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  1. Kelly

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Upgraded to 3 years newer (OBD2), 42 more cubic inches, and 233,000 fewer miles :-)
  2. Kelly

    Non-Member Rig Photos

    Yelm, WA I'm 6'2"...
  3. Kelly

    Why Overland Bound ROCKS!!!

    This is my story, let's hear yours! Yesterday, while driving back from the British Columbia Overland Rally, my Jeep died. I had it towed to a Jeep dealership in Tacoma, WA. I wrote a post about it, and commented that I thought it might be the ECM, and because that part has been discontinued...
  4. Kelly

    Back in the USA!

    Back in the USA!
  5. Kelly

    BC Overland Rally

  6. Kelly

    BC Overland Rally

  7. Kelly

    New Member "IAMJAKE"

    The I AM JAKE fan base is definitely growing. Ran into Jeff C. at the British Columbia Overland Rally.
  8. Kelly

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Thanks!!! Changed it :-)
  9. Kelly

    Camp Photos!

    Representin' at BCOR.
  10. Kelly


  11. Kelly

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Salty Bay Ferry, BC
  12. Kelly

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Powell River Ferry, Vancouver Island, BC
  13. Kelly

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Team Canuckasfuck ;-)
  14. Kelly

    Camp Photos!

    Vancouver Island, BC.
  15. Kelly

    Cordless Chainsaw

    I carry 3 batteries and two chargers, so I can cut indefinitely.
  16. Kelly

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    My first "International" Overland group trip. #AnacortesUSA #SidneyBC
  17. Kelly

    Cordless Chainsaw

    The only comparison I did was that they both clear trails, AND the Dewalt runs guiet, always starts, needs little maintenance, and does not require fuel/oil/Stabil/spark plugs. PLUS, I can keep it inside the rig AND I can power it with the sun :-)
  18. Kelly

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Installed front & rear camera system...
  19. Kelly

    Camp Photos!

    Bought this from the guy who won it in the raffle...