It's been a long time since there have been any updates to this thread. That changed yesterday. After a long wait, we had a Prinsu Party yesterday. Five local 4Runner owners installed two of the three full-length Prinsu racks, and we'll do the third probably next week.
Mine was the second installed, and it went much quicker than the first, having learned some techniques the first time around. Drilling the two holes in the roof didn't cause me any concern like some folks have had. A step drill made easy drilling, and things lined up perfectly!
I also added the Gobi ladder and upgraded lift gate struts yesterday.
Today, I started mounting stuff to the PrinSu rack.
Here are some quick photos of the PrinSu full-length roof rack with the Gobi ladder, the 32" OPT7 LED light bar from my Outback, and a RoadShower 2. I'll take better photos later.
I've put it off way too long with the weather (we just turned our outside hoses on a week ago!) and some extended family issues, but I'm going to do a full review (hopefully with video) of the Road Shower. I'm looking forward to putting it to the test now that the rack is finally on the 4Runner!
@SLO Rob I forgot to ask if these modifications are okay with you, and if you minded if I drilled into the roof of my 4Runner? ;)