Friday Night HAM Radio NET

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Olympia Washington
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It was a short NET with a small group because of the holiday weekend. Here are the notes from 5/24/19 Overland Bound NET:

Net controller - Brentc17 KJ7BHN

Topic - Open topic

Checkins - 11 including controller

1. KE8AYE - Jason - Cincinnati - New Rig (Jeep) went to Indiana and Kentucky for BBQ. Looking for more MODS, second round no traffic

2. W0NUT - Old Man - New York - Still stuck in hotel in New York, working on 3 antennas, second round made announcement about Colorado trip July 24-28 and open invite to all on NET, going to be in Bueno Vista Colorado

3. KG6NBH - Kelly - Los Angeles - Passed on Expo. Has Sportsmobile that he uses, not pretty but works for him, second round went to White Rim in a Blizzard and also suggested Kelley Point at North Rim of Grand Canyon

4. NB9D - Neil - Maine - Found OB YouTube channel, making 2 meter contacts, second round was working on 1978 PowerWagon trying to get it running

5. K5TIN - Shane - Arizona - Shane in mid trip break, taking in views of cabin in Monument Valley, second round still looking at view

6. K7XPO - Brien - Baja Arizona - Having dental work done and nothing else this weekend, second round gave recap of EXPO West being larger then last couple of years and getting free Beer from Sportsmobile group

7. KC2MHG - Mario - New York - His first transmission was lot of static, did get going fly fishing with son, second round no traffic

8. WX5SKY - Jon - Oklahoma - Check in late was having problems connected, working and taking care of wife

9. W8ILL - Will - ?? - Checked in late, working on car and spending time with his son this weekend

10. KB4CO - Carlos - Memphis - Checked in after NET but had QSO about his trip home and future NETS

NET closed at 6:15 PST and a couple of us stayed on Grits N Gravy node and discussed White Rim trail in more detail.


Rank V
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Loveland, Colorado
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I had that same problem for a minute when I first tried to sign in. Maybe that is why we had so few people on last night.


Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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Net notes from May 31, 2019

Topic: ARRL Field Day June 22-23

Shane (K5TIN) did the announcements for Brent. Main announcement was next week (and every 1st Friday of the month) is Q&A for new hams. This is a great opportunity to get comfortable with being on amateur radio and getting any and all questions answered.


  • W0NUT - Tom (NYC) - work relocating from NYC to Park City UT. Looking for any info on overloading in the area.

  • K5TIN - Shane (Prarieville LA) - will be with his club for field day. Listen for call sign K5ARC - that will be his club

  • NB9D - Neil (Paris ME) - got new mobile phone and now has outstanding signal on EchoLink

  • WX5SKY - Jon (OK) - No notes for Jon, my apologies if I missed something.

  • KF4YLM - Josh (Catawba, VA) - June ARRL VHF contest next weekend 2:00p - 10:00p EDT (50 MHz on up). Lots of FM simplex. Great for new hams.

  • KG5LEU - Kenny (MS) - No plans for field day

  • KE4RGY - Mike (Christianburg, VA) - No notes

  • KM4MCM - Alvin (Statesboro, GA) - Had trouble connecting in (see 3 listing up in this forum). Talked about his Land Ops club (see link in this forum 2 up).

  • KE6GVK - Mike (White Mountains, AZ) - offered up access to his repeater system which has Starlink. Access Echolink, DMR, etc. Check out

  • W8ILL - Will - late check-in was outside doing work.
There were a couple other late check-ins, but no notes on them as it was more conversational. Several people reported having trouble connecting into the net.

That's all I have. Net closed around 6:20p.

Looking forward to hearing new HAMS next week!


Rank VI
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Endurance II

Olympia Washington
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Net notes from May 31, 2019

Topic: ARRL Field Day June 22-23

Shane (K5TIN) did the announcements for Brent. Main announcement was next week (and every 1st Friday of the month) is Q&A for new hams. This is a great opportunity to get comfortable with being on amateur radio and getting any and all questions answered.


  • W0NUT - Tom (NYC) - work relocating from NYC to Park City UT. Looking for any info on overloading in the area.

  • K5TIN - Shane (Prarieville LA) - will be with his club for field day. Listen for call sign K5ARC - that will be his club

  • NB9D - Neil (Paris ME) - got new mobile phone and now has outstanding signal on EchoLink

  • WX5SKY - Jon (OK) - No notes for Jon, my apologies if I missed something.

  • KF4YLM - Josh (Catawba, VA) - June ARRL VHF contest next weekend 2:00p - 10:00p EDT (50 MHz on up). Lots of FM simplex. Great for new hams.

  • KG5LEU - Kenny (MS) - No plans for field day

  • KE4RGY - Mike (Christianburg, VA) - No notes

  • KM4MCM - Alvin (Statesboro, GA) - Had trouble connecting in (see 3 listing up in this forum). Talked about his Land Ops club (see link in this forum 2 up).

