I am going to be repairing a friends lights on his roof rack, I am wiring to a panel in the back of his rig and going to wire 4 relays, what size of wire should I run back there to distribute power to the lights? He has 3 6" hella halogen and 2 8" halogen. Any ideas?
Well... today is my wife and my anniversary and we went to Indianapolis to go to a wine and canvas paint thing and stay at a hotel. We arrived a our hotel and I drove around the side looking for a place to park, after that failed I turned around to go to the other side and did not see this light...
I am looking into completing my camp kitchen. I have utensils (well ordered them) and plates, stove, Coleman Camp Oven, a nice prep table and other goodies..
Mainly looking to know what kind of pans you guys use? I need something space saving but yet big enough to cook some good sized meals...
Just dealt with a customer who literally laughed in my face when we got on the subject of Jeeps and I stated I had a Grand Cherokee WJ. He said "That is not a Jeep, that is a wannabee" I about kicked him out of my office with my size 14 boot up his ass. So, from some research I guess there...
What compressor do you run in your rig? Why? What features do you like about it? How is it hooked up? Is it an on board air setup with a tank? Pics?
A lot of questions, I know. But, it seems like there has been a lot of talk lately about compressors and I would like to see what people...
Man, it seems like lately I have burnt through a TON of OB stickers... Passed out a few to some off road buddies and put a few with notes on peoples windshields telling them about OB. I'd estimate it as handing out probably 15 or so in the past month.
How many have you handed out? Or do...
I think the Maxtraxx are AWESOME! But, i'd prefer not to spend that much cash on a chunk of plastic. Any proven, quality options out there that are more cost effective?
OK, there is the famous threads over "What did you do with your rig today?", etc....
Lets try this, what parts, upgrades or accessories have you ordered today or added to the famous "wishlist" we all have???
I added a RTT to the list, I am looking at the CVT tents primarily.
I did order...
I am looking at awnings for the rig, wanting to get one here soon. It will be mounted to my roof rack.
I am currently looking at this: http://store.arbusa.com/ARB-Awning-1250-ARB3110A-P3655.aspx
The price seems fair and I know ARB is good quality.
Opinions or suggestions?
Also, I...
@administrator or @CorrieOB have you guys considered making printable hand-out cards, similar in size to a business card that would be available to members to download and print to hand out to people they talk to about OB?
I think one with a brief overview of "Overlanding"
and maybe a QR code...
This section of the Overland Bootcamp is dedicated to rations in the event you have a breakdown or other issue that leaves you stranded.
Obviously water is important. This should be #1 on your list of emergency rations since you cannot survive without...
Yesterday took a trip with a couple of friends to the Badlands Offroad Park in Attica, IN. @WJ_David came and another friend in his Tundra TRD Pro. We had a great time. Dave did bust a brake line at the end of the day in his WJ :( He made it back home OK. He drove 5 hours to come hit the...
So, i have been debating on the current rack setup I have... I dont like it! I think it is too tall and looks strange. I am considering removing it and chopping and shortening it. Thoughts? Please answer the poll above and leave additional comments below!
I'll start by saying this; I am not a "tin-foil hat" type of guy but, anyone who believes there is no chance of terrorist attacks reaching the US is insane. I have owned 100's of firearms over the last few years, have sold/traded them when i was low on cash or wanted something else i'd just sell...
Guys, I'm gonna ask for your help with something.
My family going through a rough patch, my wife and I are not seeing eye to eye right now (Kids have us stressed out), finances are tight (Wife is still in college, luckily shes got a job lined up and graduates soon!) and work has me stressed...
I am trying to decide where i want to put my OB badge, I am thinking of ordering a duplicate and putting where the "Trail Rated" badge is mounted on Jeeps. Where'd you put yours?
Pics appreciated!
OK guys....I am looking at springs for my Jeep, I think I have decided to go with the OME springs. What's your opinions on them? I am also trying to decide if i should got HD or MD springs? From what i have read they only lift around 1.25-1.5inches over stock, that wont work for me since my...
Just like the title says, the "Itch" is setting in. I have got to get off the road, pavement is boring and I'd much rather drive a dirt road all day than pavement for another hour. My busy season for work is coming sooner than i'd like and iv'e got to get out and explore some, soon...
Lets use this thread to check in and tell a little about yourself, your rig, your adventures and, if you'd like your location (This is for Indiana so try to live here)..
My name is Jordan, I am 25, married w/2 kids (1yr old and 3yr old, both boys) I work for John Deere.
My rig is a 2004 Jeep...
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