Friday Night HAM Radio NET

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This is a great thread.

I have long thought about a Ham setup but found it too intimidating and very hard to source information, guys who know anything. So many thanks for keeping this thread going. Maybe this summer eh.


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I'm a super new member to the forums here but awesome to see this going!
Welcome to Overland Bound Juliette! Feel free to drop in our Echolink net this evening at 5:30p PDT. I think it's going to be an open topic night.
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Welcome to Overland Bound Juliette! Feel free to drop in our Echolink net this evening at 5:30p PDT. I think it's going to be an open topic night.
Thanks! I gotta pass tonight as I never re-verified echolink stuff when I changed my callsign.
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Notes from last night's Unofficial Overland Bound Echolink Amateur Radio Net 7/12/2019:

Net control: Ted Thompson WD6TED, OB# 13782

Topic: Open

Check-ins: 10 (including net control)

1) KM4KPV - David - Lexington, KY: Not much to say, just watching the tropical storm heading his way.

2) W8ILL - Will - Taylor, MI: Working on 3-wheeled bike. Adding 4 or 5 gearing positions. Working on HF rigs going 1/2 wave at 40m and 1/4 wave at 75m. Wants to put a couple more elements on.

3) N7PHY - Ed - Edmonds, WA: Had a squirrel chew through a guy wire and brought his antenna down. Has a backup ready to go. Had an earthquake last night. Antennas he uses: 1/2 wave end fed wire with 48:1 transformer for 40, 20, 15, 10. Also an end fed wire with 9:1 transformer that is not resonant but works well with a tuner.

4) N9SAL - David - Decatur, IL: Checked in from his truck. He's heading soon to Banff and Jasper eventually working his way south to Jackson Hole. Looking for any suggestions for good photo spots he can work from his truck. We also discussed his keeping food in the cab of his truck, while he sleeps in the back, in grizzly and black bear country. I think David wanted to confirm that the 2m calling frequency for off-roading is 146.46. It was confirmed (note from Ted: I did find a repeater on that frequency in Humboldt County, CA on my last trip. So you still need to check local band plans).

5) KJ7HKV - Tyler - Florence, AZ: he is a new ham and had a lot of great questions. He is also working on his taco. He is also concerned about storing food etc. while dispersed camping in bear country. He asked what he should do to prepare for using in ham radio while on a trip. Here were some of the suggestions:
i) Learn to use your radio. Learn to program it by hand so you don't have to rely in a computer when in a jam.
ii) Practice practice practice. Get on the air as much as possible.
iii) Look for a local amateur radio club. Good place to find them is the ARRL (
iv) Elevation is important to a good signal. The higher the better.
v) Prepare a repeater list before you travel and program them into your radio if possible.
Terry KT4OZ mentioned that artsci publishes a repeater directory every year in print form.
He keeps it in his rig in case he can't get on-line. Their website is
I noticed that Ham Radio Outlet, Amazon,among other stores, carries the book.
17th edition is the current version they are taking pre-orders for the 18th edition on their website.
vi) Tyler also mentioned APRS. Terry recommended the Kenwood TM-D70 or TM-D710 as excellent rigs for APRS.

6) VK2DY - Robert - Kellyville Ridge Nsw (just outside Sydney) - mentioned there are no bears down under or any large dangerous mammals. Roberts signal was very broken up. So not much to add.

7) KT4OZ - Terry - Covington, VA: Leaving at 0:dark:thirty on a trip to Colorado. Most of Terry's salient points are listed under answers to Tyler's questions above.

8) KI4BLU - Bryan - Pasadena, TX- mentioned the weather was beautiful there. No sign of the storm. Heading down the coast tomorrow to look at the wind blown waves.

9) KF5WPH - Mark - Denham Springs, LA: Just checking in and getting ready for the storm.

Net closed at 16:53 PDT, 01:53 UTC

Thanks to everyone who checked in!



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Good evening all! I hope everyone is doing well tonight. I'll be your net control tomorrow evening and hope you can join us.
The topic is; "Setting up HAM radio gear and skills to make emergency contacts from the field."

We started this conversation last week and I'd like to pursue it a little further.

Thanks everyone. Hope to hear you on the net tomorrow evening!
73 - Ed N7PHY

Net Details:
Who: All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to check-in.
Time : 5:30PM Pacific Standard Time or 17:30 hours Pacific Standard Time
Where : Echolink Node 591550 (USA-GNG) known also as Grits N Gravy, DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130

Anyone can listen only here
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We had a great net tonight. Thank you everyone who could join. Below are some notes from everybody's take on emergency communications in the field, certainly something we'll discuss again.

