Influencer II
Hi everyone !
So I am newish to Winnipeg and to overlanding but would love to meet some like minded folks out here. I am not sure if there is a meeting or general get together night ....... but again I would love to meet some of you guys. My Wife and I just got a new 2018 Tacoma offroad (had a 03 Rubicon prior to that) so we are excited to have space !! and well space !!
anyways hope to meet up soon can't wait to hit some trails and do some camping !
Coordinating when the weather is warm is a bit tougher....
But tomorrow (Sunday June 10th) a few will be going to La Barriere park.
I'm going to be there around 2pm until just a little bit after supper.
I'll be getting a fire going and roasting some hot dogs for me and my wife and kids.
If anyone wants to share the fire feel free to bring whatever you want to cook/eat.
Everyone is welcome to join!
It will be pretty casual and not many have stated they will be coming. I figure "worst" case scenario I will have a nice afternoon with my family throwing the ball around and having a little fire.
I will try to get another evening get-together in the city at some point as well if there is interest.... with summer vacation it may be a bit tough though.
If there are any times anyone feels like they want to get together with anyone.... either put the date/time in this thread and/or create a new thread! There's nothing saying it needs to be a big official meeting or anything...