@John Bishop
We ended up starting at Blue Ridge Summit, PA and worked south. We didn't get there until about noon so not much travel time on day 1. But coincidentally, that put our first night on the MABDR campsite at the Paw Paw Tunnel Campground. As a campground it sucked... But we didn't...
Just got back from a long weekend trip.
Here's a photo of my camp site from Friday. Pretty nice...
Here's a video from our campsite Sunday. Pics wouldn't do it justice.
BTW Saturday's campsite sucked just a hair above a KOA grrrrr.
So this trip has become an improvised plan B trip...
My son, who is a senior at Appalachian State University, and I had planned and over-planned our fall break trip to do the western North Carolina portion of the Trans-America Trail since the summer because his fall break lined up with Columbus...
So the trip to Utah went off really well. I did have one of my CV boots split on me. Luckily CV Axle Express in Salt Lake City got me taken care of quickly and we ended up replacing both sides inner and outer boots.
Did some mild off roading on the Pony Express Trail and about a mile or two of...
After the sale of my '98 Ram 1500 I haven't had a rig in the past 5 years...
I fixed that a couple of months ago when I bought a new to me '07 GX 470.
It had 130K miles, 2 previous owners and an impeccable service history nearly all done by Lexus. One of the airbags was leaking, but that's...
I just bought a small folding shovel from Wally World this week.
Get this. It's an age restricted item and they actually ID me. FYI I'm as bald as a bat and my beard is 90% gray. I haven't looked under 21 for probably 20+ years and that could be being very generous.
With my Christmas gift cards I got myself the lightweight RTIC 52 qt cooler. I just got it in and so far I am impressed and can't wait to use it.
Before my trip this summer I bought the Igloo BMX 65qt cooler. I went cheap and got cheap. I've had many Igloo coolers without any issue so...
Here's a couple of pics of our Gazelle setup from this summer. One with the rainfly one without. We use a ground tarp too While the Gazelle floor does seem durable, I like the level of comfort I feel from having the ground tarp.
Now that my son will be going away to college soon, I was discussing with my wife my solo travel plans and amazingly she said she'd consider (This is a GIANT leap forward for her) doing some of my adventures with me. This could sway me from my Gazelle to a RTT if that's what it takes to get her...
I've only personally owned ground tents. I've stayed a few nights in an RTT. I think it's all just personal opinion. Late last year I bought the Gazelle T4. Is it perfect, absolutely not. Do I like it a lot? Yes I do. I considered a RTT. I just don't feel it was right for me.
T4 over RTT:
While I don't have a DSLR or anything yet, I want to learn how to use one and what all the settings are and what they mean and how to take stunning pictures like yours.
Thank you.
In hind sight I should have braced against something more stable even if it was a tree or something. Of the dozens of pics I took these were among the best. I found a fairly clear area and was sitting with the phone on my knee and holding it with both hands. I varied between holding...
I've been following this thread and have learned a lot. The TAT has been on my to-do list, but between this and other sources I do think I'd skip around too.
I don't think I'd ever do a group thing like this, I'm just not that social, especially with people I don't/hardly know. This only lend...
I think it is dependant on the tipe of places you want to go. Soft terrain like sand or mud, traction boards might go higher onthe list.
A speaker on recovery at an overland event I went to said your most important piece of recovery gear is your brain and to know your terrain, know your...
So I went to Moab and While I wasn't officially in The Canyonlands Dark-sky Preserve I was in Deadhorse Point right next door. I'm from the east coast and our light pollution is just horrible. I was stunned to st the night sky in all it's glory on a clear moonless night. The darker picture is...
One other thing I noticed on my southwest trip was blatent disregard of posted rules. My son and I did over 60 miles of hiking over our trip and the vast majority of trails have signs stating no dogs allowed. Yet when we went on most of the less remote trails we almost always saw people with...
That is true and I hope some do find a new love for the outdoors. Looking back at some of the stupid things I did in my late teens and twentys "just because I had a 4WD truck" and how I know I'd be scorning someone who did the same stupid things today. And that was the basis of my learning. Make...
I got home SUnday from my trip and I'm glad to report I had no issues at Arches or any other Park in terms of admissions.
But I have found a whole new target for my rants--- RVers OMG. While 90% are just fine, the bad 10% really work hard to be as stupid as possible. I have a rant YouTube...
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