KJ7BHN Brent
K5TIN Shane
K7XPO Brien
W8ILL Will
N9SAL Dave
NB9D Neil
KJ7HKV Tyler

Topic: Setting up HAM radio gear and skills to make emergency contacts from the field.

Announcements: Moving topic choice to net control. The first Friday of each month will continue to be new ham question and answer time.

*** Congratulations to Brent - KJ7BHN for passing the Extra Class license exam!

Commentary snippets:
Emergency communications is the reason I got a ham license. Learned to snoop out repeaters before trip. Upgraded to gen/ae due to lack of repeaters. Better chance with elevation or using hf. Have come full circle with antennas. Thought I needed scorpion screwdriver ant but talked to guy in ID with hamstick. Thinking that direction. Using an ft857 for multi band radio.

2m/70cm first go to. Have gmrs in rigs. Upgraded license to have option to go into lower bands if need be. Takes home hf station on trips, not decided on mobile antenna, deciding on mobile or hamstick or ?. Back country stuff, recommend at a min go for general exam so can use HF. Bring repeater book to make manual changes in rig if necessary. Also looking into hamstick or diamond ant. Work in progress. Working on a go bag with basic needs for truck.

good to have HT with you. Can use 2 m and 440. Looking to program DMR in radio. Roll up antenna to get more range. Can carry wire to build an antenna if needed. Digital modes if available.

Don’t get in trouble in the first place. :) Carry ham, cb, frs, and inreach (sat com) with emergency sos button. Looking to upgrade to general and figure which way to go with upgrade to truck. Reminder to monitor national calling frequencies (146.520) at the top of the hour.

Carrying SPOT for years while backpacking. Can envision situation where not in life threatening situation but somethings broke and I'm stuck. Can push 'help' button on spot but amatuer radio can step in. Carry elk log periodic antenna for direction vhf. And carry super antenna for HF. (ic7100 but wish to carry kx2)

Carry backpack with one or two HTs. Charging equip. Keeps a couple spare cell phones in Faraday cage. Even if no cell service can call 911. Keep hydrated, very hot in NE. Carry food and water.

I wish everyone a safe and amazing weekend!
73 - Ed N7PHY


Rank VII

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Notes from last night's Unofficial Overland Bound Echolink Amateur Radio Net 7/26/2019:

Net control: Ted Thompson WD6TED, OB# 13782

Topic: I was thinking about SOTA (2), but those on appeared not familiar with it, so topic just migrated to "open"

Check-ins: 11 (including net control)

1) N9SAL - David - Decatur, GA, OB# 19063: Was mobile in his truck. We talked a little about solo camping and emergency comms like InReach and Spot.

2) VK6ET - Ray - Southwest Aus: 1st time I've heard him on the net. Mentioned he has traveled around Aus both clockwise and anti-clockwise, plus figure 8 in the middle area. Takes his HF with him using a smart tuner(?) w/ 9' helical wound whip. Primarily uses(ed) Yaesu 897. Travelled around by bus, motorhome, 4x4 w/ trailer.

3) VK2DY - Robert - Kellyville Ridge, NSW Aus: Travelled to Parkes Aus this week and visited the radio telescope used to track and communicate with the Apollo program. Said it was an excellent tour and got a full overview of the whole facility including the dish itself.

4) KN4EVT - Eric - Charlottesvillt, VA: was out on a boat using a BeoFeng HT. His signal was 59. Mentioned he has never done solo camping and is currently studying for his general.

5) KC9NYM - Alex - Russell, KY: In discussing HF Alex mentioned he uses an end fed antenna in the inverted V for NVIS and at a 30deg slope for DX with a counterpoise wire pointed in the direction he is transmitting.

6) KE8LIW - Steven - Hinton, WV: Not a lot going on. Checked in and out.

7) W8ILL - Will - Taylor, MI - Still working on his 3-wheeled bike.

8) W9MMM - Mike - Lenox MI - Just found and dropped into the net. He is working on his end fed antenna.

