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Lanlubber In Remembrance

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Mimbres, NM, USA
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I lived about 2 hours west of Fort Worth up till I was about 18 then again for a few years a few years when I was stationed in Fort Worth, then moved to East Texas after I got out of the military. Which Hunt County is barely considered East Texas. Any rancher/farmer letting people shoot on their property is a huge liability risk for them. If they're willing to take it good on them. I got lucky growing up and had 10 acres to shoot on so it was never an issue.

So if you can't find the land owner you just shoot on someone else's property anyway? Seems dangerous along with a good way to get a Class C misdemeanor trespass charge at the very least.

Absolutely, but since the BLM manages 15.5 million acres of land in California (15 percent of the state), and National Forrests cover about 21 million acres (20 percent), that's largely a non issue. Between those two California, and many places "out west", blow Texas off the map for #1 public land accessible for the type of travel and recreation many on this board enjoy doing and shooting since we're talking specifically about that in this thread. You have far more opportunity for non "square range" type shooting than anywhere in Texas.
(So if you can't find the land owner you just shoot on someone else's property anyway? Seems dangerous along with a good way to get a Class C misdemeanor trespass charge at the very least.)

To answer your question above, the answer is yes. I will shoot on private property in two ways. One if I cannon locate the owner and two if the land is unposted for No Trespassing or No Hunting as required by law then I will shoot there. In order to get a class C misdemeanor you have to trespass on posted land. It is the land owners responsibility to post his land if he doesn't want someone on it. As far a being dangerous, that responsibility lays on the shooter and always has. I'm a responsible shooter and would never endanger someone's life. Those that do should prosecuted as far as the law allows.. Just because one shoots on private land doesn't make it any more dangerous than shooting on public land. As far as land area to shoot in, I think there is about 150,000 sq. miles of west Texas I would have no problem firing my rifle.


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Hunt County Texas
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I'm not speaking to you being unsafe. I'd be more worried about a pissed off landowner who's also armed finding me illegally shooting on their property.


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I lived about 2 hours west of Fort Worth up till I was about 18 then again for a few years a few years when I was stationed in Fort Worth, then moved to East Texas after I got out of the military. Which Hunt County is barely considered East Texas. Any rancher/farmer letting people shoot on their property is a huge liability risk for them. If they're willing to take it good on them. I got lucky growing up and had 10 acres to shoot on so it was never an issue.

So if you can't find the land owner you just shoot on someone else's property anyway? Seems dangerous along with a good way to get a Class C misdemeanor trespass charge at the very least.

Absolutely, but since the BLM manages 15.5 million acres of land in California (15 percent of the state), and National Forrests cover about 21 million acres (20 percent), that's largely a non issue. Between those two California, and many places "out west", blow Texas off the map for #1 public land accessible for the type of travel and recreation many on this board enjoy doing and shooting since we're talking specifically about that in this thread. You have far more opportunity for non "square range" type shooting than anywhere in Texas.
Don't disagree, but the laws are having their affect, local and county laws, laws restricting what you can and can't buy or own without being labeled a criminal. You can't buy ammo now without a registered gun and a fee. It's real.



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I'm not speaking to you being unsafe. I'd be more worried about a pissed off landowner who's also armed finding me illegally shooting on their property.
It's not illegal if the land is not posted so.
Varies by state, Jim.

The larger point is that it would be just stupid to go hunting on most non-posted private land without or not, because of the chance of a pissed off land owner.


Lanlubber In Remembrance

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Mimbres, NM, USA
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covey sr
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Varies by state, Jim.

The larger point is that it would be just stupid to go hunting on most non-posted private land without or not, because of the chance of a pissed off land owner.

I stand corrected. I have not lived in Texas in 25 years and the laws have evidently changed since I lived there. What was being discussed was primarily a place to go target shooting, not hunting. My contention is that as far as I know there is no problem finding plenty of places to go shooting in Texas as the poster had contended. Finding owners who will let you shoot on their property has never been a problem for me in west Texas as long as you do it by their rules.

Lanlubber In Remembrance

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Mimbres, NM, USA
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covey sr
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Posted or not posted, you're saying you knowingly go onto someone elses property and use it as if it is your own?

You KNOW it isn't yours, and you use it anyway , and feel compelled to validate that by saying " it wasn't posted"?

Holy shit.
That was the law when I lived in Texas. I didn't make the law. Yes 25 years ago when I lived in El Paso and Odessa Texas everyone who wanted to shoot , hunt Deer, Antelope, rabbits or birds just went out to the unpopulated desert areas and did it. The law was on my side because of the posting laws at the time. I didn't break any laws. If the owner posted his property it meant he didn't want you there so we didn't go on posted property.


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Off-Road Ranger I

Wherever we park it will be home !!
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WRPN 506
Defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million. CDC data.

2018 saw 127,258 rapes and 16,214 murders vs. Lightning kills an average (I couldn''t find data for 2018) of 49 people each year in the United States and hundreds more are injured.

