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  1. Overland-Indiana

    Memorial day trip (Indiana)

    Many think of Indiana as a place with not much to do (me included) but, I am starting to realize and see the beauty our state has to offer. Over the weekend my family and I took a short but much needed trip. Headed down to French Lick, IN. Drove through some very hilly and beautiful...
  2. Overland-Indiana

    Jeep Wave is dead. Now introducing the Overland Wave!!

    Due to all the yuppies buying JK/JKU's and dragging them through the 4WD Parts catalog and becoming "elite" or snobbish I don't wave first anymore, it is not worth the effort. Jeep wave is now dead and the "Overland Wave" is now alive!! (I am the originator of that phrase! lol) If you have a...
  3. Overland-Indiana

    Embedding issuee

    I get the following screen whenever I try to use an embedded Instagram post.. Any thoughts? @Michael
  4. Overland-Indiana

    Overland Indiana Decal update.

    OK, so not to long ago I sent out a BUNCH of free Overland Indiana decals, I have since done a redesign of the logo. I want to know opinions on the new design. Also, If you have a original decal I will send you the new version for free, unless you wanna keep the Gen 1 for collectors value...
  5. Overland-Indiana


    I have had a rattle under my Jeep for the past week or so that I could not locate, so i gave it another look last night and found this: Missing lower caliper bolts, on BOTH sides..... But, it did not stop there. I bought new bolts thinking maybe the old owner forgot to put them back or...
  6. Overland-Indiana

    Checklist for Redbird

    @sdrichm @WJ_David @Hank_ @ShawnR @Wildland Outdoors Have a checklist or repair, upgrades or stuff your gonna pack and bring to Redbird?
  7. Overland-Indiana

    Work cookout, Overland style!

    Today I hosted a small cookout using just my overland/camping gear. They guys at work loved the sausage biscuits and scrambled eggs. Kinda burnt the bottoms of the biscuits though, still gotta get used to using the Coleman camp over. Had a good time tho! Fun to show people what you can do...
  8. Overland-Indiana

    Too much free time or addict?

    i just realized I passed the 1000 post mark... Any other people just love this forum and the people in it? Honestly I've never been a mod on another forum or got a post count above 300 or so before I lost interest. Also!!! Welcome @Steve to the moderator staff!
  9. Overland-Indiana

    Just ordered my Gobi Ladder

    Super excited about this! Iv'e always struggled to find a solution to accessing my roof rack and I think this will fit the bill perfectly... Now I just have to wait the 4-6 weeks on delivery!
  10. Overland-Indiana

    Camp shower ideas

    I am trying to get the "comfort" stuff together for camping trips this year that will make it easier to get my wife out there with me. What do you guys use for a "pop-up" style shower tent thing? (Very technical term I used there) Thanks!
  11. Overland-Indiana

    Covered Bridge Run

    Ok so yesterday i needed some time to be alone and just drive to kinda cope with my Grandpas passing. I went and saw 2 historical bridges here close by. My goal for this year is to see all the covered/historical bridges in Indiana.. Here is Adams Mill Covered Bridge and here is Adams Mill...
  12. Overland-Indiana

    Post up the rigs you had in the past (Pics)

    My 95 Blazer, Loved that thing.....Red Riding Hood I Just required to much fixing, every week it seemed to need something. Most recent one was my 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee...Red Ridging Hood II Red Riding Hood II, the demise.
  13. Overland-Indiana

    Poll: Help me name my new rig!!

    Ok, so I have acquired my new Overlanding rig, I am going to post some options for names.. Ok and..... VOTE!
  14. Overland-Indiana

    Cold weather blues....

    Anyone else having the cold weather blues?? It is 0 degrees out and wind chill is -10.. Can't really do much. No camping, no working on the rig.... I am soooo ready for warmer weather!
  15. Overland-Indiana

    2001 Jeep XJ build (Blue Steel)

    Well, unfortunately my other Jeep, Red Riding Hood has been laid to totaled it after the run-in with the light pole. Sooooo..... This is the replacement: 2001 Jeep Cherokee (XJ) it has 160k miles, runs great. Needs a few odds and ends but over all great shape. Here are...
  16. Overland-Indiana

    Reattaching the OB emblem

    OK, as you know i wrecked my last overland rig and now have bought a new one and will be starting on it soon. I removed my emblem from my old rig and will soon need to put it on the new one.... Ideas on how to remove old adhesive and what to use as new? Thanks! @administrator tagging to see...
  17. Overland-Indiana

    Tutorial on how to set a badge on display under your name/avatar

    Iv'e been asked how to display badges so i created a tutorial, if you have any questions please ask. Excuse my windows paint skillz lol If you have any further questions on how this works please ask or PM me and i'll help as much as I can!
  18. Overland-Indiana

    Everyone is welcome!

    I think one HUGE aspect of the Overland Bound community is making everyone, even new-comers feel welcome and appreciated. I think we do a great job of this and just wanted to express my gratitude to all the members that uphold the core values of what a true Overlander is. Make sure to say...
  19. Overland-Indiana

    Wrecked my baby Update:

    Sooo..... Jeep update. Just got off the phone with the body shop, they are at $3671 and they haven't even torn off fenders or bumpers to check for more damage. Plus, it still has to be looked at by a mechanic to see whats messed up in the front end. I'm gonna be pissed if they try to total it.
  20. Overland-Indiana

    Jeep Renegade!

    I found this video and thought our new member @XPlore