Member III
Wow, what a great net we had tonight! Thank you everybody who could join, bringing all the great radio related questions and answers. Brent KJ7BHN mentioned we’ll be repeating this topic monthly to keep it going. Also thank you to the KG4DVE repeater group in Ashland KY for linking with our net tonight.
Below are my notes, such as they are. If there are any questions, comments, or suggestions for me, feel free to hit me up directly or in the forum thread. Also, if anybody is interested in trying their hand at net control please contact myself or any of the other net controllers. We would love to have you join us, no experience necessary.
Ok, look forward to checking in with everybody this time next week.
73 – Ed, N7PHY
-.-. --.-
Date: May 1, 2019
Net Control: Ed – N7PHY
Topic: HAM Radio Q&A
Emergency Traffic: None
Announcements: KJ7BHN – Brent – Thanks to net controls and everybody joining the net. Tonight’s topic is a HAM radio questions and answers. Primarily geared towards new HAMs but any radio related question is welcome.
Special welcome to everybody joining via the KG4DVE repeater in Ashland Kentucky!
KK4SPW Larry – Mobile – In KY. First time joining the net. Q:What are digits heard? A: OB membership number but all licensed radio amateurs are welcome to the OB net.
KN4UBI Jeff 15578 – Mobile – Q: first time on echolink and first contact on Tuesday. Using app on phone, would like to connect to net through mobile. Local repeater with echolink node but how to enter codes to connect to grits gravey conference server? A: KN4IMU – may not be able to transmit dtmf, must activate. There is series of commands on echolink.org. Must know type of node. If repeater is using allstar, rep will require 3 in front of node number for example. Repeater book may have list of commands. Ans: W8ILL – on grits and gravy - have k4cge link, allstar and dmr. 41130 and dmr is 1137550. A: Kj7bhn – Brent has same radio and confirms it’s capable. Would like to second Brent’s comment, tonight was a wealth of information and would like to do this again.
KG4EAB Mitchell – Mobile – May have dropped before we got here. Thank you for checking in. (Ed comment)
KJ7BHN Brent - Oly WA - 13675 – Working on EC getting ready for overland west. Looking for HF contacts after the net if anyone interested. Will make this topic a monthly repeat due to interest. Also, Shane and Brent will check in from the overland west expo later this month!
N6DWA Dan Ventura CA 9939 – Sorry we couldn’t get to you sooner Dan. Thank you for checking in. (Ed comment)
KN6BKE Abdi – Berkeley CA - 8125 – New ham and just got on yesterday. Just learning and listening. Tried to access the C.L.A.R.A. (California Amateur Radio Linking Association) repeater network but not successful. Anyone have tips on that network? No solid answer but looking up possible tones. Can hit repeater but no contact. A: No experience with CLARA network on the net but discussed general non-response on some repeaters. Glad to join in and will try to join in every week. Wish expo west travelers a good time. Was there last year.
KE8KTR Travis - 14283 - St. Mary’s OH – new ham, currently running a … looking at handhelds. Don’t want baufeng. Not sure which direction to go. Regular handheld or DMR +. Carry on Harley. A: KJ7BHN – recommend … FT70 Yaesu. Analog plus digital but without APRS. Has auto detecting between analog and digital. No licensing fees with DMR but no cross modes with the digital modes. A: Excellent explanation from KM4KPV (see notes below). Solid discussion of various hand-helds and benefits of a simple to program unit.
Checking out – getting up at 3:30 to go to work.
KN4IMU Michael - Ashland KY – W8ILL Will invited KG4DVE repeater to join the node for our net tonight. (Awesome! – Ed) Associated with the Ashland Kentucky Rivers City Amateur Radio Association.
KM4KPV David - Lexington KY. – Answer to dstar, Yaesu question. Different types of digital radios being used. They are proprietary is problem. Yaesu, Icom, and t-25, and dmr (commercial system from Europe). DMR not that friendly, difficult to program and need code plug for each repeater to hit. Question about linking all-star, EchoLink, IRLP, function is to use internet to connect repeaters that otherwise can’t connect. Strongly encourage new user to get a handheld designed to be programed without a computer such as FT60, FT70.
