Friday Night HAM Radio NET

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Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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Overland Bound Ham Radio Net for August 21st 2020.

Topic: Open

Net Control: Ted WD6TED in San Diego, CA

When: Friday August 21st (North America) 17:30 PDT, 20:30 EDT, 00:30z

Where: Echolink Conference Server 591550 *USA-GNG* , also DMR TG 1137550, and Allstar 41130

A couple months ago Brent W7BR asked the net if you prefer topics or "open discussion". Many said they liked some open discussion. So we are going with that this week. I'll do a round on overlanding/camping and the 2nd round will be ham radio.

What ever you want, questions, ragchew, doesn't matter. There are no rules... (beyond the part 97 of course).

See you then!

Boppa's Travels

Rank VI

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Corsicana, TX, USA
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I passed my Technician test this afternoon! Woo Hoo. (in person test, too!) I am hoping I have my callsign before fridays Net.---Then I have to figure out how to get on :)
Sign up on EchoLink and join the Friday night net the first Friday of the month as for new ham operators


Rank VII

Expedition Master II

San Diego 92130
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Thanks to everyone for participating is a great net this evening. Here are the notes. As always please excuse any typos etc.

Next week: is the 1st Friday of the month so it will be the New Hams Net.

Overland Bound Amatuer Radio Net
Date:8/28/2020Net Control:WD6TEDEchoLink: 591550
Topic:Checklist Update: 1 new thing added to your checklist and 1 thing removed
Check InCall SignNameLoccationNotes
1k1ssaBillROANOKE VAUsing a handheld in a rental house bout to move to new house and looking forwared to seting up base statioin. Been active duty navy for over 20 yrs and looking forward to retiring and setteling down. Closing in 2 wks. and should be setup in about a month. 2nd round just glad to be on the net and stumbled onto the net. Found it interesting and likes tuning back in.
2KM6GWUDANORANGE CO.Got his random wire antenna up and workign with his 7300. Will need to add portable HF equipment - will be new checklist - trips to Mojave Road and Death Valley are a go.
3KJ7KPPColtonSE IDAHOnothing added to the kit except started taking the handheld plus new Diamond antenna. Looking into portable HF gear.
4W8ILLWILLTAYLOR MINothing added are removed from a list. Working with 3 other amateur stations to get them ready for overlanding. 2 more nets on Saturday 2 & 3 o'clock EDT on the server. Same person wants to put the net on 8:00p Pacific time. It will be a Friday Night tech net every other Friday. Sept 6th will be the 1st one. 2:00 net on Sat is ARRL newsline. 3:00 net is another news line.
5KB7JWMSCOTTBAY AREA CANot good at removing things on his list. Trying out the FT-3D. Yeasu 891 perhaps up next to do POTA/SOTA. The adventure planner that Cory made worked really well for him.
6KI5KFFRICHNEW MEXICO AREAFinally got a camp site. Got the Gazelle tent. Up in 90 secs. 3 or 4 week adventure. Masks have been a mixed bag, and
7KC3ITDONTNKC3IT - new to the net. So doesn't have a list. Planning on getting a camper. Go out on Blue Ridge Parkway a lot. As far as radios go planning putting DMR in the car. The low bands he has lost interest in them and needs to do something about that. He has 2 Anytone HTs and putting one into the vehicle.
8KI7RAMBillRENOBeen modifying his checklists mostly same on both lists - facemasks have been added. Took off were specific things: adult beverages
9KT4OZTERRYCOVINGTION, VAcheck list is "fluid". makes the list befoe he goes out. He tries to be a minimalist to start with. From sleeping bags and rubbing sticks to make a fire and cooking over the fire. Using self-inflating sleeping pads. No pumps, and they pack up into a small space. Uses the Thermarest Mondo King XXL. The wife and kids Alps air matress. Small and eash camp setup. Loves them both.
10KJ4PHQBRANDONSALEM VANothing heard on the 1st round.
11KM6PQSCALVINPLEASANTON, CAFirst time joining the net. Been sequested and going through his equipmenet and tools. He did remove a few extra tools (plyers). Thinking about pulling out his CB. Been studying for his general ticket. Next trip is to Death Valley.
12ZL2RSASHAUNWELLINGTON, NZWorking on his trailer and getting ready for summer trips. Added a personal tracking beacon. And a few icepacks in the ice chest for 1st aid purposes.
13KC3PWUMATTPHILADELPHA, PANothing heard on the 1st round.
14AA1PRMIKEVERMONTPut a new autotuner for the truck on the list. Went through 3 before he found that the IG-100 tuner works great. Got the Venture Overland to link in tonight. Haven't gone out camping all summer. TG 31655 Brandmeister.
15K7XPOBRIENTUSCONGoogle Overland Bound trip planner and has a 4 page planning document. As part of it one of the pages is sort of post-mortum of the trip so you can make adjustments and pare down the equipment. K7ZOO Kurt sent him a spreadsheet he used to pare down his backpack for SOTA. 10-point SOTA madness on October 3rd by the way. Under each category on his list he has a conceret piece of equipment, he has the quantity of each item and then the weight then using the spreadsheet and tallies up the total weight. He wants to take the same idea and apply it to the camp setup. They have a lot of stuff in the expedition trailer that needed cleaning out.
16VK7VWKRANDALLHOBART TASMANIAHaven't been working on much of a list at the moment. But has been working on how things are stored in the van. Particularly for weight distribution.
17K9CMSMARKSALEM VASpending the day working on his truck. New dual band J-Pole. Also has a rig for doing WIRES-S.
18W4OPSMIKEMARYVILLE TNJust wanted to say hi. He added a chain saw to his list. Even the battery operated one are very handy. Hasn't taken anything off the list.
19WB1GRBJohnStamford CTNothing heard on the 1st round.
20VK2DYRobertKellyville, NSW, AUS
Summary:The concluded at 19:43PDT 22:42EDT 02:43z


