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Enthusiast III
You're on the right track. The reason your CB looks like that without bars means it isn't receiving an RF carrier or signal. CB's do not constantly transmit and therefore if you aren't in range of anybody AND they aren't transmitting you won't see the bars. It's hard to say what the bars represent as there's no true scale typically. Different manufacturers and different models even, have different thresholds for representing received signal strength.cb newbie here. if my cb looks like this most of the time does that mean I have no signal? I can hear people and signal bars come and go while I'm listening. PTT I have full bars though.
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Enthusiast III
CB's typically have built in speakers but not all are adequate in my opinion. It also depends how you mount your radio - if you have a downward firing internal speaker and mount your CB to the roof near a rear view mirror (which is popular) then you probably won't have any issues, other areas may cause a reduction in audio and depending how loud your ride is could make a difference. I typically always recommend some kind of external speaker, for the price and added clarity you really can't go wrong and then you can mount the speaker somewhere that's convenient for you to hear. Just keep it off the a/b posts if you have a new vehicle to avoid the side impact air bags!Call this the most newbie question of all. I see there are mobile and handheld solutions. I know the handheld's have the audio piped out through the device but for the mobile CB's does the audio come out of the Box or the Mic. Also for most of you guys, do you purchase a 5watt external speaker or is the cb itself sound loud enough?
Member III
good tuning tip. i cant find anyone with a meter, so i guess ill pick one up.Sounds ok. Usually under 1.5:1 is acceptable. What was the reading on 20? If it is between your other two readings, you can tune the tip pout a bit and shoot for getting the lowest reading on CH 20 and going up as you go toward either CH1 or CH40.
Member III
They are good to have if you're going to have a radio. They can be used to troubleshoot many issues you'll encounter.good tuning tip. i cant find anyone with a meter, so i guess ill pick one up.
Yep with a firestick works great.
Traveler III
Off-Road Ranger I
You'll hear this more than one time if you haven't already...I hope I don't start a "Rotella" type thread haha
I am newbie, wont deny it. My question to you all is, what are tried and true CB radio's that work, are reliable and lastly, are budget minded.
Member III
Where can your get FRS channels to program. Is there a list or ? As I just got one of these radios & am trying to figure how it works.I'm not an expert, but if I could only have one radio, I'd have one of these and program it with FRS channels.
View attachment 11477
On the four OB trips I've been on, FRS was the most common.
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III