9) KD8JLV - Steve - Oakwood, OH, OB# 5497 - 1st time on the net. Found out about it on this thread. Family does lots of camping. Used to use travel trailer, now uses a tear drop. He and his wife sleep in that and the kids in a tent. Drives a built out Jeep Wrangler (see his member listing). He is planning on attending Overland Expo East this year.

10) KS4KLM - Kevin - Roanoke, VA: Just checking in and out.

Net closed at 18:43 PDT, 01:43 UTC

Thanks to everyone who checked in!

Next week's topic: Monthly new hams net !



Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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New hams net tonight!
This is a great time to get on the radio if you are a new ham. This is a very informal net and a great opportunity to ask any questions you might have.
Starts at 5:30 PDT, 8:30 EDT 00:30Z

Get to it on Echolink ( yes, there is an app for it - you don't even need a radio - just a amateur radio license). Go on Echolink and look under Conference Servers and find the
*USA-GNG* server. Also listed as USA Grits n' Gravy. You can also search for Echolink node 591550.


Rank VII

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San Diego 92130
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Notes from last night's Unofficial Overland Bound Echolink Amateur Radio Net 7/26/2019:

Net control: Ted Thompson WD6TED, OB# 13782

Topic: 1st Friday of the month new hams net

Notes from last night's Unofficial Overland Bound Echolink Amateur Radio Net 7/26/2019:

Net control: Ted Thompson WD6TED, OB# 13782

Topic: 1st Friday of the month new hams net

Check-ins: 17 (including net control)

1) KI5FNW - Trey - San Antonio, TX, OB# 16777: Trey is a new ham just got his tech license. Congratulations Trey and welcome to the unofficial OB net! No questions yet, just feel like it's getting information through a hose. [Don't worry we've all been there - ted].

2) KD9CVD - Jack - WAUKESHA, WI - OB# 6487: Went to EAA old warplane show [I believe this is Warbirds of America W9W via K9ECF - ted]. ARRL took video of him and his daughter and said they would post on the website. Using his Yaesu and APRS could listen to the pilots. Also doing repairs to his taco. Hit a rock and damaged doors and rock slider. Going to Overland Bound gear swapmeet this weekend in Roscoe IL [see the events listing on the website]. He has a lot of Pelican boxes he would like to unload. Also just got back from an overlanding trip to South Dakota, Badlands etc. was a great time with lots of great off road trails.

3) AE4JA - John - Catawba VA: was helping sort of Echolink issues with the repeater. Also mentioned there is a hamfest Saturday in Roanoke at the Moose Lodge.

4) W8ILL - Will - Taylor, MI: Passing on a to a friend a home-brew 40m dipole (about 12 or 14 feet long).

5) N7PHY - Ed - Edmonds, WA - OB# 15391: Won a bid on eBay for an all VHF/UHF Radio. Just going into VHF/UHF all mode for the first time. Put up a "stealth mode" beam 6m 2 element Moxon antenna [MFJ-1896 can be found on MFJ or HRO websites. -ted]. Will be working digital on 6m with it. KF4YLM (Josh) said it's a great antenna - see notes below.

6) K5TIN - Shane - Prairieville, LA - OB# 12189: Been dabbling with FT-8. Also started working grounding his mast and enjoying the intense physical labor that goes therewith. Hopefully back on HF this weekend.

7) K9SAL - David - Calling in from Macon County outside of Decatur GA - Nothing heard after checking in.

8) KF4YLM - Josh - Blacksburg, VA - Working on Microwave bans 1296 transceiver (23cm band). Having local oscillator issues on 10GHz which he uses for rain scatter. He says rain scatter works great during thunderstorms aiming at the high thunder heads. Can get roughly 150mi range. Said that Ed's choice of the Moxon antenna was an excellent choice for a small footprint 6m antenna. Look for great sporadic E in December for using this antenna.

9) KT4OZ - Terry - Covington, VA, OB# 3710: Also mentioned he will be at the hamfest in Venton VA (Moose Lodge) and another one in Berryville VA. Gave us a great recap of his trip to Colorado.

10) VK2DY - Robert - Kellyville Ridge, NSW, AUS: Going to get help with finishing design for his homegrown loop antenna.

11) KE4BU - Tyler - Roanoke, VA: Adding bluetooth to his '99 4Runner (gen 3). Difficult process....

12) KN4QMN - Jason - Blacksburg VA: He put a Yaesu on his bike this week.

13) KJ7HKV - Tyler - Florence AZ: Just finished overlanding in the White Mtns AZ. Nice and cool in the 70s.

