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  • Can I go to the mountains yet?
    Aren't there any trails open nearby for you to go to already?
    Interesting county here - I was REALLY considering going this week - there are places open, but Alameda is still one of the most strict counties in the state and we are still under an "essential travel only" condition, and curfew past 8:00PM - crazy times.
    Hello Michael
    Is there an issue with the app for iPhone I am using an iPhone SE 2020 and when I try to log into the app I keep getting this message
    Log In Failed
    The Operation couldn't be completed
    (Forum SSO error 2.)
    Hi Michael, new member and really appreciating your daily videos. I know they are a chore but are received as a labor of love. Thank you! Wondering when the SOUTHWEST patches will be back in stock?
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    Reactions: Zimmie
    Here from the Netherlands, I do feel the same. Keep up tha good stuff!
    Hi. I have paid for my membership but haven’t gotten an email with my membership number yet. Waiting for a few days now. And I am getting other overland bound mail. Do you know what I should do?
    I'm going to try this in one take,,,,,ok, bad joke. are you still considering the extended range tank, and if so, would you be interested in seeing if we could put together a volume purchase for the 80 series?
    Micahael, just watch your video . Wanting a 40gl gas tank in Califorina is out of the picture, Califorina EPA will not pass it because you can't make changes to the fuel system. There is an inporter of exstened fueltank in Califorina , Venture 4x4 had one instaled on his jeep but He is out of state.
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    Thank You!
    Which video, I watched the crate one with Pelican etc. I know about the launch of the new product already. I'm hoping it offers good lock on top of each other fittings like the south African ammo crates. those are awesome but not "Pelican". coincidently I already have the Vault - but to doesn't lock on top as nicely either
    Just saw your video on rally point for the covid, great video! I dont see anyone needing help but if there is someone who needs help traveling long distance in the US, I maybe able to help. I work for Southwest Airlines and am willing to give a ticket to someone who needs to travel in the US if its needed. i.e. stuck in Washington and need to get home to another part of the US.

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    Sean - thank you so much! Much appreciated!
    This is an official invite to tonight's (Mar 15) monthly conference call for the Idaho Treasure Valley Overland Bound community at 7:30 Mountain time.
    Contact info:

    Dial-in: (425) 436-6317
    Access code: 572815#
    Meeting ID: dhopkins1961
    Online meeting: FreeConferenceCall.com

    My daughter Chava, is my co-pilot. The only problem with this picture is that she always wants to wear my OB hat. Michael, can we please get kids hats/shirts in the OB Store. She specifically requests a pink hat with black (or very dark pink) lettering...

    Thanks for this and everything you do for our community...

    Should I have received my Membership number by now. I purchased my membership on 1/2/20.


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    Kent R
    Kent R
    Don I have sent your request to HQ they should get back to you very soon. If not you can recontact me by message on the forum @Kent R
    Yes! Can you write a PM and I’ll look into it?
    All my best to Dublin. Grew up in Alamo, 50's and 60's, before 680...yes, we did play on the freeway after the crew went home.
    Your Corral Hollow run looks like you started at the trail head and looped around south west back to hwy 4.
    Michael, just discovered your videos on YouTube. Learned I'm doing it right on "what to buy first". Know what Garmin to get and can't wait to go to Corral Hollow. What a beautiful trail. Thank you for all you do.
    Hi Micheal & Corrie

    Thanks you for reaching out and welcoming me, I really appreciate all you have done in helping me gain my confidence to venture out of my comfort zone. Amanda in the office was so nice and I sent her photos of my truck and proposed camper shell. It can be daunting where to start and your videos and knowing you and the community are there means the world to me.


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    That is so good to hear! That is why we do it!
    Hi Michael,

    Thanks for the welcome message, but I have a two questions:
    I never saw anyplace to paste the number I copied from the email and I'm not seeing a what to PM
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    Let me look into this for you! I'll PM.
    Ah! I see you are all set!
    I see, I am all set, thanks
    Hello michael!

    Glad to be a part of the overland bound team! From one content creator to another i was wonder if you would be will to check out my videos and let me know what you think and any tips you might have. I started my channel January 2019

    Here is a link to my most recent video.


    Hello to the overland bound community!! New member
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    Hey Michael, Thanks for the welcome! Looking fwd to gleaning some wisdom from your crew. I see you're from Dublin. I grew up in Alamo...before 680. Ya, we did play on the freeway after all the workers went home. Must be a trek for you to find some dirt to play in..
    I just wanted to thank you and the entire Overland Bound crew for a great weekend. The Ozark Rally was awesome! Hope to be able to make it to more rallies in the future. Safe travels back home to you and everyone that were able to make the trip!
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