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  1. F4T XJ

    Winter Trip to North Coast Scotland

    Took a 15 mile single track road across to the Atlantic ocean to camp It was the first night we had to share a camp spot with anyone else [emoji1]
  2. F4T XJ

    Winter Trip to North Coast Scotland

    Not sure how that random Jeep shot ended up in there [emoji1] Location of the beach at Gairloch. Was also further beaches just north called Little Sand and Big Sand
  3. F4T XJ

    Winter Trip to North Coast Scotland

    Headed further up the coast following the Wester Ross Coast Trail Came across a beach just north of Gairloch so stopped to let the dog stretch her legs. We pretty much had the beach to ourselves
  4. F4T XJ

    Some pics and update from my current trip so far
  5. F4T XJ

    Winter Trip to North Coast Scotland

    Anyone know how to link to Instagram post in a thread??
  6. F4T XJ

    UK members

    There is a cafe in the hall, would probably be the easiest place to find
  7. F4T XJ

    Winter Trip to North Coast Scotland

    Coming off the mountain pass we were in a small town called Applecross. We found what looked like a suitable place to camp and when we woke in the morning had a great view from our camp. Location of Mountain pass to Applecross
  8. F4T XJ

    Winter Trip to North Coast Scotland

    Headed right across to the West and spent a little to much time on the scenery and visiting a 1300 century castle light was fading and then realised we hadn't found anywhere to camp. We struggled for a while and came across a mountain pass that is not always passable during winter We...
  9. F4T XJ

    Wild Camping in the UK

    There are also some membership sites that offer contact direct to landowners that for a fee allow you wild camp on there land.
  10. F4T XJ

    Wild Camping in the UK

    The rules are complicated and just as much in Scotland. Wild camping is legal but NOT from a motor vehicle of any type. There is a good write up here However you find lots of people doing it. I wild...
  11. F4T XJ

    UK members

    Will try to make Donington this weekend
  12. F4T XJ

    Winter Trip to North Coast Scotland

    Location from first nights camp at Loch Vail
  13. F4T XJ

    Winter Trip to North Coast Scotland

    And of course we were so close we had to see if we could find the Loch Ness Monster
  14. F4T XJ

    Winter Trip to North Coast Scotland

    Popped up to Cairngorm to the ski resort but not much powder there at the moment
  15. F4T XJ

    Winter Trip to North Coast Scotland

    Campfire going and the Venison steaks were perfect Moon was to bright for any star gazing
  16. F4T XJ

    Winter Trip to North Coast Scotland

    Started the trip with an overnight blast across the border took around 10 hours total. We stopped just north of Trossachs national park and bought some local Venison steaks. We asked the landowner that we bought the steaks from if he knew anywhere we could camp. He let us camp on his land right...
  17. F4T XJ

    Winter Trip to North Coast Scotland

    Not particularly well planned have the Jeep all packed and a rough idea of a couple of places to go to but most will be just a case of seeing what comes our way. Will post some photos as and when we get connection but rig is loaded we have plenty of fuel, food and fire wood on board and I'm...
  18. F4T XJ

    Members Instagram ID

  19. F4T XJ

    UK Meetup

    Best time to go [emoji1] I'm heading up overnight this evening to Scotlands North West Coast weather seems to be improving slightly with wind dropping on the mountains so heading up for 5 nights camping.
  20. F4T XJ

    LED lighting Strips

    My LED light strips in the rear cargo area