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  1. NMBruce

    Overlanding with a family of 6

    I would first find the vehicle you like to drive that carries the family and that will get you places you want to go. Next I would buy or build a small trailer to haul the gear. ArmyRN started a thread here about Harbor Freight trailers and building them up for off road, it will give you ideas...
  2. NMBruce

    RTT Question???

    Then the smaller Alpha ll tent should work
  3. NMBruce

    RTT Question???

    How many people are you planning to sleep in the tent? I looked but did see anything in earlier post, but guessing more than 2, the Alpha ll closed is L/W/H: 59.75 X 49.75 X 14 is you rack 1/2 hight or full hight?
  4. NMBruce

    New Mexico

  5. NMBruce

    Gaia gps

    I like that Gaia shows up on my CarPlay, but I wish Apple let it have more information, like Elevation and speed. I would like it more if it looked like the app on my screen. Have you see that Gaia with its newest update now has a new “Map Overlay” - “Public Tracks”. If I understand this...
  6. NMBruce

    US East Running the Trans America Trail (TAT) from WV to the OR coast

    haven’t had that happen to me since the Bobby told me and my friends we couldn’t sleep in the Queens Park, 1977?
  7. NMBruce

    US East Running the Trans America Trail (TAT) from WV to the OR coast

    for some reason, I haven’t been getting notices for this thread, so I just saw this. my iPad is only WiFi, but if I load the map or route and hook up to my BadElf GPS it works great
  8. NMBruce

    Overland Trailers - first-hand experience: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    My home build trailer is based off a M416, has about 40-50K miles on it. I built it on the smaller side for trails. thought I would show a picture
  9. NMBruce

    Overland Trailers - first-hand experience: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    this summer the trailer will have a new suspension and Alpha ll RTT on it.
  10. NMBruce

    In over my head, so I thought I'd reach out for help

    Sorry to hear about your lost. Because of your moms unexpected death and your unlimited budget, have fun and do it right the first time, then there is no reason to do it again, that will save you money in the long run. Plus enjoy it now, because you never know what's around the corner, which I...
  11. NMBruce

    Overland Trailers - first-hand experience: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    I have used a trailer now for 6 years, mostly to just carry gear. With 3 or 4 people in a JKUR or GX470, there is not much room for anything else and those where really long trips to Alaska and the Arctic Ocean. This Spring I will be adding a clam shell tent, Alpha ll tent, cost was good $1900...
  12. NMBruce

    RTT Question???

    I need to look into that mat, where did you get yours?
  13. NMBruce

    RTT Question???

    Wife wants a picture of the inside (I’ll show her one from their site) looks great, can’t wait
  14. NMBruce

    RTT Question???

    from Tuffstuff website
  15. NMBruce

    Fiskars Axe

    Fiskars splitting maul, axe and hatchet for the last 6 years or so, no problems
  16. NMBruce

    Electric Winch. Are they necessary for overlanding/touring?

    I been lucky, in last 9 years I have used my winch 6-7 times, always on someone else. I do consider it as an insurance piece and tool on my truck and I don’t like going places without it. Right now I am without it on the truck, but plan to have a new bumper and it mounted before my big trips.
  17. NMBruce

    DIY PoBack Off-Road Trailer Build

    where did you get the rails/rack?
  18. NMBruce

    Rio Grand Nat. Forest - South San Juan Wilderness

    There are Hotels in Pagosa and in South Fork, you could also VRBO, but last year they will filled up early. If you want to do more off roading, then go up by Lake City and do the Alpine Loop. If the wife likes taking pictures, then the top of Cinnamon Pass has a lot of wild flowers in the summer.
  19. NMBruce

    Rio Grand Nat. Forest - South San Juan Wilderness

    That’s the back side of Wolf Creek pass, Elmos Cabin area. what time of year are you planning to come out? Right now Wolf Creek Ski area has had 238” of snow far this ski year, Mobile Landing Page - Wolf Creek Ski Area - Colorado. So it could be late June for that area to open up if snow...