Trail Security

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Of course preparedness is not propaganda, the propaganda lies in the fear factor. If you want to be “ prepared “ that’s cool, do want you want, but fear and paranoia are what we all should be leery of. If you think the NRA isn’t propagandizing fear, then they have you, hook line and sinker.. somebody get the net.

Knowing enough to be polite in any language is an important first step. It will never be my first assumption that they, whoever they may be, (last century it was those lazy no good Irish, then the Italians, and we all know those Italians were all connected, don’t we?) are going to do me or my wife any harm. If that is anyone’s first assumption, then that’s simply a damned shame. You guys that want to carry, go for it, no one wants to take your personal defense weapon away from you nor does anyone want to take your hunting rifles away from you. If you believe that the powers that be want that, then once again, you’ve fallen for the propaganda of fear. Me? I really don’t give a damn, I just like being the devils advocate on occasion, after all, how strong could any opinion be if it’s never challenged?

MOAK's initial post that brought this about, for context

As we all now know which I and anyone paying attention knew then, THAT is exactly what Northam and the Democrat legislature of VA was attempting to do, and public pressure is the only thing that shut them down.

Now I'm going to walk away, because nothing good is going to come from arguing with a leftist.
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Lanlubber In Remembrance

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MOAK's initial post that brought this about, for context

As we all now know which I and anyone paying attention knew then, THAT is exactly what Northam and the Democrat legislature of VA was attempting to do, and public pressure is the only thing that shut them down.

Now I'm going to walk away, because nothing good is going to come from arguing with a leftist.
One thing about it, I doubt you will get shot.:grinning:


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Leftist? With all due respect you haven’t the ability to engage in a healthy debate. You as with most folks that are incapable of a healthy exchange of ideas resort to name calling and ranting about. I don’t care about you or your guns. I could give a shit less. However, I do find the 2nd amendment to be worthy of an interesting debate. Just as RoevWade is worthy of an interesting debate. It’s sad that our society has devolved to the point that it is impossible to even communicate our ideas to one another without all the emotion and raw unvarnished language being hurled about.

Lanlubber In Remembrance

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Will not comply.
There are 100+ million other gun owners with the same opinion. Largest army on earth is the gun owners of America that are just as determined to keep their firearm's and freedom to bare them as the first Americans were to gain their independence from the Brit's. When will the leftist learn ? To us it is worth fighting and dying for, though it will be others who pull the trigger first. People should keep in mind that the revolution was fought by only - - -

104,000 colonists fought in the American Revolution (85000 Patriots + 19000 loyalists). This comprised of 4.8% of the population in the colonies at the time. The loyalist were the supporters of the revolution. Combined the loyalist, Patriots and non combatants represented only 10% of the population of the colonies. 90% of the population sat on their butts and did nothing. Doesn't that sound like some people we know today ?
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Angel Rivera

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Lots of far ranging questions. I’ll limit.
* Except for camera (I have everything from spy camera to 8x10.)And have been very lazy. I carry two iPhone XR and use that. The gang wants to get back, but our 365 took a lot out of us and we’re still scared. But I’ve always loved film and will be going back to that.
* I live in Alaska now. “The Last Frontier” is an understatement. I live in Anchorage almost 1/2 acre, easement on two sides, and have wild animals traipsing through here. Moose, bare, cats, coyote, wolf,I’ve seen with my eyes. You sit at my patio, there is a large, heavy bore handgun on the table. You won’t find a 9 on display here. Only for classes.
* Traveling, I usually carry a sidearm (SW Governor with PDX1 410 self defense rounds around people, 325gr Buffalo Bore +p for animals or 10mm with Underwood Ammo Extreme Penetrator rounds) and a 12 gauge shotgun with Brenneke Black Magic Magnum rounds. 1 3/8 ounce round propelled to over 1500 FPS. It will ruin someone’s day. I just bought a Shockwave to upgrade for carry with me.
* That being said...In September, I drove the infamous Dalton Highway to the Arctic Ocean. The one time I got lax, ColdFoot Camp, cleaning all that dirt and grime off windows and lights when my front facing camera warbled. I turned to look and saw a very irritated Mama Moose with her young baby. She was snorting. Not having it! Everything was out of reach.but I got in the Hummer, and on the other side were mushing kennels and the dogs that distracted her from me...Always be alert.

