Expedition Master III
Those pictured in the E-Bay link are.....the ARB Tred gen 3, if indeed they were. HOLY MOLLY, if so what a deal or screw up. No wonder they are sold out. That was just to good a deal to not roll the dice on.It seems that a lot of the X-BULL tracks which have failed, did so from bending in cold weather? At least that's my experience/what I've read so far. Someone said the RUGCEL did well in "-20C" so who knows. Perhaps worth trying a different design, even though they're the same material. Shorter tracks would be less susceptible to bending lengthwise, but do they have enough length to get you out of a bog? I would say the X-BULL are the right length for me.
Would also be interested to see how the ABS ones fare: Sand Snow Mud Vehicle Recovery Track Anti-Skid Rescue Board Traction Tire Ladder | eBay
I opened the link, and at the price of $90, I was reaching for the phone when I saw .....out of stock.. OH RATS[emoji30] I
Did anyone pull the trigger on them, and receive them yet? If so, please let us in the peanut gallery know.