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They do have a wall of radios hooked up to antennas on the roof that they may help you get on, though given the current pandemic you might call ahead and see if they are even allowing customers in the store or curb side only.
Hard to look around and play with things if you can't get in.
Very good advice. I have a OB meetup down south of me tomorrow so maybe next week but I have a small window to go travel before my next VA medical appointment so a radio may have to wait till I get home..


Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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Friday Night Ham Radio Net for August 7th, 2020


Net Control: Ted WD6TED

Where: Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

When: 8:30PM ET, 5:30PM PT, 0030z (during United States daylight savings time)

Tomorrow night is the 1st Friday of the month and thus will be our very popular monthly new hams net. News hams are encouraged to jump in and ask anything they like and get comfortable with getting on the air. Most of the net is more ham-focused as opposed to overlanding-focused. Always a fun net and better with more stations joining in!

Hope to see you then!



Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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Fun net this evening thanks to everyone for participating! List of check-ins and very brief notes below (I did a lot talking, I know). Looking forward to seeing everyone next week. Topic for next week will be posted in this forum. If there are any topics for the net that you would like us to talk about just post your ideas here in the forum. DMR seems to be an interesting topic and if so, one of our OB members who also runs a DMR technical net every week here in Southern California on the Papa System would be happy to do a net on DMR and even provide a Zoom presentation on getting started with DMR. If that sounds interesting, speak up and we can get that set-up!

Looking forward to seeing you all next week!

Date:8/7/20Net Control:WD6TEDEchoLink: 591550 DMR: TG 1137550
Net closed at 0225z
Check InCall SignNameLoccationOB#Notes
1KM6GWUDANORANGE CTYStudying for general. Looking for answers for his antenna for limited garden space in his yard. Brien says you can bend the last ten feet of an antenna.
2KE8GFRPERSASE IdahoRegistered ham since 2017. Has sm HT. Bought an Icom at a hamfest but has not got on the air. If she has friends on trips if they are not lic hams? In NZ people are using the PRS radios (unlicesened in NZ).
3W8ILLWILLDetroit, MIWorking on bike one might have ham radio on it.
4KI5KFFRICHCENTRAL TX25955NEW HAM No questions. was op in the army. Just getting back into it. Asking about anderson power pole connectors.
5KB7JWMSCOTTCANothiing heard
6KJ7OWDMIKELAS VEGASNEW HAM Invited by Brien running kenwood 710-G in his offroad rig.
7KD9PXFTOMdisplains ILNew Ham havd had ticket for 2 weeks. Has Kenwood V71A wired directly to the battery nd dyodynamics ss-3. Tried ferite chokes and one on the power side of the unit. Sean suggests putting choke on positive and neg cables both. Similiar arrangement 5 times on the choke as well. See re papers on ferrite mixes for chokes as well as recommended lengths for random wire antennas.
8ZL2RSAShaunWELLINGTON NZNZ has repeater net the whole length of the country.
9KD2SXDMIKEJackson FlCheck out early.
10vk7vwkrandallHobart TAZ5615ACMA is the AUS has changed call signs so everyone has 3 letter suffix. Digital radios connecting into Echolink.
11k7xpoBrientuscon, az3553STARTED TO ACTIVELY PROMOTE THE NET. IF ANYBODY INTERESTED THERE IS AN OVERLAND BOUND COMMS COMMITTEE. He is going to try and reboot that. Go to forums and look up Brien. The commitee coming up with docs training materils to help people with ham radio, gmrs, garmin, cb in AUS and EUR.
12na6afbobtuscon, azBeen ham since 2011. Has new Icom 9700 and stumbled on this net. Has remote station with a Yagi. Has vertical on 43 foot vertical. Has Openspot3 and PiStar hotspots.
13aj6poKCRancho CucamongaNothing heard
15vk2dyRobertSidney AUSUses a computer and mobile phone for Echolink not a radio. Also from ACMA all signs have been state based in AUS. The requirement to change your call sign if you move states no longer applies.


