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The thing that scares me isn’t losing my guns. It’s the shady underhanded way in which they will become illegal that worries me. It’ll be a back door rider on a bill that has no relation to firearms. Or it will sneak in during a special session held at 1 am on a Sunday night.
If you think that can’t happen look at the state of Nevada and their mining tax proposal. It was put on the agenda at 1 am on a Sunday when nothing against it would be brought up. And “our” governor will make it sound great to the people with no stake in the game. Reno and Vegas will vote to pass it and northern Nevada will become a great big ghost town.
It will happen the same way with firearms. Again, if you don’t think so, ask yourself what part of your state controls the rest? Where are there alliances? The line between urban and rural is clearly drawn when you look at political affiliation. Everyone in Nevada that has heard of this bill, and doesn’t understand the ramifications of it, reads it and thinks there will be royalty checks for everyone. $50 dollars per person for one year, will cripple this state. After that year mining will pull out of Nevada. No business means no taxes means no royalties for anyone. How much would it take to get the majorities of our controlling populations to vote against the gun?
It is not discussed on the news in southern Nevada, or if it is,......It is mentioned in passing. I think I heard it mentioned....ONCE.....on channel 8 news down here. I do not remember when that was either.The governor has been a disappointment in many ways. He fell into lock-step with national party leaders for support. When he was a local politician. he seemed much more 'middle of the road', aka not as beholding to special interests.
I know how big mining is to NE (Elko) for gold, and other mineral mining in Central cow counties also for income diversification (Tax base). Also the Covid 19 issue has really set the state back. I am surprised how he was able to check the NRA ((Nevada Resort Association) as much, .as he did, seeing just how powerful they are. They are the maker and shakers in this State.
Decades ago, when Kennacott Cooper closed down, the whole region collapsed, and the tax base just ip and left en mass. And the governor at the time played chicken, That was all about smoke stack scrubbers, All about the threat to close down. The governor lost that bet.
Yah, that is how so many poison bills get passed. All added to legit legislation that is popular. It gives cover to their votes.