Enthusiast III
I typically always have a AK or AR platform in my rig while camping. It gets locked in the cab at night and a 9mm goes in the RTT when sleeping. When the government or others say you don’t need a firearm, then you NEED a firearm.
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
Contributor III
Influencer I
I do same and I raise you 1mm. I carry a Glock 20 10mm with hard cast bullets while camping so I can deal with two and four legged predators.I typically always have a AK or AR platform in my rig while camping. It gets locked in the cab at night and a 9mm goes in the RTT when sleeping. When the government or others say you don’t need a firearm, then you NEED a firearm.
Trail Blazer II
Explorer I
Influencer I
How do you feel about condoms?I have never felt the need to carry any sort of firearm anywhere unless I am hunting. Maybe in polar bear country when I have to get out of a tent at nice to relieve myself.
Explorer I
I don't think a condom would provide much protection against a wild animal attack. To each his own though!How do you feel about condoms?
Explorer I
After 30 years of marriage and a frozen bag of peas I don’t carry those either.How do you feel about condoms?
Enthusiast III
I think we started this thread while I was still in Alaska. As I said, I carried powerful and mostly big bore sidearms. I never change a winning strategy. There is something about a Toklat when big animals make your life complicated.How do you feel about condoms?I have never felt the need to carry any sort of firearm anywhere unless I am hunting. Maybe in polar bear country when I have to get out of a tent at nice to relieve myself.
Explorer I
Winner, winner, chicken dinner. I sleep well knowing that the Super Redhawk or his lever gun cousin are ready to send some .454 down range. Whoops, I just gendered a gun, I had better go apologize and tweet some virtue signals!powerful and mostly big bore sidearms. I never change a winning strategy.
Enthusiast III
Not sure what all this means, nor what it has to do with me. Guns don’t have genders, though a Toklat is sexy. They’re simply tools. Relax, wouldn’t want you hyperventilating.Winner, winner, chicken dinner. I sleep well knowing that the Super Redhawk or his lever gun cousin are ready to send some .454 down range. Whoops, I just gendered a gun, I had better go apologize and tweet some virtue signals!powerful and mostly big bore sidearms. I never change a winning strategy.
Enthusiast III
Immediately thought “Howdy Texan!”I think we started this thread while I was still in Alaska. As I said, I carried powerful and mostly big bore sidearms. I never change a winning strategy. There is something about a Toklat when big animals make your life complicated.How do you feel about condoms?I have never felt the need to carry any sort of firearm anywhere unless I am hunting. Maybe in polar bear country when I have to get out of a tent at nice to relieve myself.
My dogs have been bit many,many times by Copperhead and Water Moccasin. So many times that the vet ultimately sent injectable diphenhydramine hcl (benadryl) antibiotics and pain relievers to keep in my home inventory (I had 10 dogs). If I was taking a dog into rattlesnake country particularly one not conditioned to snakes, I would talk to my vet about the benadryl. They get bit around the face most of the time and the swelling can close their esophagus. Before being able to inject them I would just stuff caplets down their throat which is much slower acting and somewhat difficult/hazardous as well .Immediately thought “Howdy Texan!”
Planning a trip to Big Bend NP. Talking to Texas groups, universally advised me to come prepared. Thing I’m nervous about is rattlers. We didn’t have snakes in Alaska, so my dogs don’t realize the danger.
Enthusiast III
This is so very useful!! Thank you. Down to 4 now but they’re my babies.My dogs have been bit many,many times by Copperhead and Water Moccasin. So many times that the vet ultimately sent injectable diphenhydramine hcl (benadryl) antibiotics and pain relievers to keep in my home inventory (I had 10 dogs). If I was taking a dog into rattlesnake country particularly one not conditioned to snakes, I would talk to my vet about the benadryl. They get bit around the face most of the time and the swelling can close their esophagus. Before being able to inject them I would just stuff caplets down their throat which is much slower acting and somewhat difficult/hazardous as well .Immediately thought “Howdy Texan!”
Planning a trip to Big Bend NP. Talking to Texas groups, universally advised me to come prepared. Thing I’m nervous about is rattlers. We didn’t have snakes in Alaska, so my dogs don’t realize the danger.
Influencer III
For that area, snake shot is an option.Immediately thought “Howdy Texan!”
Planning a trip to Big Bend NP. Talking to Texas groups, universally advised me to come prepared. Thing I’m nervous about is rattlers. We didn’t have snakes in Alaska, so my dogs don’t realize the danger.