Rank VII

Expedition Master II

San Diego 92130
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Overland Bound Friday Night Weekly Ham Net for 9/11/20 (yes it's 9/11 day)

: 8:30p EDT, 5:30p PDT, 00:30z (the next day).

Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

Topic: Smoke & Fire - Any special precautions or planning for wildfire season? How to info about a wildfire when one is near (non-usa folks bring some info on this if you can).

Net Control: Ted WD6TED

Given how 2020 started with wildfires in Australia and the western states in the US are aflame, seems like a good topic to cover. As always any other questions you might have are welcome.

See you all then!
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Rank VII

Expedition Master II

San Diego 92130
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Thanks everyone who joined in the net today. Here are the notes (not well edited) from the net.

Next week's topic will be 1st aid and 1st aid kits. See you then!

Date:9/11/2020Net Control:WD6TEDEchoLink: 591550
Topic:Smoke & Fire planning for a wildfire season
Check InCall SignNameLoccationNotes
1N7BMHBrianMcall ID1st time on the net and got things working at the end to participate.
2km6GWUDanFoutain Valley CAIn Orange County no active fires - just lots of smoke. Carries 2 Fire Exturnguishers Has the standard ABC and one that is meant for electrical fires that don't leave residue.
3KI5BEE/VE3CalvinToronto, CALearned that he is carrying a fire exturingher that is not quite rated correctly. Got a biomass stove and is using a fire pan Got the idea from river trips. Using more alchol and methyl hydrates - burns clean. Fire pan leaves no trace of the fire.
4K7IEXTYLERAZBeen awhile since he's been on. He's been camping every weekend for the last 2 months. He's been out with people who have propane fire pits. Also they leave no trace. Heard about one at sportsman warehouse for a little under $100. Will last about 5 nights on a 20 lb tank. He agrees with Brien on having stickers to say fire extinguisher and also for 1st Aid.
5KG5EYWALANTXNothing Heard
6N7PHYEDEDMUNDS WAGoing to West Marine and get a marine fire extinguisher for the truck. Confirmed his marine fire extinguisher is B & C.
7K7XPOBRIENTUSCON, AZMarine fire extinguisher - the white ones - ensure you get a B & C rated fire extinguisher. B is for flammable liquids and C for electrical fires. Used to have a campfire every time they went out. Then there was a fire ban a few years ago. This allowed for great star viewing and the kids didn't mess around with the fire. It turned out to be a better camping experience. They do carry a propane fire pit. It's easy to use. Also don't get your clothes smelly with smoke. Carry an extinguisher in both the trailer and the jeep. Get fire extinguisher inside stickers so someone knows where to find the extinguisher. Lastly, if you are driving around if there is dry brush do not drive off the trail! Guy on YouTube burned up his jeep buy pulling off the trail. There also D & E fire extinguishers for things like magnesium and nuclear material. He saw something at Overland Expo that was like a stick or a ball you could throw into the fire.
8VK7VWKRANDALLHOBART TAZThey have a government AM station for keeping up on fire locations and what is developing. Don't go into fire areas if you don't need to. The station has good coverage. They have different rating system in AUS but they do have something similiar. The standard extinguisher is the powder type. They are very messy.
9NB9DNEILPARIS MEIn first summer they moved off grid they had a lot of slash and light fuels and that was there biggest concern. They decided to burn all the brush about this time of year. They got visited by the fire chief and warned them about having 2 5 gal buckets of water and some hand tools.
10N8MXGRonMiHad a fire in the microwave and put it out with baking soda.
11KM6VLPGregStandish CATurn your fire extinguisher upside down and tap it with a hammer to mix things up. the extinguishrs wont work because of the packed material. You will feel it.
12W8ILLWillTaylor MiGood to have a box of salt and baking soda for grease fires. to find frequencies for local Forest Service and Fire agencies amongst other things as well.
Summary:Net closed at 0154z 9/12/2020
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Rank VII

