When #vanlife goes horribly wrong.

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As soon as I saw your subject line, Gabby was the first person I thought of. The way you posted, I thought this was going to be of something recent. Curious to know: What brings this up going on 4 years later?
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FULL VIDEO CAN BE FOUND HERE. It’s important to keep raising awareness so situations like this don’t happen again. Hoping for justice and change to protect others in the future. Stay safe out there! Before using any writing platform, I always check their About Us page. The DoMyPaper section provided detailed information about their team, which we can find About us at DoMyPaper.com here. It made me trust them more. After using platform, I found everything they claimed to be true. The writers were professional, and my paper was high-quality. If you want to know more about this platform before ordering, their About Us page has all the details.
Those so called Law Enforcement Officers LET HER DOWN! They now have to live with that. They should have protected her. Makes me sick.
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yea actually I was in on the search fro her, and netflix didnt call it out like they should but keep on commenting its free and you dont have to know what your talking about.
So, you didn't post the YT link so people would view it? I never said you weren't on the search.

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Those so called Law Enforcement Officers LET HER DOWN! They now have to live with that. They should have protected her. Makes me sick.
What should they have done? Have you seen the body cam footage of their entire interaction? The women called 911, police pulled them over, separated and questioned them both. Minor tussle and arguing was the impetus for the 911 call. They asked her if she feels safe, she did. She didn't want to proceed with further action against her boyfriend, and wanted the both of them to be on their way. The police doubly, triply made sure that was her wishes.

What sort of extra-authority do you think they have? They cannot kidnap her, arrest her, have any grounds to arrest him. Even if they did, either would be released immediately for having not committed any serious crime. After release, they would've likely reunited, as they were far from home and traveling together.

The police don't know what the boyfriend would do in the future, and are under no expectation to have that crystal ball. They can only act on circumstances in front of them. That interaction was minor. There is nothing further the police could have done that was within their purview or lawful authority.


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What should they have done? Have you seen the body cam footage of their entire interaction? The women called 911, police pulled them over, separated and questioned them both. Minor tussle and arguing was the impetus for the 911 call. They asked her if she feels safe, she did. She didn't want to proceed with further action against her boyfriend, and wanted the both of them to be on their way. The police doubly, triply made sure that was her wishes.

What sort of extra-authority do you think they have? They cannot kidnap her, arrest her, have any grounds to arrest him. Even if they did, either would be released immediately for having not committed any serious crime. After release, they would've likely reunited, as they were far from home and traveling together.

The police don't know what the boyfriend would do in the future, and are under no expectation to have that crystal ball. They can only act on circumstances in front of them. That interaction was minor. There is nothing further the police could have done that was within their purview or lawful authority.
Gonna respectfully disagree while asking permission to contradict myself here...

I have no insider involvement like @RichieFromBoston might have. I know only news reports of the time and the recent documentary Riche talks about.

1) he murdered her, and nothing can change that. He did the worst of wrongs, so there that is

2) having said that, the documentary did absolutely nothing to show that he was any kind of monster. Of all the video footage they had, and chose to show, none of it shows him freaking out, flying off the handle, chicken snapping, going postal or anything. That doesnt mean he didnt kill her. He did. But they kept talking about how obviously bad or ominous he was, and failed to present that. Although they were given every opportunity.

3) she DOES freak out. On video. She admits having anxiety and I think neither of them was equipped to handle that anxiety very well.

And being on the road 24/7 like that can be a pressure cooker if two people dont understand each other and how to manage themselves or a situation.

4) caller to police state HE is hitting HER. While police followed van, SHE was hitting him. Causing erratic driving. She admits hitting and scratching him. And he is marked up from it. For his part, he says he wasn't hitting her as much as pushing her away.
That's when he locked the car and actually dis the right thing by walking away. He could have done better by grabbing his backpack while he was at it. And kept right on walking home.

5) he is calm during Terry Stop. She is a hot mess and admits it. But yes. She does not want to be separated as she says that would make matters worse.

