Hi Guys, a warm greeting from Venezuela, country where the value of fuel to start a trip is not taken into account. My name is Daniel Meléndez and I invite you to follow my Instagram @vistasdevenezuela and @vistasdeamerica
I am very happy to start at Overland Bound since I am very interested in sharing the photos of my trips in all the geographies of this latitude.
I am currently running a project, which I call "Los Médanos" (The Dunes) touring the west of Venezuela where there are many sands and deserts by the sea, really impressive after having traveled through the Andes or in the massif Guayanes, where is the oldest rock formation in the world and I consider it a true paradise.
Greetings and count on my person for any initiative on this side of the continent.

I am very happy to start at Overland Bound since I am very interested in sharing the photos of my trips in all the geographies of this latitude.
I am currently running a project, which I call "Los Médanos" (The Dunes) touring the west of Venezuela where there are many sands and deserts by the sea, really impressive after having traveled through the Andes or in the massif Guayanes, where is the oldest rock formation in the world and I consider it a true paradise.
Greetings and count on my person for any initiative on this side of the continent.