Your statement that you're more likely to get hit by lightning and killed then getting killed in a home invasion is flat out wrong.
Cool, however, the data you presented does not reflect “ home invasion” murders. There aren’t any solid numbers on that but it is estimated that only a dozen or so victims are killed while at home during an invasion. It just doesn’t happen often enough for any agency to segregate the numbers. Lots of people are killed in there homes. Usually by a loved one or someone they know or suicide. I’ve given this some thought before reposting as I don’t seek to offend anyone, but facts are pesky little things that sometimes challenge well thought out opinions. There are some of the opinion that Wyoming is basically crime free because most everyone carries. There is a huge difference between causation and correlation. Social scientists maintain the reason for low crime rates in Wyoming is simply because of the tiny population. Good day and happy trails
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That was the law when I lived in Texas. I didn't make the law. Yes 25 years ago when I lived in El Paso and Odessa Texas everyone who wanted to shoot , hunt Deer, Antelope, rabbits or birds just went out to the unpopulated desert areas and did it. The law was on my side because of the posting laws at the time. I didn't break any laws. If the owner posted his property it meant he didn't want you there so we didn't go on posted property.
I'm speaking of your own personal moral guidelines.

I live in Texas. I have lived in Texas for 40 years. The posting laws are a guide to prosecution, not conveyance of rights. Unposted DOES NOT and never has convey the right to use another person's property, it simply protects you from prosecution.

That's some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen on the internet.
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Off-Road Ranger I

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WRPN 506
Pretty obvious that you are unaware of what is currently going on in Virginia.

You should educate yourself so as to not appear either a fool or a liar.
I took my good old time getting back to this, as I have payed close attention to what my neighboring state is/has passed concerning gun control legislation. I'm well aware of and have been well aware of what the new Va gun laws are all about. Even Wyoming has stricter gun laws than Va, as Va is still ranked 21st in the nation as far as being friendly to the gun owner with less restrictions. New Mexico ranked 18th and Wyoming ranked 34th. Alabama is at #1 with Rhode Island in dead last #50. Neither a fool nor liar am I, thankfully I take no offense being labeled as either. I've been called a lot worse over the course of my life. I would suggest that you sir, should set your preconceived prejudices aside and embark upon a bit of honest research before appearing to be extraordinarily uninformed.
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I took my good old time getting back to this, as I have payed close attention to what my neighboring state is/has passed concerning gun control legislation. I'm well aware of and have been well aware of what the new Va gun laws are all about. Even Wyoming has stricter gun laws than Va, as Va is still ranked 21st in the nation as far as being friendly to the gun owner with less restrictions. New Mexico ranked 18th and Wyoming ranked 34th. Alabama is at #1 with Rhode Island in dead last #50. Neither a fool nor liar am I, thankfully I take no offense being labeled as either. I've been called a lot worse over the course of my life. I would suggest that you sir, should set your preconceived prejudices aside and embark upon a bit of honest research before appearing to be extraordinarily uninformed.
Va gun control failed because people turned out in mass to protest it. More than 90% of the states counties passed sanctuary actions declaring they would not enforce unconstitutional laws.

Pretending that gun control legislation did not pass in Va because of some inherent good in the electorate is intellectually lazy and dishonest both.

Ralph Northam is a seething leftist, racist, and general all around piece of shit, but he is what the population centers elected. Va is a perfect example of why we have and will continue to have the Electoral College on a national scale.

Enjoy your life without guns, I wish you well, but if you decide to come for mine bring your own body bag as none will be provided.


Rank V
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Off-Road Ranger I

Wherever we park it will be home !!
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WRPN 506
Va gun control failed because people turned out in mass to protest it. More than 90% of the states counties passed sanctuary actions declaring they would not enforce unconstitutional laws.

Pretending that gun control legislation did not pass in Va because of some inherent good in the electorate is intellectually lazy and dishonest both.

Ralph Northam is a seething leftist, racist, and general all around piece of shit, but he is what the population centers elected. Va is a perfect example of why we have and will continue to have the Electoral College on a national scale.

Enjoy your life without guns, I wish you well, but if you decide to come for mine bring your own body bag as none will be provided.
7 of 8 measures passed legislation. I don’t pretend anything.. you are debating points that I’m not making. I’d be nice if you would address the facts I have passed along rather than what you somehow think that I mean. Virginia does rank 21st, well above what Wyoming ranks as far as gun owner friendly laws. You’re getting your panties all in a knot over an imagined issue with me. If you think that background checks are a bad thing, if you think that reporting the theft of one of your collection is a bad thing, if you think that a local government should be able to enact “no gun zone” laws is a bad thing, if you think confiscating a gun from someone that has threatened you or your loved ones with it is a bad thing, if you think buying more than 12 guns a year is a good thing, or if you think it’s OK to leave your weapons around the house within easy reach of children, then let this conversation begin, because those are the 7 laws that have been passed. I don’t believe for a millisecond that any of those laws affect any law abiding citizen. Nor do any of them trample upon our 2nd amendment rights. If you want to debate each of these new laws I’m wide open to it, I’m a progressive, that simply means that my thought process may change when I discover that differing opinions may be better informed than I on any given subject..
wow, when did I ever say I was opposed to carrying firearms, when did I ever say I didn't want you doing that. Seriously, go back and reread what I wrote. I have carried for 13 years and competed in everything from action pistol to 50bmg long range. I am for sure pro individual ownership. Just because I disagree with someone's approach doesn't mean I disagree with the position.
we are in the same boat in this discussion, some folks are so entrenched in their beliefs/opinions that they have lost all ability to reason. I'm being attacked as well, because I was so stupid to not know what was going on in my neighboring state, which of course I do know what is going on. I'm blown away by it. I'm reminded of a little 13 year old that has dug their heels in deep while arguing with themselves.

