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  • HTML tutorial
  1. Michael

    Canceling membership

    OK, that should be cancelled and done.
  2. Michael

    Canceling membership

    I will look up your email and refund the renewal for you - If I can cancel it, I will do that as well.
  3. Michael

    Canceling membership

    You bet! It is basically this: If you bought a membership on the website, you cancel it on the website. If you bought on the Android or iOS store, you cancel it in your subscriptions on your phone. For the web store, go here: let me know if you have any...
  4. Michael

    Unable to upload gallery imagesin OBOne

    Thank you for the info! Looking into it.
  5. Michael

    Unable to upload gallery imagesin OBOne

    We’re looking into this. Can I get your phone device and OS?
  6. Michael

    Feels good to be back in Australia. Melbourne. No overlanding this time, but will likely get to...

    Feels good to be back in Australia. Melbourne. No overlanding this time, but will likely get to Gold Coast soon. Will look up friends.
  7. Michael

    Investors in OB

    I had no intention of expressing “tough luck”. Email and text are certainly not good at expressing intent.
  8. Michael

    Overland Bound Software Updates | April Migration

    Hello all, Timeline: Migration beginning of April. Many have noted site instability over the last few months. We are taking steps to update our software platform for long-term stability. For the unindoctrinated, software and dependencies need to be updated on a regular basis, or things start...
  9. Michael

    Investors in OB

    Direct link. Legal info and terms at the bottom:
  10. Michael

    Investors in OB

    Hey all, Nothing has changed with the terms of investment. There are specific trigger events for a return. As @El-Dracho mentioned, you have to go to the Republic site for legal information and terms. I will say, our plan has take much longer than expected to execute due to a general downturn...
  11. Michael

    Resolved Lagging email notifications

    FYI, posted community update regarding email flood: Email Restart Flood, Duplicates, Etc.
  12. Michael

    Email Restart Flood, Duplicates, Etc.

    Hello all! The forum outage that recently occurred had a knock on effect of not processing some emails. Today we restarted that process to restore regular email service. This resulted in multiple emails being sent to our Members, and should subside after the initial process is complete. Normal...
  13. Michael

    Resolved Lagging email notifications

    Yes - should be better once the queue is done. Apologies for the flood.
  14. Michael

    Resolved Lagging email notifications

    OK - all, confirmed this was a knock-on affect from the outage. We kicked the little engine that pumps email, and it should be flowing again. This means you might get a small flood of backlogged emails. I am going to switch this to "Resolved". Let me know if you have any other issues related to...
  15. Michael

    Resolved Lagging email notifications

    OK - I've done some testing and I want you to all rest-assured you are not crazy, at least in regard to this. :D There is some issue, and I'm bringing in the big guns (Steve). Will update soon.
  16. Michael

    Resolved Lagging email notifications

    Thank you! I would not be surprised if we have an issue from the outage the other day. We're looking into that. - like a hung process of emails that were not sent.
  17. Michael

    Resolved Lagging email notifications

    testing again
  18. Michael

    Resolved Lagging email notifications

  19. Michael

    Resolved Lagging email notifications

    OK - I have not received an email notification for your response so it certainly is not timely. Looking further.
  20. Michael

    Resolved Lagging email notifications

    Testing this here - subscribed to thread. Can someone reply so I see if I get the email?