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  1. CSG

    Resolved Things that are broke after update

    It's fine that it's a commercial entity. What's not fine is they don't seem to be able to run it as a good business. When you're not responding to customers (those who have kicked in money) who report problems, you start getting pissed off customers. I also notice that there's usually less...
  2. CSG

    Resolved Things that are broke after update

    And no responses from staff since Friday. Hope they sold a lot of badges...
  3. CSG

    Resolved Things that are broke after update

    The badge hierarchy is totally screwed up. Seems like most of us have gone back to Cont. I. What's frustrating is so little communication from the site admins as to all the issues and status of fixing things.
  4. CSG

    Customer and Technical Support - Email

    That happened (at least to me) before the update and still does. I agree with Steve about the badges. Either get them to work or drop the whole thing.
  5. CSG

    Customer and Technical Support - Email

    Things are still a real mess. As is common with these sorts of upgrades, they create new problems and don't really fix anything. A headache for everyone. I simply don't get why so many forum owners try to fix stuff that wasn't broken. Change for the sake of change...
  6. CSG

    Customer and Technical Support - Email

    I rotated through the themes with no effect on what I'm seeing outside of the colors. And now, all the badge symbols are showing as broken. Just for grins and giggles, I logged in with Safari and all the same issues I brought up are evident here too. Point is, I think you've got some bigger...
  7. CSG

    Customer and Technical Support - Email

    Nope. Not seeing that after clearing cache and cookies (all). Matter of fact, the site wouldn't let me log in. I repeatedly got account locked messages and after about the 6-7th attempt I got in. Here's what I see with the info below the member tag scrolling right to left through all the...
  8. CSG

    Customer and Technical Support - Email

    I don't. Using current version of Firefox FWIW - 65.0.01 I should add that I'm seeing weird stuff with badges under my member tag to the left of my posts. Yesterday, they were scrolling and today there's a long list of different badges I've gone through from Contributor l down to Advocate III.
  9. CSG

    Customer and Technical Support - Email

    Will the displayed member numbers come back as they were in the previous incarnation of the OB forum?
  10. CSG

    Resolved Your message must contain at least 3 characters

    I tried to post about this issue in this forum earlier. Same problem as reported. Looks like it's now fixed.
  11. CSG

    Looking to change careers

    I think the community college route is the way to go but it's a VERY hard profession to make a living in, especially since the internet where everyone is a photographer.
  12. CSG

    What piece of gear made the biggest improvement to your experience?

    Stopped by Home Depot today and picked one up. Less than $8 with tax. I pumped it a few times and gave it a try in the store. No water but I could tell it worked. Will try it with water tomorrow. Thanks for the tip on these, Sean. We'll see if it works better than my Simple Shower.
  13. CSG

    Kitchen in a Bucket Idea.

    Very cool! Clever idea for the budget camper.
  14. CSG

    What piece of gear made the biggest improvement to your experience?

    Google it, that's how I found it. It's somewhere in home and garden.
  15. CSG

    Loud vehicles?

    Well, there you go. Either move to a state that doesn't do that or leave your vehicles alone.
  16. CSG

    Any Ketogenic “Keto“ Overlanders?

    Guys, it's so easy, just eat real food - meat, fowl, seafood, veggies, fruit, dairy if you tolerate it, and go easy on the refined carbs. All these *diets* change and people rarely stick to them more than a year anyway. Just eat right. Get a little exercise. Don't smoke, be smart about...
  17. CSG

    What piece of gear made the biggest improvement to your experience?

    I just like the compact size. It's only about a quart but the next size up takes up a lot more space.
  18. CSG

    Any Ketogenic “Keto“ Overlanders?

    Nice avatar, Sneaks!
  19. CSG

    What piece of gear made the biggest improvement to your experience?

    Unless the batteries die... :wink: