When #vanlife goes horribly wrong.

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As soon as I saw your subject line, Gabby was the first person I thought of. The way you posted, I thought this was going to be of something recent. Curious to know: What brings this up going on 4 years later?


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Las Vegas/Palo Alto
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yea actually I was in on the search fro her, and netflix didnt call it out like they should but keep on commenting its free and you dont have to know what your talking about.
So, you didn't post the YT link so people would view it? I never said you weren't on the search.



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Tacoma, WA, USA
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Those so called Law Enforcement Officers LET HER DOWN! They now have to live with that. They should have protected her. Makes me sick.
What should they have done? Have you seen the body cam footage of their entire interaction? The women called 911, police pulled them over, separated and questioned them both. Minor tussle and arguing was the impetus for the 911 call. They asked her if she feels safe, she did. She didn't want to proceed with further action against her boyfriend, and wanted the both of them to be on their way. The police doubly, triply made sure that was her wishes.

What sort of extra-authority do you think they have? They cannot kidnap her, arrest her, have any grounds to arrest him. Even if they did, either would be released immediately for having not committed any serious crime. After release, they would've likely reunited, as they were far from home and traveling together.

The police don't know what the boyfriend would do in the future, and are under no expectation to have that crystal ball. They can only act on circumstances in front of them. That interaction was minor. There is nothing further the police could have done that was within their purview or lawful authority.
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