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  1. 2dub

    Advice for Full-time overland living

    So jealous... Would love to be able to do that. Best advice. Just do it and share with others your experiences both what works out well and what mishaps you may have so others can learn and live vicariously through you.
  2. 2dub

    So optimistic for Starlink

    I do think Starlink in contributing to "space pollution" Musk is ultimately planning on launching 10's of thousands of these satellites. He has now painted them to reduce the albedo but the pure quantity is going to be the ultimate issue. Overall I think the bigger issue is the number of dead...
  3. 2dub

    So optimistic for Starlink

    I read this article and it just made me so optimistic for the future of overlanding and just plain getting out into the world. So many of us have to plan our trips/adventures around our...
  4. 2dub


    The worst part is it's this type of behavior which gets sites closed for the rest of us.
  5. 2dub

    Overlanding in a small economy car

    I'm not thinking about doing quite that level of travel, but I am considering using my Toyota Camry for my trip to the southwest this summer. With that many miles to cover and were not going anywhere specifically "off road" saving those MPGs become extremely important. The Camry gets over 2x the...
  6. 2dub

    What inexpensive but good action cams are people here using?

    I just bought my son (He's on the spectrum too BTW) a GoPro Hero 7 I got it directly from GoPro and used his school info to register for the Student discount of 20% He wants to make YouTube videos of our trips starting this summer. For our level of recording, I don't think we need all the...
  7. 2dub

    2019 Rav4 about ready for the trails!

    Nice build and great info. I'm actually hitting the road this summer with my son and I decided to take my wife's Rav4 vs the truck for mileage and we won't need true 4WD for what we have planned. But I'm POSITIVE she won't let me mod it up. I can hear her eyes roll, and her BP go up when I talk...
  8. 2dub

    Inexpensive drones?

    My son is asking me for the EXO Drone for his birthday. I don't know much about the specs but since I googled it I don't stop seeing ads for them.
  9. 2dub

    Is this Coleman stove any good?

    I didn't have the 30 years with mine some have mentioned, but I did not take the best care of it either. It was used and abused, left out in the rain, etc and it just kept on working. It didn't "need" to be replaced, but for being relatively inexpensive I would just prefer to get a new one...
  10. 2dub

    Looking to due the trans American

    The TAT is on my dream list. Just getting the time off of work to do it in one shot will be practically impossible. I could do segments over a longer time, but I'd prefer to take 3-4 weeks and just do it.
  11. 2dub

    National forest service annual pass

    Some things to know is that these passes: Will get you into the park free (generally speaking) I was shocked when I went to Mt Rushmore and they didn't accept our pass. They said the park was free but at the entrance you were paying for the parking. Often you can get free/ discounted camping...
  12. 2dub

    Norfolk Va, places to camp

    I'm just a little south of you, but a couple of my favorite state parks are fairly close and the fees are pretty low. Goose Creek State Park near Washington NC. Beautiful very dispersed campsites One of my favorites Goose Creek State Park | NC State Parks Merchants Millpond State Park near...
  13. 2dub

    Walmart camping

    I hate how in iOverlander they show Walmarts as an informal campsite. It's not. Yes people do it but I'm not looking on iOverlander for all the Wallyworlds across the country.
  14. 2dub

    Gazelle Tents

    My son wants to create a vlog of our travels. I still have my T4 in the box in the garage. He wants to do an unboxing of the tent so I'll have him focus on the corners. I just don't know when he'll do the video. Every weekend we've been home it's been bad weather.
  15. 2dub

    What's your latest camping gear purchase, and what caused you to buy it?

    After a longer than anticipated time away from the trails, I'm hitting the road again this summer. I got a nice little bonus from work this year and have decided to put that towards gear. I've replaced my 10+ year old Coleman pop up tent with a Gazelle T4, which arrives today. I got an Igloo...
  16. 2dub

    Gazelle Tents

    Just ordered my T4 from the OB shop today. I'm looking forward to getting back out in 2021. This will be a huge upgrade from my old Coleman pop up tent which served me very well for a long time.
  17. 2dub

    Containers what do you use

    I use the Home Depot HDX containers with the yellow lids in a variety of sizes with no problem.
  18. 2dub

    Has overlanding become elitist ?

    I think in some aspects it has become elitist. But you'll have that in any niche group of people. Overlanding is what you want it to be. If you just want to stay on pavement and see all the scenic by-ways that's awesome, if you want to hit amazing off-road trails, that's awesome too. My...
  19. 2dub

    East coast Appalachian Byway

    The Appalachian By-Way has been on my Radar for a while. Funny about the GA routes, but I recall there is a pretty active GA community here that could probably fill in the blanks.
  20. 2dub

    Phone mounts

    I use to love my iOttie mounts like this but they changed something along the way. Before I'd say they were bulletproof, now the suction cup will not hold. Especially in the heat of the summer. I washed and reapplied like they suggested and ended up buying another 2 but they wouldn't hold...