Rank IV
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Central Oregon
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Fun net this evening thanks to everyone for participating! List of check-ins and very brief notes below (I did a lot talking, I know). Looking forward to seeing everyone next week. Topic for next week will be posted in this forum. If there are any topics for the net that you would like us to talk about just post your ideas here in the forum. DMR seems to be an interesting topic and if so, one of our OB members who also runs a DMR technical net every week here in Southern California on the Papa System would be happy to do a net on DMR and even provide a Zoom presentation on getting started with DMR. If that sounds interesting, speak up and we can get that set-up!

Looking forward to seeing you all next week!

This was my first time checking in and enjoyed listening.. sorry, I had to log off early.

I too would love to learn more about using digital radio for both trail comms and repeater chats. One question off top of my head is DMR, fusion, d-star, etc all the same? Do/can they talk with each other? Is APRS always included in digital or is it radio specific?

Also like to hear about hams that like to SOTA or contest (QRP) from awesome offroad locations; what gear they use - radios, antennas, power, etc.

Many thanks for putting this fun net on guys! See you on the trail and on the air.

Oh and I recall someone ask if people would like to join in on a communications committee, which I would like to hear more about and participate! Thanks!!

M Rose

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This was my first time checking in and enjoyed listening.. sorry, I had to log off early.

I too would love to learn more about using digital radio for both trail comms and repeater chats. One question off top of my head is DMR, fusion, d-star, etc all the same? Do/can they talk with each other? Is APRS always included in digital or is it radio specific?
DMR, Fusion, Wires X, D-Star are all different and cannot communicate with other systems... IE, my D-Star radio can’t connect to Fusion or Wires X (which are the digital repeaters in my area).
APRS isn’t usually included in a Digital Radio... even if it’s GPS enabled, or as my Icom IC7100 using a GPS dongle, still isn’t an APRS radio, I have to have a laptop or iPad set up to use APRS... if the radio says it has APRS (Yasue FTM-400XDR for example) then yes it has APRS capabilities out of the box.

Also like to hear about hams that like to SOTA or contest (QRP) from awesome offroad locations; what gear they use - radios, antennas, power, etc.
Just an FYI for SOTA, you have to be a certain distance from your rig, and your rig cannot be part of your station. If your solar panels are hooked up to both your station equipment and your adventure trailer you are disqualified. As for other contests, check out the ARRL contesting section.
Many thanks for putting this fun net on guys! See you on the trail and on the air.

Oh and I recall someone ask if people would like to join in on a communications committee, which I would like to hear more about and participate! Thanks!!
to be part of the Coms committee talk to @brien. He is in charge of setting it back up.
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Rank IV
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Central Oregon
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DMR, Fusion, Wires X, D-Star are all different and cannot communicate with other systems... IE, my D-Star radio can’t connect to Fusion or Wires X (which are the digital repeaters in my area).
APRS isn’t usually included in a Digital Radio... even if it’s GPS enabled, or as my Icom IC7100 using a GPS dongle, still isn’t an APRS radio, I have to have a laptop or iPad set up to use APRS... if the radio says it has APRS (Yasue FTM-400XDR for example) then yes it has APRS capabilities out of the box.

> Ok.. will continue to shop for a radio that works for everything.

Just an FYI for SOTA, you have to be a certain distance from your rig, and your rig cannot be part of your station. If your solar panels are hooked up to both your station equipment and your adventure trailer you are disqualified. As for other contests, check out the ARRL contesting section.
Many thanks for putting this fun net on guys! See you on the trail and on the air.

> Alright, I will take out designation of SOTA and just leave it as overland/camp and make contacts ;-)

Oh and I recall someone ask if people would like to join in on a communications committee, which I would like to hear more about and participate! Thanks!!
to be part of the Coms committee talk to @brien. He is in charge of setting it back up.