  • KE6GVK - Mike (White Mountains, AZ) - offered up access to his repeater system which has Starlink. Access Echolink, DMR, etc. Check out

  • W8ILL - Will - late check-in was outside doing work.
There were a couple other late check-ins, but no notes on them as it was more conversational. Several people reported having trouble connecting into the net.

That's all I have. Net closed around 6:20p.

Looking forward to hearing new HAMS next week!
Sorry I missed it. Was in Sedona jeeping and stayed out longer then I thought we would.IMG_20190531_134532622.jpeg


Rank III
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No I dont have a landops club. I was saying I thought it would be interesting to do some things like the land ops crew does. Like on a feild day when ever.
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Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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Net notes from 6/7/2019:

Emergency Traffic: none

Topic: New Hams Q&A

There we no formal announcements. The net started at 00:30z and ended at 02:21z - almost 2 hours (Will requested that we try and go a little longer next time). We had several new hams join the net some of whom were also new to overlanding. It was very relaxed and we kicked a bunch of stuff around. I was using Netlogger and also tried too keep notes using it as well. Unfortunately, several times while writing the notes they just evaporated. For awhile I took call signs on paper and then transferred to Netlogger. I'm still getting used to doing all this so apologies for anyone I missed (I missed most Overland Bound numbers) or any comments worth mentioning overlooked. Feel free to reply to this if I missed you or you would like to add a comment. I'm sure as this goes along I'll get better at it....

WD6TED - Ted (San Diego CA) - Net Control
KN4NQJ - Mike ( Roanoke VA) - Going camping soon. Will be the first time taking radios with him. Using an FT-8000.
KE8AYE - Jason (Fairfield OH) - Trip to the Smokies in 2 weeks. Getting the jeep ready to go.
KM4KPV - David (Lexington KY) - Found the net interesting. Enjoyed hearing from Robert in Sydney.
KF4YLM - Josh (Catawba VA) - No notes
KC3NPG - Tom (Tamaqua PA) - had a little trouble hearing Tom as he was on his laptop and multitasking.
KG6NBH - Kelly (Covina CA) - Has been on the net before but relatively new ham.
KG7OSL - Jason (Phoenix AZ) - New to amateur radio. Setting up a quad band TYT. Not an OB member yet but is looking into it.
WX5SKY- John (Edmond OK) - Working on getting things set up for field day.
KM6QMH - Curt (Sacramento CA) - New to ham and overlanding. Questions about how echolink works resolved in group discussion.
W8ILL - Will (Taylor MI) - Everything going great. Really enjoys building new antennas. Getting some things together for field day. Eating Tootsie Rolls during the net.
KF5YLM - Josh (Maumelle AR) - In Virgina and will be doing the VHF/UHF contest this weekend. He spoke at length about the contest. Check the ARRL website for further info.
VK2DY - Robert (Sydney NSW AUS) - Everyone enjoyed having Robert on the net. He spoke about the ThumbDV and the DV3000 AMBE. There is also an Android app for it BlueDV.
N9SAL - Dave (Decatur IL) - New to overlanding. Went to Moab last fall and Rosevelt NP in MT.
NB9D - Neil (Bedford NH) - Still sounds great on his new mobile phone. Says this net is his highlight of week!
VA3KXS - Kirk (Kitchener ON) - Has Yaesu in truck for 2m & 70cm. Believe he said he was doing FT-8 as well.
KN4QMN - Jason (Blacksburg VA) - Enjoing the net. Got his license in Nov. Looking forward to HF.

That's about it. It was, generally speaking, just a fun roundtable discussion. Several folks mentioned this was one of their favorite weekly nets/activities!

I'll be out of town next week on the Overland Bound Lost Coast Father's Day Weekend Trip and will be out of Echolink range. I'm continuing my trip the following week and hope to up in the Stanislaus NF by the following Friday (no fixed plans - my fav way to travel). I'll check-in if possible.

73 to all!


Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Greetings Ham Overlanders! I'll be the net control tonight and looking forward to chatting with everyone again. If your not too busy with summer fun, stop by and check in. I believe it's open topic night so bring your questions, stories, etc. Otherwise you'll have to listen to my HF antenna adventures.
Thanks all. Hope to link up with everyone this evening. 73! - Ed

Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 5:30PM Pacific Standard Time or 17:30 hours Pacific Standard Time
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here


Rank IV
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Influencer II

Leander, TX, USA
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Greetings Ham Overlanders! I'll be the net control tonight and looking forward to chatting with everyone again. If your not too busy with summer fun, stop by and check in. I believe it's open topic night so bring your questions, stories, etc. Otherwise you'll have to listen to my HF antenna adventures.
Thanks all. Hope to link up with everyone this evening. 73! - Ed

Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 5:30PM Pacific Standard Time or 17:30 hours Pacific Standard Time
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here
Thanks Ed for the great net tonight! KN6CMD


Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Happy Fathers Day everyone!
Thank you to all who were able to join the net Friday evening. We had 12 check-ins including some first time participants. It was open topic night so we discussed our upcoming travel / overland plans, field day, and even the weather. David, KM4KPV, asked an interesting question which I'll summarize below. Otherwise I'll keep this short.