14) KI5FUG - Mark - Kenner, LA - OB# 17400: Just took the tech exam and received his license this week. Congratulations Mark! Welcome to the net.

15) W4AZT - John - Roanoke, VA: Just checked in - no other notes.

16) KN4OXI - John - Roanoke, VA: Checked in late and had question about how many watts a G5RV can handle. Terry reported back that it was 1000W.

17) WD6TED (net control) - Ted - San Diego, CA - OB# 13782: Put in a Diamond X510 VHF/UHF antenna this week. Had great results esp w/ excellent tropo conditions going on. Mentioned the tropo conditions in the midwest were showing highest level on APRS-based tropo map. Also mentioned the 4" antenna purchased from Amazon for my vehicle. Works great. Should be really good for going on group trips in wooded areas where my Diamond antenna would get thrashed. It's an Eightwood dual band antenna - about $20 on Amazon.

Net concluded at 18:15 PDT 02:15Z (Not certain of this someone correct me if it's inaccurate).

Thanks everyone for participating! -73 to all, Ted


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Howdy... You guys still accessible via DMR? Talkgroup?


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Alain, as far as I know yes. I haven't tried in awhile. DMR TG 1137550 and Allstar 41130.

Thanks, Ted. Will try that this Friday... No Echolink repeater around here...
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Jeffrey Dill

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Yeah, but that's cheating. LoL ;)
It definitely feels odd to me as well. :grimacing: At that point, I feel like we might as well just be talking on FaceTime or Skype, or any of a hundred other free video/voice internet chat services.

I've actually got a repeater near me that I'm on all the time and is configured for EchoLink but I still use the Android app because in order to connect to the net via the repeater, it would mean the entire repeater is connected to the net, which I don't think the repeater operators or those wanting to use the repeater for local traffic (understandably) would appreciate. :laughing:

To use the repeater, I'd need to arrange it in advance with the repeater operators to get their blessing since it would affect everyone using the repeater.

I so wish there was a way to accomplish it though without messing up local traffic so I could hop on the net from my mobile station when I'm somewhere off the grid for phone service but still well within repeater range.
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It definitely feels odd to me as well. :grimacing: At that point, I feel like we might as well just be talking on FaceTime or Skype, or any of a hundred other free video/voice internet chat services.

I've actually got a repeater near me that I'm on all the time and is configured for EchoLink but I still use the Android app because in order to connect to the net via the repeater, it would mean the entire repeater is connected to the net, which I don't think the repeater operators or those wanting to use the repeater for local traffic (understandably) would appreciate. :laughing:

To use the repeater, I'd need to arrange it in advance with the repeater operators to get their blessing since it would affect everyone using the repeater.

I so wish there was a way to accomplish it though without messing up local traffic so I could hop on the net from my mobile station when I'm somewhere off the grid for phone service but still well within repeater range.
Yeah. Same here. Hangouts even have video as well ;)... And as far as the repeater use is concerned, that makes sense.

I do have the Echolink app for iOS, so...

I think I'll try DMR first though. If I can't get that to work, I'll probably use the app as well.
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Jeffrey Dill

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Yeah. Same here. Hangouts even have video as well ;)... And as far as the repeater use is concerned, that makes sense.

I do have the Echolink app for iOS, so...

I think I'll try DMR first though. If I can't get that to work, I'll probably use the app as well.
Haha, exactly! And you don't have to use Ham-isms – you can just start talking. :grinning:

I'd definitely be curious to hear how the DMR works out.
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DMR worked fine the last time I tried it (probably February). I tried first through a local repeater, but it was a dynamic talk group and I got dropped after 15 min. I did configure it as a static with my hotspot at home, but that's almost cheating too ;-). Just remember, even when you are using Echolink the net is still connected up to a repeater in Virginia. So you need to act like you are on a repeater and wait for things to reset before continuing on. Hope to hear y'all on Friday night!

Jeffrey Dill

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DMR worked fine the last time I tried it (probably February). I tried first through a local repeater, but it was a dynamic talk group and I got dropped after 15 min. I did configure it as a static with my hotspot at home, but that's almost cheating too ;-). Just remember, even when you are using Echolink the net is still connected up to a repeater in Virginia. So you need to act like you are on a repeater and wait for things to reset before continuing on. Hope to hear y'all on Friday night!
Good reminder. I'm definitely one to forget. :grimacing: