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  1. Overland-Indiana

    Jeep XJ (Blue Steel)

    So, I am starting a new build thread due to the old one just being cluttered with dead links and other issues... It can be seen here for reference and some funny posts... And if you're interested in seeing more of the build and more frequent updates follow me on Instagram, the link is in my...
  2. Overland-Indiana

    Overland Bound - Midwest Region Meet and Greet - 08/11/2017

    ***Please read this entire post*** The venue for the first OLB - Midwest Meet and Greet has been set for Brown County State Park in southern Indiana. Dates are August 11, 12th and 13th. Staying 2 nights. Since this is a state park it is more developed camping than I like, but hey...there is...
  3. Overland-Indiana

    What is your next mechanical upgrade or repair?

    Just curious what people have on their "to-do" list on repairs or mechanical upgrades? For me, I have a High Pinion Dana 30 axle i am swapping into my XJ this weekend. Pictures attached..I went through it and freshened it up so it is ready to install.
  4. Overland-Indiana

    Overland Bound - Midwest meet (completed, watch for the next meet)

    ****UPDATE**** Here is a link to the Rally Point event, please RSVP on there and on the Facebook event (if you're on FB) and also, the kml map file of the route for Saturday Aug 12th is in the Rally Point event and is downloadable. (The kml file has the route planned but doesn't have them in...
  5. Overland-Indiana

    FOR SALE Expo Trailer

    I've decided Trailer life isn't for me... has on-board water with pump. Has LED lighting inside the box. Has battery and fuse box wired in. The doors need good heavy duty latches (which I have ordered but haven't installed). Wiring needs cleaned up a bit in my opinion.. It isn't 100% finished...
  6. Overland-Indiana

    Overland Bound - Midwest Meet 8/11 - 8/13

    This is the first Overland Bound - Midwest meet and greet. I am so excited to make this happen! The exact itinerary and location are TBD (to be determined) but it will be in the Hoosier National Forest area. Details will come very soon! The dates are 100% but the exact location will be posted in...
  7. Overland-Indiana

    Starting to plan a Overland Bound - Midwest Meet

    We are in the planning faze of preparing for a Overland Bound - Midwest meet. Please answer the above poll with the state YOU LIVE IN. Then in the comments below, maybe a suggestion on a venue for the meet. Thanks guys!!
  8. Overland-Indiana

    Single burner or two burner on the trail?

    I currently have a 2 burner camp stove, it takes up a lot of space. Do you guys run a single or two burner stove? What brand/model? Pros/cons? I really would like to slim down some of my gear when I am on trails because my XJ lacks in the storage department haha.
  9. Overland-Indiana

    Sink Ideas

    I am currently building an Expo trailer, I already have a water tank and 12v pump. What are you guys doing as a sink? How do you drain it? And how is it store and/or mounted?
  10. Overland-Indiana

    Blue Steel 2.0 Trailer Build

    So, I purchased this little dude on Craigslist for $120, couldn't pass it up. Brought it home and got to work on it. Removed axle, flipped it, installed all new bushings, U- bolts and hardware. Gained about 3in of height to even it out with my Jeep. You can see how much better it sits...
  11. Overland-Indiana

    Looking for someone good w/Colorado trails

    I am planning a family trip for around mid to end of July 2018. My wife, 2 sons and me will be going in my XJ with a small expo trailer. What are some trails with great views, but yet not too technical or dangerous since I'll have my family with me? Thanks for the help guys!
  12. Overland-Indiana

    Roof rack tie down ideas

    Due to hauling more gear I will have to start using the roof rack more. I currently am using ratchet straps which are fine but aren't a fast option. Any ideas of quick release tie downs to hold stuff down to the rack? Most of the time I am using heavy duty tubs on the rack..
  13. Overland-Indiana

    Midwest Overlanders Winter Camp 2017

    Just got back from doing a great weekend hosted by @MidwestOverlanders up in the Manistee NF in Michigan. We did somewhere around 125 miles of trails and had a blast! Here are some pictures from this weekend..
  14. Overland-Indiana

    Bought another O.I. rig

    Added another rig to the Overland Indiana lineup. I bought this beast a couple days ago, will probably rob the bumpers then sell it. It has a 6.5in Rustys Long Arm lift, Solid front and rear diff covers, Rustys Over the knuckle 1-ton steering, the Dana 30 in the front is trussed and has...
  15. Overland-Indiana

    This was a great morning (Sarcasm)

    I woke up yesterday to my windows being shot out....Lovely. Someone went through town shooting out car windows the night before with a BB (Semi-auto CO2 powered pistol was found at one area) they hit 5-6 vehicles and the police have no leads. So, this was an expensive day. Luckily they...
  16. Overland-Indiana

    Hoosier National Forest meetup

    I had a great time this past weekend with fellow Overlanders: @MidwestOverlanders, All things Overlanding, Bo Robinson and Adam Stout (I know these guys are members but cant remember their usernames) camping and exploring the Hoosier National Forest. If you are passing thru Indiana, it is worth...
  17. Overland-Indiana

    I am back!

    So, I haven't been very active on here lately, sorry for that.. But, I am back! Between work, kids, getting projects done on the Jeep (the type of jobs that really can make you hate like lol) and now we had a tornado rip our town apart... Tornado = Chainsaw and generator sales (I work for...
  18. Overland-Indiana

    Just a heads up..

    Just a heads up for anyone who cares lol... Changed my username from" jordanbrooks" to "Overland-Indiana" This way my username matches from here to social media.
  19. Overland-Indiana

    Just bought this rope!

    Just bought a 30ft VooDoo kinetic recovery rope.. This thing looks awesome! Hopefully it holds up and works as good as it looks. Between this VooDoo rope, my @TractionJack and my Hi-Lift jack I should be set for this upcoming weekend of wheeling! You guys ever used a kinetic rope...
  20. Overland-Indiana

    Traction Jack

    My Traction Jacks showed up today... Happy to be a part of the Traction Jack family! If you are looking for a set of recovery mats contact my friends over at @TractionJack for your set. Now I need to go get stuck and try them out!!