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  1. Krusty

    Treating Motorcycle Road Rash?

    After sliding down the road a couple times at 40 plus mph (M/C crash) I found A&D ointment (yup, same stuff you used on your babies butt for diaper rash) is wonderful! Kept me from having a debridement in a couple places.Can say enough about it, simple is always best
  2. Krusty

    Pre-Runner build out?

    I'm considering turning my 2013 Toyota Pre-runner into an hardcore soft roader if that makes sense, and am looking for suggestions besides just get a 4x4. I'd like to pick the brains off others out there that have some experience with this...I know I can't be the only one! My plan before I...
  3. Krusty

    Cancelled VA Area Monthly Meetup & Campout!!!

    really appreciate the invitation. Sadly I have plans already set. Please let me know of the next one!
  4. Krusty

    Overland Related Recreation

    Lions and tigers and bears...oh my!! I can see that happening, I think I would get a little bored and lonely....
  5. Krusty

    Overland Related Recreation

    who goes by themselves? That the situation I'm currently in
  6. Krusty


    Thanks dude!
  7. Krusty


    Nah...I don't like driving it, why I want to sell it. Don't need it don't want it
  8. Krusty

    Old to Camping New to Overlanding

    Hey Jimmy, I'm in the same boat as you. Long time "car-camper", backpacker and hate to admit...sometimes glamper. Like you I've ordered the new Bronco (the big one) and am anxiously awaiting it's build and arrival. From what I hear it's gonna be a while as everything I asked for seems to be on a...
  9. Krusty


    <Have you looked into a set of rockslide engineering sliders? > No, but once at East Coast Rally some "friends" duct taped 2x4's to my boots so I could hold the bike up easier! Good times....
  10. Krusty


    Hi, my handle\road name is Krusty given to me a long time ago by friends I once rode with. I've done a little backpacking\climbing in years gone by, lots of car camping, mostly weekend stuff. So by the definitions I read here I've been "Overlanding" most of my life. I'm not driving anything...