Jim SoG

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OK folks time to listen up, especially those who can not seem to stick to the original posts theme and want to derail things over personalities or politicas..........

I will not tolerate name calling, threats, constant back and forth posts not related to the OP theme, this forum is for discussion and exchange of ideas, you may have an opinion that I hate and can not believe you take BUT I am not going to call you names, attack you, your rig or your post and start flaming. Now I would post my opinion in a factual or personal experience way and that is fine, if this reply needs to be carried onward we could start another thread and debate like adults and leave crap out of it!

I read the exchange above and all of the latest posts are out of line, PERIOD. Knock it off, we all get heated or misunderstood (if we was starting out just poking fun) and things progress but enough is enough. Trail security IS NOT about the 2nd Amendment, who has or has not got guns and if guns are good pr bad, it is what do you use for trail security.......

This forum is for us and I do not care if you agree with me or not, it is a gift! Do not trample my gift, your gift, our gift please.


Any issues, send me a msg.


M Rose

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OK folks time to listen up, especially those who can not seem to stick to the original posts theme and want to derail things over personalities or politicas..........

I will not tolerate name calling, threats, constant back and forth posts not related to the OP theme, this forum is for discussion and exchange of ideas, you may have an opinion that I hate and can not believe you take BUT I am not going to call you names, attack you, your rig or your post and start flaming. Now I would post my opinion in a factual or personal experience way and that is fine, if this reply needs to be carried onward we could start another thread and debate like adults and leave crap out of it!

I read the exchange above and all of the latest posts are out of line, PERIOD. Knock it off, we all get heated or misunderstood (if we was starting out just poking fun) and things progress but enough is enough. Trail security IS NOT about the 2nd Amendment, who has or has not got guns and if guns are good pr bad, it is what do you use for trail security.......

This forum is for us and I do not care if you agree with me or not, it is a gift! Do not trample my gift, your gift, our gift please.


Any issues, send me a msg.

Well said Jim.


Rank VI

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Ok fine no guns, knives or whatever floats your boat now your left with nothing but stern stares at passers by and finger pointing to keep camp safe? Lock your doors? Replace glass with steel panels? Ask anything about weaponry especially on the internet and your gonna get some crazy ass answers from both sides there aint no way around it.

Lanlubber In Remembrance

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Ok fine no guns, knives or whatever floats your boat now your left with nothing but stern stares at passers by and finger pointing to keep camp safe? Lock your doors? Replace glass with steel panels? Ask anything about weaponry especially on the internet and your gonna get some crazy ass answers from both sides there aint no way around it.
One word, stealth !


Rank VI

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One word, stealth !
Im making a point. I live in texas and dont travel to anti gun states so i know how id handle things, but here we are being asked not to talk about guns on a trail security question. Maybe pick better trails if your that worried about it. Dress up in a bear or bigfoot costume or get a stuffed bear to carry around with you. Buy crappy stuff. Look crazy as hell so no one wants to be around you. Be naked, youd be suprized how fast a room will clear when you drop you britches. Stop worrying about thing you cant control. There are lots of options but most arent good or smart like pepper spraying a pissed of grizzly bear not a good or smart idea, telling the locals where your going not a good idea.
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I don't think guns are what was meant by knocking it off. It's the politics that's the problem. I may choose to avoid California because what is legal in other states are illegal in Cali and I may have an item that could get me in trouble. My offroad lights don't have covers. I don't want to get fined for that or arrested for a 12 round mag. Cali gets to do what they want and I get to choose to go or not.


Rank VI

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Unfortunately guns are at the forefront of politics these days so you cant have one without the other.
Censorship aint too cool neither it usually comes with some type of tyranny.

M Rose

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Jim’s point was to take the politics out of the discussion. If you’re anti gun, then steer away from firearms. There are a lot of other weapons out there that can be used for personal protection. My favorite.... a spork. Not only can I eat my dinner with it, I can gouge our your eye as well.