Advocate I
Saturday did a straight through 2nd leg of a 1989 round trip (19 hour drive from Oak Harbor WA to home). Somewhere near Eugene Oregon the WJ lost the alternator function. Made it into Eugene and a parts store on battery, and they had one in stock. R&R and on the road again! Counting our lucky stars this happened near a city, there is a lof of wonderful nothing on I-5 between there and home.
Not bad for a spur of the moment 2000 mile round trip with no prep. Top off the air in the tires, 3 new wiper blades, an alternator, and a lot of gas. And the hum from bad rear axle bearing/housing didn't change in pitch the entire trip. AND the service engine (change the dang oil dummy) countdown had 23 miles on it when I arrived home.

Not bad for a spur of the moment 2000 mile round trip with no prep. Top off the air in the tires, 3 new wiper blades, an alternator, and a lot of gas. And the hum from bad rear axle bearing/housing didn't change in pitch the entire trip. AND the service engine (change the dang oil dummy) countdown had 23 miles on it when I arrived home.

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