6) when police re-interview witness they said it was clear she was the aggressor, yet the only audio they provide is when the caller says he hit her

7) police gave HER the keys to the van. I saw her mom complain that he got to keep in a hotel and she "had to" sleep in the van. What I think mom missed is that the van literally IS freedom to get away from a bad situation if she wanted to.

8) he has marks on him and she admits hitting and scratching him. That is ALL the police need to arrest her on domestic assault. Not only does she spend the night "indoors" but there would be an arraignment the next business day and a hearing.

Now you are in the system. That's heavy. You think twice after that. Even still, during the hearing they could have both refused to testify against each other and in a matter of days, they would have been on their way together.

8) at the start of police video. It appears Gabby had a mark on her cheek. I cant make it out whether he hit her or that's skin reaction from being flustered. He admitted to pushing her. So he did put his hands on her. And here are the police discussing a concern that Brian could return to a battered boyfriend scenario. That's a bit comical given what we know now. That would have been enough, though, for a night in the pokie for him, and a hearing the next business day.

Again, they probably would have reunited.

9) Gabby' ex-boyfriend and possible female companion just saying every conversation was ominous, all well after the fact, is, unfortunately not proof of anything.

10) given that the police actually could have arrested either one of them or both, and held them for days or over a weekend until a hearing, they could have decided to hold one of them as a danger to the other. Sometimes bail is revoked. Again, they could have reunited days later.

11) Brian flew HOME to Florida to take care of some unspecified business. Again, Gabby was alone with the keys to the van and could have driven directly home if she wanted to

I am absolutely NOT blaming Gabby. Merely pointing out in terms of criminology the multiple opportunities she had to leave a bad situation.

12) after the New York (Jersey?) police reached out to Fla. police, stating they have a missing person and could you check boyfriend's house...theres the damn van. It is in her name and her name only. What's it doing there (we know he drove it home). You have a missing person complaint, coupled with a boyfriend who has custody of a vehicle not registered in his name, but in the name of the missing girl, and you dont get the desk officer to call a judge out of a sound sleep to give you a warrant to search that van and enter the house? By that time a warrant for phone records would have shown what the FBI attested to -the lack of movement of her phone at first, then hom texting back and forth with instantaneous results

I mean, you get that warrant! You get backup down to the Laundrie residence. You get a supervisor's supervisor and get an affidavit emailed to a judge who can send a warrant back, and you get in that house and get the van sequestered as a evidence. And arrest Brian. The last known person to see her alive. Are police in Florida so afraid of lawyers that they wont even follow basic police procedures and common sense just because someone says "I have a lawyer."? Up here, they would say "OK, then you better call them and see if they show up tonight, because a missing woman's van is in your driveway and your son was the last to see her alive way across the continent. Good luck with that."

13) and SOMEONE was asleep at the switch for Brian to be able to escape the house. A LOT of someones. Police should have been on him like white on rice. It was NATIONAL news by then. And Lord Almighty with all those reporters, and he just slipped away? Wow.

14) even at the end that stupid story brian made up of her falling in the water and being so cold and them struggling, so he ended her life. W T H?

It's a man's job to do everything he can to help her or die trying, not to end her life without at least a burial and going to the authorities to report, instead of driving 3,000 miles home and saying nothing

My guess is she was having a tough day, maybe freaking out and he couldn't handle the situation...or he found out she was in contact with her ex...and either way things got out of hand in a flash and he did kill her in that horrible way and left her like that hoping wildlife would scatter her remains. Coward. Then, and when he hid behind his mothers apron.

Sorry for the wall of text. I was taken aback by both the lack of video showing Brian as a monster (although he obviously killed her) and taken aback again by so many police in at least 2 states, almost trying to pretend not to see the elephant in the room. "Well, maybe the elephant WONT crush the mouse...?" And just giving up.


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Those so called Law Enforcement Officers LET HER DOWN! They now have to live with that. They should have protected her. Makes me sick.
I was a bit concerned about the lack of follow through in Utah and Florida. Seems like the PD from Long Island who were on the phone with the cop in Florida whi saw the van at the house, those folks seemed the most concerned

World Traveler III

Nokomis, FL, USA
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Gonna respectfully disagree while asking permission to contradict myself here...

