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  1. old_man

    Ideas for truck bed foldable hard sided tent?

    It comes in a variety of configurations. You should get yourself some samples online to see how rigid it is. It is like corrugated cardboard clad with aluminum on one or more sides, but instead of cardboard, it is plastic. I grove it with a v cutter and fill the seam with weather strip...
  2. old_man

    Ideas for truck bed foldable hard sided tent?

    If you fab it yourself, look into alumalite sign board material. It works great, is light and waterproof.
  3. old_man

    Hi From Nairobi

    Welcome from Colorado/Utah
  4. old_man

    Old School New

    I've been thinking of doing a wrap on my rig, and buying extra so I can refresh it out every year or so.
  5. old_man

    What is your sleeping preference?

    Cold Night, hot babe, sharing a sleeping bag. I might be old, but I am not dead.
  6. old_man

    Building a Classic: 91 Jeep XJ Cherokee

    I keep mine clean and undercoated. Zero rust on a 35 year old vehicle.
  7. old_man

    Building a Classic: 91 Jeep XJ Cherokee

    That's why Jeep designed the engines to leak so much. It coats the underside and keeps rust down. ;-)
  8. old_man

    Building a Classic: 91 Jeep XJ Cherokee

    Hi, Love your XJ. I am a guru on these vehicles so if you ever need any technical help don't hesitate to post up or PM me.
  9. old_man

    Resolved Need to be able to clear RSVPs for Rally Points

    I have noticed on recurring Rally Points, the RSVPs do not reset for new iterations of the occurrence of an event. This leads to maxing out the number of RSVPs available and users getting an error message about the max RSVPs being exceeded. There needs to be a way to clear/reset the counter.
  10. old_man

    Wheel bearing

  11. old_man

    Jeep Gladiator Supercharged!

    Kiss that warranty goodbye.
  12. old_man

    Cancelled Northern Utah OB Meet & Greet - Reoccurring Monthly

    So is anybody going to show up tonight or am I going to waste a trip?
  13. old_man

    Old School New

    Nice Baler. ;-)
  14. old_man

    Cancelled Northern Utah OB Meet & Greet - Reoccurring Monthly

    Tried to RSVP but it said the limit had been reached.
  15. old_man

    US Rocky Mountain Rocky Mountain October Rock Crawling Trip In Moab

    What are you guys in favor of for camping? I probably will pull my teardrop, but would drop it before any trails.
  16. old_man

    US Rocky Mountain Rocky Mountain October Rock Crawling Trip In Moab

    Anybody interested? I might be persuaded.
  17. old_man

    Retired my jumper cables

    Ready Welders are cool but pricey. I have a MIG & Tig in my shop but I can do what I need with a couple of batteries and some 1/8" welding rod on the trail.
  18. old_man

    Retired my jumper cables

    I use my jumper cables more for welding than starting.
  19. old_man

    State of CALIFORNIA Calls for HAM Radio Repeaters Removal

    If true, once again, Kalifornia is trying to usurp the domain of the federal government. The state has no control over the air waves. They don't own them. They are explicitly set forth as a government OWNED item. The feds sell spectrum to providers. The federal government sets the...
  20. old_man

    Land prices in colorado

    Remember, by default you don't own the water under the ground you buy, or in Colorado, even the water that falls on your roof is not yours.