KG7OSL Jason Phoenix AZ
WX5SKY Jon Oklahoma City OK
KI7RAM Bill Reno NV
K7XPO Brien Tuscon AZ
N8ZZF Pat Holton Lake MI
W8ILL 'Ol Man' Will MI
KJ7DCJ Daniel Edmonds WA (mobile)
NB9D Niel Paris ME
KM4MCM Tony Statesboro GA
VK2DY Robert Sidney Australia
KN6CMD Mike Mike So. CA (Congratulations on hew Ham ticket!)
KM4KPV David Lexington KY
N7PHY Ed Edmonds WA - Net Control

Interesting Discussion:
From KM4KPV - 4wd question. For driving on dirt roads, what is advice for 4 hi vs 2wd? Max speed and length of time in 4wd? KI7RAM answer: recommended to Bill with 4 Runner-put in 4wd when on trails, up to 55, can drive all day in 4wd. Stability is better. K7XPO Brien Answer - Reiterate advice just given. Experts advice to Brien, as soon as tires touch dirt switch to 4wd. One downside in 4hi, may have transmission heating issues (jeep) if running for extended periods of time. Transmission cooler an option. One reason besides stability and control, 4wd reduces corrugation effect. KN6CMD answer- also puts in 4wd when off pavement. Kept to 50 mph without issues. Consider safety and comfort. W8ILL - been a tech in transmissions (41 yrs). First, read manual for top speed. Don't drive over limit for sake of diff and transfer case. KM4KPV followup - very informative - when living in Montana and driving many miles of gravel roads. Would put in 4wd without problems.

Thank you and 73! - Ed


Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Hi Everyone.
I'll be your net control tomorrow evening for the Overland Bound Amateur Radio Net. It's open topic night so feel free to throw a topic out there for the group. For my part, I'd like to hear about any overland adventures you have made this summer or plan to make soon.

Look forward to checking in with everyone.

73! - Ed

Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 5:30PM Pacific Standard Time or 17:30 hours Pacific Standard Time
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here


Rank V

Traveler II

Prairieville, LA
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Net starts in less than 5 minutes, so fire up the computer, phone or your local repeater and join us!
Last edited:


Rank V
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Edmonds WA
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Greetings everyone!
We had a small but lively gathering this evening. We talked a bit about last weeks Field Day exercise but mostly about this summers outdoor adventures.

W0NUT Old Man UT
K5TIN Shane LA
W8ILL Ol Man Will MI
W5ALC (sorry, I doubled with you at the end)

A couple of the interesting topics brought up tonight :
- Jason just returned from a trip to the great smokey mountains. Sounds amazing!
- Old Man is now working in Utah, planning to explore as time permits. By the way, he is celebrating his 44th wedding anniversary. Congratulations!
- Shane and I compared field day notes. Both of us were running NVIS type antenna setups so contacts were somewhat local but had fun.
- Ol Man Will upgraded his F150 with his son. He's also been busy working on his Extra class exam.
-And David in KY told us how his RACES group has forged a relationship with local emergency service organizations and are receiving traning on all public communication equipment, working side by side with fire and mobile command groups. Good stuff!

Reminder that next week is our 'New Amateur', ask any question night. Come with your questions (or answers) and join the discussion.

73 my friends!
Ed - N7PHY


Rank V

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Prairieville, LA
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Happy Friday everyone! Hope everyone had a safe and fun Treason Day yesterday and has a great weekend to come. Just a reminder about the weekly OB Echolink net tonight. I'll be your net controller for tonight's topic which is our First Week of the Month Q&A for new hams, but as usual, pretty much anything else will go as well. Hope you can join us.

Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 17:30 hours PDT/2030 hours EDT
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here

73! Shane, K5TIN


Rank VII

Expedition Master II

San Diego 92130
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Great net tonight Shane. It's nice to have an almost round table discussion about ham tech stuff no matter what the level. Lots of useful info tonight!
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Rank V

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Prairieville, LA
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Thanks to everyone who was able to join the net last night. We had 13 check-ins including some first time participants that were recently licensed. To the new folks, WELCOME and don't be shy about joining us again in the future. We're always glad to have you! It was our monthly New Ham Q&A Night. We also had a GREAT bonus open topic round table on battery setups, power management along with a wide ranging discussion that covered the basics of VHF/UHF for the new folks all the way through detailed HF setups with lots of things in between. Overall, it was an AWESOME net and tons of great info was shared. Next weeks Net Controller will be WD6TED @MTN RNR with the topic still TBD, so STAY TUNED for updates later in the week.


KJ7BHN - Brent, WA
KI7RAM - Bill, NV
WD6TED - Ted, CA
W8ILL - Will, MI
KT4OZ - Terry, VA
KJ7GCJ - Daniel, WA
KF4YLM - Josh, VA
VE1PS - Peter, NS, Canada
VK2DY - Robert, Sydney, NSW, Australia
KJ7HVK - Tyler, AZ
KM4KVP - David, KY
KK4EWT - James, VA
K5TIN - Shane, LA (net control)

73 and have a great week!

Shane, K5TIN