I have no insider involvement like @RichieFromBoston might have. I know only news reports of the time and the recent documentary Riche talks about.

1) he murdered her, and nothing can change that. He did the worst of wrongs, so there that is

2) having said that, the documentary did absolutely nothing to show that he was any kind of monster. Of all the video footage they had, and chose to show, none of it shows him freaking out, flying off the handle, chicken snapping, going postal or anything. That doesnt mean he didnt kill her. He did. But they kept talking about how obviously bad or ominous he was, and failed to present that. Although they were given every opportunity.

3) she DOES freak out. On video. She admits having anxiety and I think neither of them was equipped to handle that anxiety very well.

And being on the road 24/7 like that can be a pressure cooker if two people dont understand each other and how to manage themselves or a situation.

4) caller to police state HE is hitting HER. While police followed van, SHE was hitting him. Causing erratic driving. She admits hitting and scratching him. And he is marked up from it. For his part, he says he wasn't hitting her as much as pushing her away.
That's when he locked the car and actually dis the right thing by walking away. He could have done better by grabbing his backpack while he was at it. And kept right on walking home.

5) he is calm during Terry Stop. She is a hot mess and admits it. But yes. She does not want to be separated as she says that would make matters worse.

6) when police re-interview witness they said it was clear she was the aggressor, yet the only audio they provide is when the caller says he hit her

7) police gave HER the keys to the van. I saw her mom complain that he got to keep in a hotel and she "had to" sleep in the van. What I think mom missed is that the van literally IS freedom to get away from a bad situation if she wanted to.

8) he has marks on him and she admits hitting and scratching him. That is ALL the police need to arrest her on domestic assault. Not only does she spend the night "indoors" but there would be an arraignment the next business day and a hearing.

Now you are in the system. That's heavy. You think twice after that. Even still, during the hearing they could have both refused to testify against each other and in a matter of days, they would have been on their way together.

8) at the start of police video. It appears Gabby had a mark on her cheek. I cant make it out whether he hit her or that's skin reaction from being flustered. He admitted to pushing her. So he did put his hands on her. And here are the police discussing a concern that Brian could return to a battered boyfriend scenario. That's a bit comical given what we know now. That would have been enough, though, for a night in the pokie for him, and a hearing the next business day.

Again, they probably would have reunited.

9) Gabby' ex-boyfriend and possible female companion just saying every conversation was ominous, all well after the fact, is, unfortunately not proof of anything.

10) given that the police actually could have arrested either one of them or both, and held them for days or over a weekend until a hearing, they could have decided to hold one of them as a danger to the other. Sometimes bail is revoked. Again, they could have reunited days later.

11) Brian flew HOME to Florida to take care of some unspecified business. Again, Gabby was alone with the keys to the van and could have driven directly home if she wanted to

I am absolutely NOT blaming Gabby. Merely pointing out in terms of criminology the multiple opportunities she had to leave a bad situation.

12) after the New York (Jersey?) police reached out to Fla. police, stating they have a missing person and could you check boyfriend's house...theres the damn van. It is in her name and her name only. What's it doing there (we know he drove it home). You have a missing person complaint, coupled with a boyfriend who has custody of a vehicle not registered in his name, but in the name of the missing girl, and you dont get the desk officer to call a judge out of a sound sleep to give you a warrant to search that van and enter the house? By that time a warrant for phone records would have shown what the FBI attested to -the lack of movement of her phone at first, then hom texting back and forth with instantaneous results

I mean, you get that warrant! You get backup down to the Laundrie residence. You get a supervisor's supervisor and get an affidavit emailed to a judge who can send a warrant back, and you get in that house and get the van sequestered as a evidence. And arrest Brian. The last known person to see her alive. Are police in Florida so afraid of lawyers that they wont even follow basic police procedures and common sense just because someone says "I have a lawyer."? Up here, they would say "OK, then you better call them and see if they show up tonight, because a missing woman's van is in your driveway and your son was the last to see her alive way across the continent. Good luck with that."