Coordinator for emergency operations center. Found this net through the OB website while researching a project to create overland type vehicle .
VE1PS peter – must have had to drop. Glad you can check I n.
W8Ill Will – Doing well. Couldn’t go fishing so caught some fish at the Walmart. Walleye and smelt. Glad stations from Ashland KY could connect.
K5TIN - Shane - Prairie View LA - 12189 – Also new to digital modes. New going on – got an SDR and working on that. Working on the HF program. Glad to hear new comers to the net.
KI7RAM Bill - Reno NV – Comment – If Brent is coming by Reno, stop by to show off the EC. Q: One antenna on 4 runner, diamond antenna broke. Bought Larson with spring. Range is less, not sure why. SWR seems to be ok. A: KJ7BHN – can’t speak to Larson but put head unit in ram mount on dash and main unit below console with ext mic cable. KT4OZ – did swr check at freq trying to operate. Higher gain antennas are very narrow band and may not be tuned for actual operating freq. Just looked up mini manual recommended by KT4OZ and very pleased, ordered a manual.
NB9D Neil Paris ME – may have left. No copy from Neil. Audio or delay problem?
KG2MHG mobile – Nothing heard but glad you could join. (Ed comment)
KE0VJR – Tom – 8300 – From Colorado but working in NY. Just got extra ticket. Work in the industry, prof engineer in communications. Antenna matches, designs, spacecraft radios. Check out makerspace to fabricate a bunch of equipment.
KT4OZ- Terry – Late check in, (glad you made it). Recommend simple, solid hand held as first radio. Also liking Yaesu, VX-6R for ruggedness.
Check nifty manuals for manuals with shortcuts, etc.
Ham Radio Guides, Books and Accessories | Nifty Accessories
WD6TED – Ted – Unable to hear Ted during the net but worked out whatever the audio problem was after the net was over. Note - Special thanks to Ted for joining the ranks of net controllers!
Below are my notes, such as they are. If there are any questions, comments, or suggestions for me, feel free to hit me up directly or in the forum thread. Also, if anybody is interested in trying their hand at net control please contact myself or any of the other net controllers. We would love to have you join us, no experience necessary.
Ok, look forward to checking in with everybody this time next week.
73 – Ed, N7PHY
-.-. --.-
Date: May 1, 2019
Net Control: Ed – N7PHY
Topic: HAM Radio Q&A
Emergency Traffic: None
Announcements: KJ7BHN – Brent – Thanks to net controls and everybody joining the net. Tonight’s topic is a HAM radio questions and answers. Primarily geared towards new HAMs but any radio related question is welcome.
Special welcome to everybody joining via the KG4DVE repeater in Ashland Kentucky!
KK4SPW Larry – Mobile – In KY. First time joining the net. Q:What are digits heard? A: OB membership number but all licensed radio amateurs are welcome to the OB net.
KN4UBI Jeff 15578 – Mobile – Q: first time on echolink and first contact on Tuesday. Using app on phone, would like to connect to net through mobile. Local repeater with echolink node but how to enter codes to connect to grits gravey conference server? A: KN4IMU – may not be able to transmit dtmf, must activate. There is series of commands on echolink.org. Must know type of node. If repeater is using allstar, rep will require 3 in front of node number for example. Repeater book may have list of commands. Ans: W8ILL – on grits and gravy - have k4cge link, allstar and dmr. 41130 and dmr is 1137550. A: Kj7bhn – Brent has same radio and confirms it’s capable. Would like to second Brent’s comment, tonight was a wealth of information and would like to do this again.
KG4EAB Mitchell – Mobile – May have dropped before we got here. Thank you for checking in. (Ed comment)
KJ7BHN Brent - Oly WA - 13675 – Working on EC getting ready for overland west. Looking for HF contacts after the net if anyone interested. Will make this topic a monthly repeat due to interest. Also, Shane and Brent will check in from the overland west expo later this month!