Expedition Master II

San Diego 92130
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I told Dan KM6GWU, during tonight's net, that I would e-mail him the presentation that was given at the San Diego community net a couple weeks ago by a guy who works for the Forest Service in a fire lookout tower here in San Diego. It's somewhat California / Southern California centric, but still has some great websites for find info regarding fires out of the So. Cal area. Dan doesn't have his e-mail listed on QRZ, so I'm posting it here.




Rank VII

Expedition Master II

San Diego 92130
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Friday Night Overland Bound Ham Radio Net 9/18/20

When: 8:30p EDT, 5:30p PDT, 00:30z (the next day).

Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

Topic: First Aid and what should be in your 1st aid kit

Net Control: Ted WD6TED

After having a discussion on wildfires and fire safety last week, let's carry the topic on to 1st aid kits. What do you have in yours? What do we think should be in ours?

See you all then!



Rank III

Enthusiast III

Vermont Mountains
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sadly I have not been able to make the net the last 2 weeks, Ive tried both nights,
the link says Im connected on the 11th....
but I hear no traffic the for almost 20minutes so I dropped the link and the second friday 18th I cant connect in with either allstar node

not sure if myself and the venture overland dmr bridge have been blocked?


Rank VII

Expedition Master II

San Diego 92130
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sadly I have not been able to make the net the last 2 weeks, Ive tried both nights,
the link says Im connected on the 11th....
but I hear no traffic the for almost 20minutes so I dropped the link and the second friday 18th I cant connect in with either allstar node

not sure if myself and the venture overland dmr bridge have been blocked?
I find it unlikely that you have been blocked Mike. But I understand the frustration. Do you have cell service and, if so, can you connect through an Echolink app on your phone? Maybe you have tried this, i'm not sure, but just thought I would check with you.


Rank III

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Vermont Mountains
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I find it unlikely that you have been blocked Mike. But I understand the frustration. Do you have cell service and, if so, can you connect through an Echolink app on your phone? Maybe you have tried this, i'm not sure, but just thought I would check with you.
I couldnt understand either why I would be blocked but who knows stranger things have happened in the hobby
I loathe echolink, thats why I have allstar
Ill see if I can connect with Will w8ill & get an idea as to whats happening
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Rank VII

Expedition Master II

San Diego 92130
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Friday Night Overland Bound Ham Radio Net for October 16, 2020

: Open topic

Time: 20:30 EDT, 17:30 PDT, 00:30z (October 17)

Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

Net Control: Ted WD6TED, San Diego, CA

I'm doing open topic tonight because a straw vote taken a few months back on the net by Brent W7BR indicated that people like to have an open topic night and just talk. So let's go with that. 2 rounds. Round 1: more overlanding focused, round 2 more ham radio focused.

See you tonight!

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Rank VII

Expedition Master II

San Diego 92130
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Notes from Overland Bound Amateur Radio Net for October 16, 2020

Date:10/16/2020Net Control:WD6TEDEchoLink: 591550
Topic: Open
Check InCall SignNameLocationNotes
1va2eekDonQuebecQuick check-in has another net in 20m. Put his winter tires on last week. Still working from home. Got 2 DMR radios tonight. Lights you can have too many lights that might interfere with the rig radio. Cheap LED lights can cause a lot of extra noise for the radios.
2ki5bee/ve3CalvinOntarioGot winter tires ready on 1 vehicle. Looking at different options for vehicle undercoating and how well the hold up with mild overlanding. Not much going on in the world of amateur radio and found that infrastructure for APRS wasn't too bad. He wants to continue testing that in rural areas. He's testing a J-pole antenna about 9 - 12 feet long. Done well with it and the HT. Next he's going to string it up in a tree.
3w8illWillTaylor, MISon always working on the car. Amateur radio is keeping him up - he was up at 5:00 this morning. Got his 10m - 75m antennas up right now, but haven't turned the radios on the last couple of weeks. Lot of new stations coming in on AllStar.
4kt4oz3710 TerryCovington, VANever used undercoating on his vehicles. When he was young they had undercoating on one vehicle and none on the other. The vehicle with undercoating rusted faster, his father confirmed that is typically case. Sittin in his new radio shack. Just about finished and got the radio table up there. Still deciding how he wants to organize everthing. Got rig runner and 1/2 copper pipe so he can maybe take care of some of his RFI problems. Got a plan for using window pass throughs for his coax connections. Hoping to be back on the air pretty soon.
5N7PHYEdEdmonds, WAGot out quite a bit spring and summer. Got him to think about things to add to truck. Maybe a roofrack and place to mount an awning. Need some aux lighting. Hoping to get out next weekend for the CQ WW SSB. Just purchased a Elecraft KPA500 amp and KAT500 tuner. He's going to use primarily for his go kit. Had problems with wildfires for the Washington state QSP - was the only person in the county so took 1st place for the county.
6K7XPO3553 BrienTuscon, AZNot much happening in the overlanding world in recent times. Hoping in the next week or two to head out, maybe during the new moon to get some astrophotography in. Future topic ideas: hearing what people are doing for running power to the rear of their vehicle. Maybe another food/cooking, navigation (we covered that recently). Brien just picked up the NOLS Wilderness Navigation book and is going to go through their class for navagation in the beginning of the year. NOLS = National Outdoor Leadership School
7WX5SKYJonOklahoma CityNot much happening in the overlanding world. Too much work. Bout as much as overlanding - not much going on. Working at home has limited his drive time. Thinking about putting up a digipeater. Would be nice to have an HF radio at home.
8NB9DNeilParis, MEGetting ready for wintertime. Possible topics: Improvised fixes to get you home off the trail. Also orienteering / wildnerness survival.
9KJ7MUEJackWA state between Olympia and Mt. RainerHad two antennas go down in the storms and had some lightining. Lots of winds after the lightining. He puts about a 2 -3" pipe down alongside of the ground rod really makes a difference. Has a lot of noise from a new wind farm that just went in. There is a logging camp not too far with electric fences. The weather has been nice and the wet weather has kept the RFI down.
10VK2DYRobertSydney, AUSNice weather, and everything is in bloom.
Summary:Net closed at01:45z 21:45 EDT, 18:46 PDT


Rank V

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Prairieville, LA
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Service Branch
Reminder about the weekly OB Echolink net tomorrow night. I'll be your net control for this week's topic, which will be Packing for a Winter trip since cooler weather is just around the corner. Don't have anything to say about the topic? Just check in and say hi!

If you're not sure about how to use Echolink, a GREAT how-to article on getting started can be found HERE to get you up and running!

Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 17:30 hours PT/2030 hours ET, 0030 hours UTC
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

As always, if anyone would like to assist as net controller, please reach out to myself, @12poundtest , @TerryD , @whiskey7backroads or @MTN RNR and we'll get you set up. We could always use a few extra hands running the net on Friday nights and would be happy to get you up to speed and into the rotation.

Until then...73 de K5TIN


Rank III

Enthusiast III

Vermont Mountains
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Reminder about the weekly OB Echolink net tomorrow night. I'll be your net control for this week's topic, which will be Packing for a Winter trip since cooler weather is just around the corner. Don't have anything to say about the topic? Just check in and say hi!

If you're not sure about how to use Echolink, a GREAT how-to article on getting started can be found HERE to get you up and running!

Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 17:30 hours PT/2030 hours ET, 0030 hours UTC
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

As always, if anyone would like to assist as net controller, please reach out to myself, @12poundtest , @TerryD , @whiskey7backroads or @MTN RNR and we'll get you set up. We could always use a few extra hands running the net on Friday nights and would be happy to get you up to speed and into the rotation.

Until then...73 de K5TIN
I was in the shadows waiting to check in, but I was thrown off by the ham quoting the 10 recommendations from the forum here anyone could have read themselves instead of his long diatribe quoting them wasting net time


Rank VI

Influencer I

Los Angeles, California, United States
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Service Branch
Got me a Baofeng cheapy and a good attitude! Been studying for the test and should be able to take one online soon. Look forward to listening and figuring out this new hobby!


Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Friday Night Overland Bound Ham Radio Net for October 30, 2020

Topic: ?

Where: Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

Net Control: Ed N7PHY - Edmonds, WA

Hello everyone. I'll be your net control this week but haven't come up with a topic. Any suggestions?


Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Hello everyone. Reminder that we have our OB net tonight. It's open topic tonight so bring whatever you'd like to discuss related to overlanding, radio, etc. Or just check in and let us know how you are doing.
Hope to catch everyone on the net tonight.
73! Ed - N7PHY


Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Great net tonight! Thank you everyone who could make it and everyone who has supported this effort. Coming up on 2 years!

Here are my notes from this evening.

NOTE - The net start time will remain 20:30 EDT, 17:30 PDT following this weeks time change. UTC start time will shift to 23:30 Friday.

Take care!
73 - Ed N7PHY

Overland Bound Amateur Radio Net
Date:10/30/2020Net Control:N7PHYEchoLink: 591550
Topic: Open
Check InCall SignNameLocationNotes
1VA2EEKDonQuebecSearch rescue meeting, buying new dmr radios. Recommending not buy cheap dmr radios. 300-400 good price range for dmr. C4FM has better codec and sounds better.
2KI5BEE/VE3CalvinTorontoUsing echolink app. Suggestion: lessons learned from overlanders. how to better prepare for next time.
3KJ7LKLDrannanArlington WAFirst time. Interested in APRS and how it is used in overlanding.
4KN4UJJDananFloridadirector ob - Had to leave early.
5VK7VWKRandallHobart TasmaniaOut with scouts working JOTA. Interested in Brien's projects.
6K7XPOBrienTusconProjects: Re-ran wiring to back of truck to connect 110v to shore power. Plug in fridge to ac and dc for auto switch over when shore power is available. Onboard air system complete. Working on galley this weekend. (check out Brien's videos on youtube)
7W8ILLWillMIEverything is going ok. Tech net tonight on GnG. 11 pm Eastern. Saturday at 2 and 3 for ARRL newsline.
8KJ7MWFSamORHad to leave early.
9NB9DNealMECold up in Paris ME. Been experimenting with DroidStar phone app and winlink. Having fun dig packet stuff.
10N4VVIDan FloridaHam radio trophy for ob hams. And does net count as ralley meet up?
11KB6POERichardCADoing well. Looking at prices of offroad vehicles. Why going up?
12VK2DYRobertAustraliaThunderstorms today. Net moving an hour next week.?
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Ambassador, Europe

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Lampertheim, Germany
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NOTE - The net start time will remain 20:30 EDT, 17:30 PDT following this weeks time change. UTC start time will shift to 23:30 Friday.
That´s good - so it will be 00:30 Saturday CET which would make it more relaxed to check in from across the pond! Maybe hear you next time then!
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