> OK, will send him a message
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Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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Also like to hear about hams that like to SOTA or contest (QRP) from awesome offroad locations; what gear they use - radios, antennas, power, etc.
Although you are not allowed to use the equipment on your car, there are still many excellent summits that can be driven up in either a standard street vehicle or some that require 4x4. For me, I love summits where I can get a little off-road in AND then have a nice hike. One that has a nice 4x4 drive to the summit, for example, is Mormon Mountain in AZ (W7A/AE-029). Very flat wide open area at the top, along with a lot of commercial communication equipment. Nonetheless, I park my 4Runner and put everything in my daypack and walk a short ways away.

Oh by the way if you are looking for an HT that has APRS out of the box the Anytone D878UV has both analog and digital APRS along with analog and DMR. I've seen them on-line with accessories for a little over $200.


Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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POTA is another activity where you can use the radio in your vehicle.
Absolutely. And, from what I've seen, many national forests are considered "parks" for POTA. Which means it goes exceptionally with with overlanding.


Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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Friday Night Overland Bound Ham Radio Net for August 14, 2020

When: 20:30 EDT, 17:30 PDT

Where: Echolink Conference Server 591550 *USA-GNG* , also DMR TG 1137550, and Allstar 41130

Topic: Navigation Software and aids

Net Control: Ted WD6TED

This weeks topic is Navigation Software and Tools. There have been a lot of developments app-wise in the last year or so in this area. Let's stay on top of it and see what people are using and why. I recognize a lot of ham radio related discussion going on here in the forum, and depending on how the topic goes in round one we might switch over to ham radio topics and questions on the second round. See how it goes. Either way I'm looking forward to hearing everyone tomorrow!


Boppa's Travels

Rank VI

Explorer I

Corsicana, TX, USA
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Thanks to everyone for the navigation ideals and tips last night on the Friday Night Ham net. Can't wait till next week's net and new topic.


Rank VII

Expedition Master II

San Diego 92130
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Sorry I'm so late with the notes from last Friday. I just completely forgot to post them. They are raw, i.e. I didn't edit them.

Also here is the list of navigation software that Don VA2EEK e-mailed to me:

Here is my list of Navigation Tools with links and some comments as appropriate. It really boils down to how much you want to spend for subscriptions that include different map layers. Some platforms are leaning towards the "social" aspect with sharing routes/tracks, and sharing (geo-coded) pictures, and reviews of routes, etc. So it comes down to what features are available on the platform and what mapping functions you want to accomplish. Keeping in mind that is't a good idea to have a backup, pick your favourite GPS tool for phone/tablet, but be aware of what happens with you lose cell service and need to have previously downloaded maps, or have another system that has the maps in them already for offline use, and have paper maps as a backup.

1. GaiaGPS "Premium" membership -- App and Website
Layers I like:
"Outdoors" combines topography and roads and trails. OpenStreetMaps has trails, but no topo. The Gaia topo layers are ok, and I use the metric flavour being in Canada.
Backroads Mapbook Canada - lots of roads, trails, old logging roads, etc. that may not be on most newer maps.
Canada Topo (see also below)
A couple of different satellite views, resolution is sort of "Meh" ... Google Maps satellite view is sometimes better.

2. ViewRanger -- App and Website
Quite a "sociable" app (share hiking tracks, etc.) We are examining this app for capturing tracks on cell phones when SAR team GPS might not be available, or for spontaneous volunteers to capture tracks.

3. Garmin Montana GPS with large micro-SD card for a bunch of maps: Canada Topo, OpenStreet Maps, TrakMaps Topo maps, Ibycus Topo v4 (a bit dated, but free)
Garmin BaseCamp coupled with Garmin GPSes (obviously).

4. Maps, paper maps, fold out maps, mapbook maps, even printed maps from Google maps.

5. Google Maps -- App and Website
Handy doing recess, nice to jump into StreetView and check out highway exit ramps, or get different locales (handy for exercise planning-- if the Google Cam Car has been out that way!) and satellite view is quite handy as well.

