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  1. NMBruce

    Best electric cordless chain saw for trail clearing? ***DeWalt Flexvolt 60V Max 16 inch or Greenworks Pro 80V 18 inch***

    I was looking at the Makita, but couldn't find the dimension here's a good video and there is a second one out there someplace. someone say chainsaw, a friend of mind collection.
  2. NMBruce

    Oklahoma Adventure Trail

    need to do this one of these days
  3. NMBruce

    The next GX470

    The GX can be a very good off road truck. I had one for 5 years and moved on because I wanted a pickup again.
  4. NMBruce

    Michigan Upper Peninsula

    Hope you stay warm and enjoy
  5. NMBruce

    Going back to a Full Size for my Overlanding

    Last year I sold my GX470 and went to a Tacoma, still just can’t go full size. I do have a trailer that I will bring on most trips, because it lets me carry everything I want and more. I do like your set and going to a pickup gotta look for that chain saw holder, it would be nice to added
  6. NMBruce

    New Midland MXT275 (GMRS Mobile)

    I am waiting for this to replace my MXT275
  7. NMBruce

    RTT - Hardshell vs Softshell???

    I have a TuffStuff Alpha ll and I love it. I like the over hang at the opening for when it’s raining outside, I can climb in and take my wet shoes/boots off out of the rain, something that a lot of these tents don’t have. I also got the annex and can set it up for longer stays or if the weather...
  8. NMBruce

    What is your favorite time of the year to overland?

    I like spring to fall. Being in the mountains of Colorado, spring and fall can get down right cold, under 15 degs at night. It nice to see the high mountains flowers and wild life out and the streams running. Most of the places I go, I can’t get after the first couple of snow falls or until the...
  9. NMBruce

    Small Propane Tank Selection and Storage Dilemma

    something about storage of 1lb tanks, get some 4' pvc pipe and a 1lb tank will fit nicely in there. I glued a cap at one end and a screw on at the other end. you can kind of see the two of them behind the Yeti in the middle
  10. NMBruce

    I just made all the routes I have public on Gaia 49,697 MILES WORTH

    Thanks, I try to make sure mine are public also
  11. NMBruce

    Small Propane Tank Selection and Storage Dilemma

    I just switched to a 5lb tank with a gauge, $50 at carry 2-3 one lbs for back up if on a long trip
  12. NMBruce

    Fridge with single battery

    I have been doing it for 5 years now, off a big X2 31M AGM battery. There are times when the fridge will shut down do to low voltage, but that is only when my truck sits around for a few days, never happens on the road or on the trail. I would like to hook up some solar panels. I plan to add...
  13. NMBruce

    An argument against Roof Top Tents

    At 63 years old/young, I used a RTT mounted on a half rack for the first time this year, 2 nights in Moab and 11 nights on the trail or traveling, I am loving it. I have slept on the ground, air mattress and cots, in a small 4 person tent that fit 2 people to a Kodiak 8 person tent, each have...
  14. NMBruce

    Bald Tires

    It is their money
  15. NMBruce

    Bald Tires

    Or how about that big coffee can (don’t know the real name of it) exhaust that add 20hp:tearsofjoy:
  16. NMBruce

    OB Approved Safety and Security While Traveling

    In my trips to the north, Canadian and Alaska, I was told many times to bring Bear Spray and I do. I have also read in multiple places, including here that Bear Spray can be used on other animals. OB Approved - Safe Encounters with Wolves (Mammals in North America):
  17. NMBruce

    OB Approved 10 Tips For Sleeping Warm In Camp

    bring a couple of army blankets, the wool blanket will make sleeping in cold weather a lot nicer. I have used them between the bag and cot and between my bag and an air mattress and over my bag. With my RTT, its just over the bag. I used them with my mummy bag in 10 deg weather and was comfy warm.
  18. NMBruce

    Needed some advice

    sorry I just saw this, I made a shell for my truck to go over the bed rack, need to keep dust and water out. I was working with ABS plastic and I found that a good high count saw works great. I have a plunge saw that also worked well. As for bending it, I scared the inside of the bend, about...
  19. NMBruce

    Bald Tires

    when tires get to 4/32" I replace them if I didn't already replace them because of a trip I am doing. My 1 year old 2020 Tacoma had its cheap tires replaced at 19K miles, only 5/32" of tread left. Didn't matter, we where doing the Pony Express across Utah & Nevada, I want some good 10 ply...
  20. NMBruce

    What's your campfire in fire season or no campfire areas?

    I have one of these and also carry this 80,000 BTU Propane Convection Heater, the second heater is great for colder weather. We use it also in the mornings when it’s not in the best interest to start a fire if your leaving in a couple of hours. Living in the west, no fires are becoming more and...