What is the last thing you bought and plan to buy?

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Rank III

Enthusiast III

Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, United States
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So, we all probably have a huge list of upgrades and things we want to buy..

A Garmen In Reach Mini Christmas present to myself
Still need to get better fog lights. Can’t see sh1t in the dark.

So what is the last thing you bought, and what is next on the list?

Last things I bought that where on the list are a pack of zip ties and some good working gloves :P

Next thing, besides actually getting a Landcruiser is going to be some locking nuts for the spare tire and a spare lamp kit ;)
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Rank IV
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Harrisburg, NC, USA
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Is the 7 gallon any wider or just taller? I bought the Lug-a-loo brand. Works OK, but a bit short front to back. I would love an extra 2-3". Not to get too personal, I know some people can hold their #1 while they go #2. I cannot. The experience is not pleasant trying to get the junk up front in while also going #2. Do-able, but not comfortable at all.
We have the dometic rv toilet but it is a mite low to the ground.


Rank II

Pathfinder II

Dallas, TX, USA
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A Samsung Galaxy S2 Tablet for running Torque Pro. BTW, the link to the component list for "4Runner Device Mounting Solutions" video produces an error message that the file could not be found.


Rank IV

Enthusiast III

Wisconsin, USA
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Awaiting my new Garmin Inreach Mini2.
The kids all chipped in and got it for us for Christmas.

I call it the Hipster Instagram Van Life version of the LifeAlert.

Decades of backcountry travel, a lot solo wore on my family. From backpacking, ice climbing, wilderness paddling and road trips out camping with no issues, but some close calls had them want to be able to know we are OK at the end of the day.
And I get it. I was never very good at leaving itineraries or plans, because they....plans....or my mood would change. Sometimes I would come home a day or 2 early, sometimes a day or 2 late.

So this way, when I'm out solo or when I have my wife along on a longer trip, we can keep in touch and if need be, have 2 way communication through the device.
And that's cool. I embrace tech.
And.....I have rolled the dice and won for a very long time. None of us are getting any younger even though I fight it like Braveheart with diet and exercise. And even that sometimes isn't enough, as I found out quite recently.

I have been through three storms I was sure I wasn't going to survive. One microbust that wiped out an entire island my friend and I were on in Quetico, one near encounter with an avalanche and a hurricane that swept up the coast and had me stuck in a tent for 4 days at 4400 feet in NH I decided to ride out. A few windstorms on massive lakes changing my course and grounding me for a day or two. A forest fire I had to try and outrun.
I always made it. Mother Nature has always been good to me despite her attitude sometimes. LOL.
So yeah.....I'm good with this and know deep down the reason for this gift. I will use it and plan on using it many weeks a year. My family will feel better and so will I.


Rank VI
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Influencer II

Sandnes, Norway
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The last thing I bought was lowering springs, will be refreshing the suspension and once that is done, maybe buy a 4wd suv/crossover for future roadtrips
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Rank II

Pathfinder II

Dallas, TX, USA
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The Samsung S2 tablet was shutting down during setup. Apparently, this is a somewhat common issue, so I returned it, and the case . This makes the Gobi ladder the last thing on the list.
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Rank VII

Trail Blazer I

Beavercreek, OH, USA
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Finishing off the new AluCab tent 3R payments next week, then I’m going to update my bed power setup. Planning on a DIY system that has a portable battery box with an inverter. But Solar Charger and DC charger will be contained in the panel on my cap/canopy in the truck.
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