6. Canada Topo maps -- App and website
These are digitized 1:50,000 and 1:250,000 maps from the Government of Canada. Really old school, especially with the likes of GaiaGPS and other vector type mapping systems out there now, but you'd be surprised what you might pick up from these (old) maps. e.g., railway tracks, recently abandoned, but have been removed without a trace from newer maps, not even labeled "abandoned".

7. Avenza Maps -- App
This app uses geo-coded .PDF files and takes a lot of storage (some maps get large), but with good maps you can zoom in and out and get good detail. Downloaded and used this app a few years ago for a backroads recce the SAR team did where the only maps available were these .PDF, so this was the app to use. Not something I currently use, but it is another tool.

8. OsmAnd - Offline Maps -- App
Downloaded and experimented with at about the same time as Avenza. Not something I currently use, but it is another tool.

9. CALTopo / SARTopo -- App and Website depending on which subscription version is used. Some members of our SAR team use this for exercise planning, annotating maps for search tasks, and its ability to print maps. Different map layers which are the same/similar to those found in other platforms.

Check InCall SignNameLoccationNotes
1w7brbrentpackwood wauses Gaia Pro. Have it on Android and Samsung Galaxy notepad mounted on a ram mount. Has phone setup as a hotspot. He will download maps ahead of time to have the maps when out of cell range. He's been putting in waypoints which allow him to share with others. When he with the dogs they like to turn off the navagation system and randomly go somewhere and then find their way back home sometimes even the next day. Also doing a trip through Utah and AZ in the beginning of October. Meeting in Moab Oct 4 & 5th.
2km6gwudanfountain valley, caUse Gaia on his laptop which is symced to his ipad and iphone. Then uses the Garmin media center and uses that to zero in within 200 yrds or so. Also used waypoints a little bit. Waiting for his new end fed antenna that's on order. Getting his general at the end of the month.
3ki5kffrichcentral txmotor vehicle maps. Have download gaia gps. Also has Onyx off-road.
4w8illwilljust outside of Detroit MIjust settin back and takin it easy.
5n7phyededmonds waHas Gaia Pro running now for planning. In the truck he can run it on the infotainment screen. The built in maps in the vehicle show the FS roads. Google Earth as well. Challenges are secuing the iPad - bounces around.
6k5tinshanebaton rougeUses Gaia Pro. Has it on a Galaxy Pad. Also carries a Garmin GPS with large screen. That will show more fine detail.
7k7xpobrientuscon azIf you have been using the OB app on android. There is a new version out. If anybody is interested in helping out with the communication group. Uses Gaia as well as w
8vk7vwkRandallHobart Tasmania AUSDiscussed how to get on Echolink through your local repeater, if available. Also mentioned that HTs are very handy when you have a spotter out in front for them to communicate with the driver of the vehicle.
9va2eekDonOntario CanadaHe has a large and will send a list. I will post in the forum. Gaia and Garmin Montana are his main go to apps. I will post Don's list in a separate posting in the forum.
10KE8GFRPersaSouthern IdahoPlanning phases are a little more important for her. The planning phase relies on Google searches. Uses paper maps and Gaia on her phone. Thinking about CarPlay device in her truck. For canoeing she QGIS on the computer to download maps for the specific terrain and then print them. Wants to know if AARL has any ideas that on-line testing will be a permenant thing. Do most people carry handhelds.
11vk2dyrobert Sydney AUSLate checkin, but mentioned that spring is coming around in Sydney.


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I have been trying to get a local VE to reply back to my emails. ARRL is showing a walk-in testing date next week but i would really like confirmation first! I have been studying like crazy and I am ready!


Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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I have been trying to get a local VE to reply back to my emails. ARRL is showing a walk-in testing date next week but i would really like confirmation first! I have been studying like crazy and I am ready!
ARRL might be showing it, but it's probably not happening. They still show local testing here in San Diego that I know is not occurring. Your best bet is to do it on-line and sign-up on The process was very easy for me last week.