So I would try the road to nowhere for your first time.
it's pretty easy, but there are drop offs.
In the state park, drive all the way east to "Tres Papalotes".
If there are people camping, stop and say hi, check that there isn't anyone already up on the trail, as it's a single lane trail...
I believe @IronPercheron is the fellow from Matagorda.
@ZetRocks, that sounds like a fun trip. I thought after Surfside, it wasn't accessible. But then again, I didn't continue researching farther south.
I would suggest as another good resource.
What are your plans? The State Park is my favorite of the 2. Better camping, nicer rangers and better wheeling.
Howdy. I used to live in Galveston years ago.
I'm still hoping to do the "old highway 87" run someday soon. This is a great place to start your thread.
Yes there are, my first time down there I was on stock suspension.
I would still go with at least 1 other vehicle though. Safety in numbers.
The first time I went, we stayed outside of Terlingua and visited the two parks.
This last trip, I moved from campsite to campsite in the state park...
There are some folks on the FJ Forums and Outsiders Offroad on Facebook kicking around the idea of camping and wheeling this weekend. I'm thinking about going, but not 100% yet. (ok, ok, I have to get the wife's ok... sheesh)
BMRA is right outside of Gilmer, TX.
Campsites all over the...
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