What is the most expensive thing that you have personally broken? Anything goes - household item, vehicle or component, tool or item at work, body part, your own or some one else's. Bonus points if you have broken the same thing more than once!
Trail Blazer III
Member III
Trail Blazer III
Member II
Off-Road Ranger I
3208? I loved that engine. nothing quite like an old cat V8I put a rod through a Cat 3208 one time. OOPS!
Off-Road Ranger I
Advocate I
Enthusiast III
Explorer I
Expedition Master III
There is always a chance … I nearly broke something more expensive. Was working at one of the large tech companies as a server engineer at the time and luckily avoided a full scale outage that would have cost in the millions per minute … luckily it was caught just before it went out, because it would have taken some time to roll back.Well, @grubworm, you just won this thread. I don't think anybody else will be able to rival that, but I could be wrong...