New small update with Gunner. Havent done much work lately because I had been planning on getting a GX460 in the next few months, but as life gets in the way we learn to go with the flow.
With my EcoFlow currently connected to my AuxBeam, I of course have to turn it on to charge. Well as it turns out, my ADHD brain almost always forgets to charge it so it has frequently just been dead when i want to use it. Well that ends yesterday.
Lots of people talk about DC/DC charging and whatnot, I'm a simple man and decided to do things the simple way. With the help of
@Sparksalot ,
@Rav4_Overland and
@DosTacos we came up with a system to charge when the ignition is on. So Yesterday I pulled out the old wiring and ran a new 10g wire to the back seat after I put in a 30A breaker and a relay under the hood. worked like a charm. now it charges anytime the key is on. WOOHOO. Thanks to
@DosTacos yesterday for the help with the wiring and to
@Sparksalot and
@Rav4_Overland for tolerating us blowing up their phone before DosTacos and I realized we were in a group text!!!!!!! battery went from 0% to 17% just on the drive to work this morning.
Next up is to move my AuxBeam to the A-pillar so I can reach the tablet that all my mapping stuff is on and to fix the lines from the air compressor.