Enthusiast II
Contributor III
Contributor III
Why don't you just un invite the bear to your campsite? or what if you covered yourself in honey? Maybe he would just lick and not chew...Again. Hi cap magazines have no place either. If you can't take down an animal with 3 shots take up knitting. Anyways. I know there will be lots of crying about people having their black guns taken away. That's not what I'm talking about here. I'm talking about protection from real threats like a bear in your campsite. The 50 cal airgun seems like a dandy choice.
I have a takedown and I love it. I have it set up as a squirrel gun right now, but your packable setup makes me want a supressor!I always have either a Glock 19 or FNX-45tactical on me for EDC.
I carry a Ruger Charger 10/22 takedown, suppressed, with an AGP stock that allows it to all fold up and is very compact and will fit in almost anything. it's a perfect survival gun. Suppressed with subsonics, it's quieter than my old Crossman air rifle from when I was a kid. I can easily fit this little gun (the suppressor stores in the folding stock), 2- 25 round magazines and 1200 rounds of ammo in any of my small backpacks with my other gear. I have an old Adventure Medic zip up first aid pouch that it fits perfectly into without the scope on it.
Traveler III
Most pump shotguns have a capacity of 5-7 rounds in their tubular magazines. I expect if the OP found himself facing down a furious charging grizzly intent on ripping his face off, or got stalked by a cougar or a ravenous pack of wolves, he might quickly be singing a different tune. The level of foolish ignorance would be really amusing if I didn't know he had the vote in my country.Why don't you just un invite the bear to your campsite? or what if you covered yourself in honey? Maybe he would just lick and not chew...
Again this needs to be able to be liked more than once.Most pump shotguns have a capacity of 5-7 rounds in their tubular magazines. I expect if the OP found himself facing down a furious charging grizzly intent on ripping his face of, or got stalked by a cougar or a ravenous pack of wolves, he might quickly be singing a different tune. The level of foolish ignorance would be really amusing if I didn't know he had the vote in my country.
Expedition Master II
That is a Beautiful rifle.View attachment 191684
I have a browning takedown. It now wears a 3x9 Leupold. I love this little gun. I just wish there were as many accessories for it as there are for the rugers. I’d be happy with a padded case for it when it is in takedown mode.
Traveler III
So if someone steals your car and uses it in a crime, you're the one to blame and we should be coming after you as a society? Wow that sure makes sense.And where do these weapons come from. NOT ALL FROM USA. just last month 4 AR 15s were stolen from a legal gun owner in NS. SO....YES this DOES keep Canadians safer. Sorry AR owners are butthurt. Get pellet versions...they offer the same feel, however the dont go bang.
Trail Mechanic I
I carry. Everywhere. All the time. You never know when things will go sideways. My main sidearm is referred to as my American Express card ( never leave home without it.) . I have a backup weapon in my EDC bag referred to as my parachute. Both are the same make and model so I can swap magazines without fear of "Do I have the right mag for this one?"Who carrys a firearm with you for protection while camping? I have not in the past, however, bear activity seems to be increasing around the areas I camp in the past little while.
World Traveler III
I feel you on that. I have decided that I now totally avoid those places that have that kind of potential for a blow-up.I stopped carrying recently because I decided I'm more likely to shoot someone with how crazy things are getting, and if I have to defend myself with a firearm I'll likely be vilified on the national news.
All I carry now is the Democrat approved 4 inch blade. I'm OK with stabbing and slashing it's more personal when you can smell what your enemy last ate while your dispatching them.
Just waiting for an African American to declare that banning black guns is racist so things can get somewhat back to normal.
Enthusiast III
However, there's one saying I like to think about: "I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6". So.... stay trained, keep aware, and avoid all bad situations.
Basically 24/7. This falls under the paradigm of better to have and not need that not have and need. Not only for the various types of predator's one may encounter, but also, in many decades of camping/off-roading, I have become aware of a change in the "wilderness attitude" one may encounter. On the plus side, the deeper I press into the wilds, the more like minded I am likely to encounter. But that is me, your mileage and views may vary.Who carrys a firearm with you for protection while camping? I have not in the past, however, bear activity seems to be increasing around the areas I camp in the past little while.