Lanlubber In Remembrance

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Mimbres, NM, USA
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covey sr
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I dont particularly like this thread because it is a conversation that is a non conversation. I'ts impossible to respond to people who misunderstand what you are trying to say. I misunderstand some writings too because some people cannot express themselves in writing which I believe is a lost art compared to our forefathers ability. Some of you are very articulate in expressing yourself yet you are misunderstood as I have been at times. To me this is better camp fire conversations where if we dont like what the other says we can punch each other in the nose or act like civilized humans. There is no one here on this thread that I totally disagree with as written or understood. I know where I stand on gun's and that is a pure pro gun passion.

There may be a few (very few) reasons to remove a gun from an individual. They are all obvious and have nothing to do with a person who has NOT committed a crime. Law enforcement does not prevent a crime most of the time, it cant until a crime is committed. It only prosecutes a crime that was committed and cannot be anticipated at all times. I know several people who have mental problems who will never be a danger to anyone including themselves. I have been involved with mentally ill, of all categories, since 1953. There are psychopaths but they cannot be confused with the average mentally ill person. IMO most people dont know enough about the mentally ill to make good judgement about their welfare, including law enforcement, and indeed Lawmakers who brainwash the public who is so uninformed it's not funny. Our lawmakers cant even define an assault rifle from a semi automatic, so how can they pass laws about who will and who wont shoot each other. The prudent thing to do is to enforce laws that are already on the books (even though hundreds of the thousands are ridiculous).

I could say a lot more, I wont, but I hope I got through to the masses here on OB.


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7 of 8 measures passed legislation. I don’t pretend anything.. you are debating points that I’m not making. I’d be nice if you would address the facts I have passed along rather than what you somehow think that I mean. Virginia does rank 21st, well above what Wyoming ranks as far as gun owner friendly laws. You’re getting your panties all in a knot over an imagined issue with me. If you think that background checks are a bad thing, if you think that reporting the theft of one of your collection is a bad thing, if you think that a local government should be able to enact “no gun zone” laws is a bad thing, if you think confiscating a gun from someone that has threatened you or your loved ones with it is a bad thing, if you think buying more than 12 guns a year is a good thing, or if you think it’s OK to leave your weapons around the house within easy reach of children, then let this conversation begin, because those are the 7 laws that have been passed. I don’t believe for a millisecond that any of those laws affect any law abiding citizen. Nor do any of them trample upon our 2nd amendment rights. If you want to debate each of these new laws I’m wide open to it, I’m a progressive, that simply means that my thought process may change when I discover that differing opinions may be better informed than I on any given subject..

we are in the same boat in this discussion, some folks are so entrenched in their beliefs/opinions that they have lost all ability to reason. I'm being attacked as well, because I was so stupid to not know what was going on in my neighboring state, which of course I do know what is going on. I'm blown away by it. I'm reminded of a little 13 year old that has dug their heels in deep while arguing with themselves.
What passed is meaningless and superfluous, and not any part of what Northam wants/wanted.

Universal background checks, who do you think will submit to this? MS13 or people who are law abiding already

Report stolen weapons. Who do you think will do this lawful gun owners of the meth head down the road?

Give local governments authority to enact laws in direct conflict with the Constitution. SCOTUS will destroy this

Red flag laws? Worst possible laws imaginable, ripe for abuse and they will be abused. If you can't see how that will happen you are daft. Has nothing to do with "gun control" and everything to do with weaponized politics.

Limit handgun purchases to one a month. Again, do you think this applies to anyone but a law abiding individual? "Hey Jesus, you want to buy a gun?" "Sorry homie I already bought one this month". You can't possibly be that stupid.

Prohibit access to individuals subject to a protective order? Same as red flag. Wife girlfriend, boyfriend is pissed off and they call the law. No guns for you, no judge or jury involved.

Felony to leave guns recklessly where a person under 18 can access it. Who gets to decide reckless?

What Northam and the leftists want to to decide what you can and cannot have. This has already been decided by SCOTUS.

This is what you get from statists, they continually seek to erode essential freedoms by impugning on the law abiding with restrictions and inconvenience, while enabling criminals in the same act.

As for your earlier post I give no shits about proprietary freedom ratings.

Debate you? No thanks, there is nothing to debate. Shall not be infringed means exactly that.