13) and SOMEONE was asleep at the switch for Brian to be able to escape the house. A LOT of someones. Police should have been on him like white on rice. It was NATIONAL news by then. And Lord Almighty with all those reporters, and he just slipped away? Wow.

14) even at the end that stupid story brian made up of her falling in the water and being so cold and them struggling, so he ended her life. W T H?

It's a man's job to do everything he can to help her or die trying, not to end her life without at least a burial and going to the authorities to report, instead of driving 3,000 miles home and saying nothing

My guess is she was having a tough day, maybe freaking out and he couldn't handle the situation...or he found out she was in contact with her ex...and either way things got out of hand in a flash and he did kill her in that horrible way and left her like that hoping wildlife would scatter her remains. Coward. Then, and when he hid behind his mothers apron.

Sorry for the wall of text. I was taken aback by both the lack of video showing Brian as a monster (although he obviously killed her) and taken aback again by so many police in at least 2 states, almost trying to pretend not to see the elephant in the room. "Well, maybe the elephant WONT crush the mouse...?" And just giving up.
Another point is....he asked if he could to go to jail instead of her. Watching the full badge cam video, even though some audio has been redacted, is always better than relying on an edited version (especially one in a TV series that is painting a narrative). He killed her and we will never know why. Their instabilities were amplified far beyond what regular people can fathom. Even in the cherry picking of videos, it's obvious his "dirty feet" and disorganization was a big and continually growing problem. Having done 7 years in a van, your relationship better be solid. The old joke about the Pan-Am is it either ends in marriage, a baby, or divorce. Long term vehicle dependent travel is not for most.

We happened to be in that exact forest during the time she was killed but we were in a small northern section a little over 50 miles away. We purposely stayed away from the area they were in since it had a Van Life following, that's something we do everywhere. By the time we had heard she was missing we were several states away. The ending of their lives is a tragedy.
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We know why. She was bat $#/+ crazy.

Sorry. But nothing for the cops to do with this one. She had every chance to leave with them, and chose to torment her boyfriend some more, instead.

It was her call. And she screwed it up.


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We know why. She was bat $#/+ crazy.

Sorry. But nothing for the cops to do with this one. She had every chance to leave with them, and chose to torment her boyfriend some more, instead.

It was her call. And she screwed it up.
Well, in two words, sure. Or hot mess, or whatever. Of course, she didnt deserve to die over that, and he should not have killed her. Best case scenario, he should have just recognized that she was a handful, grabbed his backpack and started walking east.

But yes there was something the cops could have done. SHOULD have done. What WAS done was what used to be done 3o years ago, and isnt anymore for this exact reason. They should have made an arrest for domestic assault and it would be on record. That would have separated them for more than 24 hours, between arrest, no bail. Dangerousness hearing the next day. Affidavits and the judge could have ordered her held. Or not. But then that takes it out of the police's hands and then it becomes a judge's problem.

Who knows, that may have separated them enough for them to get their heads on straight. Maybe it would have just happened a month later.


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Also, I dont know why the police in Florida didnt just arrest Brian for stealing the van. It was in her name only, after all. Or if not "theft", then at least the little-known "use without authority." They could have held him, investigated and up-charged him later as they gained more evidence. Then he could not have escaped justice and off'd himself (at least, not so easy). Every inmate with a woman or daughter on the outside would be keeping an eye on this guy.


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I have no insider involvement like @RichieFromBoston might have. I know only news reports of the time and the recent documentary Riche talks about.
I just wonder, if he was really there in the moment then why did it take 4 years to make a video on it?

I watch some of Jailbreak's videos. Preferred his older content though because now it really seems to tug at dramatizing events, even when the events aren't dramatic.


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I was a bit concerned about the lack of follow through in Utah and Florida. Seems like the PD from Long Island who were on the phone with the cop in Florida whi saw the van at the house, those folks seemed the most concerned
I totally agree, 911 man slapping small girl in fave up and down main st, police show up and point out girl has been slapped as visible by her face they should have pressed him. and it COULD have ended there the florida police let him slip away. AND THE STORY AINT OVER YET...........