N6DWA Dan Ventura CA 9939 – Sorry we couldn’t get to you sooner Dan. Thank you for checking in. (Ed comment)
KN6BKE Abdi – Berkeley CA - 8125 – New ham and just got on yesterday. Just learning and listening. Tried to access the C.L.A.R.A. (California Amateur Radio Linking Association) repeater network but not successful. Anyone have tips on that network? No solid answer but looking up possible tones. Can hit repeater but no contact. A: No experience with CLARA network on the net but discussed general non-response on some repeaters. Glad to join in and will try to join in every week. Wish expo west travelers a good time. Was there last year.
KE8KTR Travis - 14283 - St. Mary’s OH – new ham, currently running a … looking at handhelds. Don’t want baufeng. Not sure which direction to go. Regular handheld or DMR +. Carry on Harley. A: KJ7BHN – recommend … FT70 Yaesu. Analog plus digital but without APRS. Has auto detecting between analog and digital. No licensing fees with DMR but no cross modes with the digital modes. A: Excellent explanation from KM4KPV (see notes below). Solid discussion of various hand-helds and benefits of a simple to program unit.
Checking out – getting up at 3:30 to go to work.
KN4IMU Michael - Ashland KY – W8ILL Will invited KG4DVE repeater to join the node for our net tonight. (Awesome! – Ed) Associated with the Ashland Kentucky Rivers City Amateur Radio Association.
KM4KPV David - Lexington KY. – Answer to dstar, Yaesu question. Different types of digital radios being used. They are proprietary is problem. Yaesu, Icom, and t-25, and dmr (commercial system from Europe). DMR not that friendly, difficult to program and need code plug for each repeater to hit. Question about linking all-star, EchoLink, IRLP, function is to use internet to connect repeaters that otherwise can’t connect. Strongly encourage new user to get a handheld designed to be programed without a computer such as FT60, FT70.
Coordinator for emergency operations center. Found this net through the OB website while researching a project to create overland type vehicle .
VE1PS peter – must have had to drop. Glad you can check I n.
W8Ill Will – Doing well. Couldn’t go fishing so caught some fish at the Walmart. Walleye and smelt. Glad stations from Ashland KY could connect.
K5TIN - Shane - Prairie View LA - 12189 – Also new to digital modes. New going on – got an SDR and working on that. Working on the HF program. Glad to hear new comers to the net.
KI7RAM Bill - Reno NV – Comment – If Brent is coming by Reno, stop by to show off the EC. Q: One antenna on 4 runner, diamond antenna broke. Bought Larson with spring. Range is less, not sure why. SWR seems to be ok. A: KJ7BHN – can’t speak to Larson but put head unit in ram mount on dash and main unit below console with ext mic cable. KT4OZ – did swr check at freq trying to operate. Higher gain antennas are very narrow band and may not be tuned for actual operating freq. Just looked up mini manual recommended by KT4OZ and very pleased, ordered a manual.
NB9D Neil Paris ME – may have left. No copy from Neil. Audio or delay problem?
KG2MHG mobile – Nothing heard but glad you could join. (Ed comment)
KE0VJR – Tom – 8300 – From Colorado but working in NY. Just got extra ticket. Work in the industry, prof engineer in communications. Antenna matches, designs, spacecraft radios. Check out makerspace to fabricate a bunch of equipment.
KT4OZ- Terry – Late check in, (glad you made it). Recommend simple, solid hand held as first radio. Also liking Yaesu, VX-6R for ruggedness.
Check nifty manuals for manuals with shortcuts, etc.
Ham Radio Guides, Books and Accessories | Nifty Accessories
WD6TED – Ted – Unable to hear Ted during the net but worked out whatever the audio problem was after the net was over. Note - Special thanks to Ted for joining the ranks of net controllers!