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  1. NMBruce

    Traction board mounts?

    nice. What size bolts? I need to make some for my half bed rack.
  2. NMBruce

    What justifies the expense for a rooftop tent?

    Great. Thanks, that is what I am looking at
  3. NMBruce

    What justifies the expense for a rooftop tent?

    Love it What hitch do you have? My trailer is based on an M416 trailer with a lock & roll hitch and sliding tongue, I am thinking of going to a Pintle type. Haven’t yet had a problem pulling mine wherever my JKUR, GX470 went. I plan to put the TuffStuff Alpha ll on it with scissor type lift...
  4. NMBruce

    Before you Buy Rooftop Tent

    For what you do, you are right. I had a nice Kodiak Tent, loved it, if I was staying someplace for a few days. It wasn’t that great when going to Alaska and the Arctic Ocean, up and down every day. I sold it to a guy who wanted it for him, his son and grandson when they went hunting, he loves...
  5. NMBruce

    What justifies the expense for a rooftop tent?

    TuffStuff just sent me a new Alpha ll because of my outer shell hinges were not mounted correctly and the top was hard to close. Very Good Company
  6. NMBruce


    I didn’t think about the type of vehicle he was using. That would some great information to know. I run Cooper ST Maxx because of their construction, so I can see that information getting used on other ply tires. On my GX470, I had to change a tire on a mountain forest road because a rock...
  7. NMBruce

    What justifies the expense for a rooftop tent?

    Your reason for not getting an RTT, is one reason while I like mine So what are you going to use? In the past in strong winds, my ground tents made noise and so does my TuffStuff Alpha ll, but I can set my Alpha ll up by myself and even close it in high winds, where a ground tent was a pain...
  8. NMBruce

    What justifies the expense for a rooftop tent?

    Good points and I will add something, WIND. I had many trips where I was going to meet people and trying to set up my tent in the wind was really hard to impossible, so I slept in the drivers seat or got a hotel along the way. This summer a group of us did the Pony Express and one night/day the...
  9. NMBruce


    So when you talk low $ vs high $$$$ are you also looking at 4 ply vs say 10 ply? I don’t know anything about off roading where you are, but out here I don’t recommend 4 ply tires. In the last 5 years, had to change 4 of them on the trail and zero 10 ply. Most everyone I go traveling with, uses...
  10. NMBruce


    Gaia pro, myiPad mini and BadElf GPS. Download what area or trails I want before hand and go
  11. NMBruce

    Looking for 500 MI poney express trail

    did you do the trail? If not and you still want to then give me a shout US Rocky Mountain - Utah & Nevada Pony Express route Gaia
  12. NMBruce

    Build vs. Buy - An Overland Trailer Debate

    I find $10k to be a lot of money to spend, but I do love my trailer. I think since 2014, I have about $4-5k in it. I was lucky that a friend built the frame based on his M416 trailer, another friend helped me build a box from plywood to look like a M416 box. In 2017 I built a new box out of...
  13. NMBruce

    Tire Size/Weight Philosophies

    I have a 2020 Tacoma TRD OR. Something to think about, your stock tires are so light because they are made with small thread depth, 11/32 new9k miles. I went to Cooper ST Maxx “E” rated in a 265/75/16, a 32” tall tire at 54lbs. I had thought about going to 255/85/16, but didn’t know how the...
  14. NMBruce

    Reaver's DIY adventure box!

    That door could make a really nice table
  15. NMBruce

    Reaver's DIY adventure box!

    mine was done at a body shop. For my current box, I use a marine varnish on Hickory wood and it holds up great
  16. NMBruce

    Reaver's DIY adventure box!

    a note about the Rhino lining. In my first picture of the white trailer box behind the JKUR, that box was made of plywood. Even after a primer, the Rhino liner soaked right in. So I recommend priming it twice before Rhino lining to ensure a good base.
  17. NMBruce

    Reaver's DIY adventure box!

    Good luck with your build. I have a trailer that a friend made the frame and then we built the box to go on it. I made it so it can be use in different ways. For camping I just carry everything in it, I do not have a pull out kitchen or wash area, for me tables work great for that, but that...
  18. NMBruce

    What do you use for weather forecast?

    not trying to predict the weather, just thought is was really funny how far off each of these where from each other and wonder what others used. went and got the tire chains today, just encase we get a lot
  19. NMBruce

    What do you use for weather forecast?

    When out on the road, I normally use my weather app if I have service, but today I really wonder if there could be something better? I live in SW Colorado at around 7500ft and we are expecting a winter storm starting Thursday. I was looking at the Weather Channel app to see what we could expect...
  20. NMBruce

    Best electric cordless chain saw for trail clearing? ***DeWalt Flexvolt 60V Max 16 inch or Greenworks Pro 80V 18 inch***

    Thanks. I am looking at putting it in my trailer, so I am looking at dimensions. I have a Stihl 34 super, that I could use.